When Calcutta list will be released? Any info?
Result update!
How many people having C call going for A and B? Category wise
- ST
- SC
- General
0 voters
How many are reserved for EWS candidates ?
results out
Make this group more active as results out !!
Joka pulls bluffs too. Damn 🔥
Someone upload previous year waiting list movement
Any idea when the IIM C results will be out?
What was the waitlist movement last year for IIMC in all categories?
IIM A&B converts who will be forgoing their IIM-C seats? (CONVERTS ONLY)
- Pwd
- General
0 voters
Anyone here who has converted both A and C, and is going to choose C?
Waitlisted at 87 SC, any chances of conversion?
- Convert in last list
- Convert in next lists
- No
- Yes
0 voters
What's the waitlist procedure? Like when do they release next list.
Waitlist OBC-89
- Convert in first few lists
- Convert but in last list
- Borderline
- No convert
0 voters
General , 86 waitlist, convert ?
- Yes
- No
0 voters
Please suggest
- KJ
0 voters