@Praveen_IIMBG The last date for me to pay the EOI fee is 15th June,2021 by 2:00pm, until when can I withdraw so that I this amount is fully refunded? Thanks!
will there be any movement in nc obc?
IIM Bodh Gaya when asked about the registration date
For NC OBC - who has already converted
- Will withdraw
- Will definitely join
- Waitlisted for other IIMs…withdraw if I’ll convert them.
0 voters
Any of you got refund ? Please reply
When can we expect the next waitlist and any rough idea on how many more waitlists will come after that?
@adcom I graduated last year but my college hasn't given the degree yet. What should I do? Will an undertaking work?
NC OBC IIM bodhgaya wl D209 Will I able to convert??
- No ( not at all)
- Moderate chances
- Yes ( sure)
0 voters
Iim bg Nc obc E_84 Chances?
- Will not convert
- Will convert in june only
0 voters
Hello everyone,
The list has been updated
Provisional Admission Offer:
To candidates, who have accepted EOI, up to following ranks in the WL EoI:
UR_G_200, EWS_B_077, NC-OBC_C_375, SC_B_230, SNG UR_D_060, SNG NC-OBC_D_050, SNG SC_B_085.
Other candidates, who have accepted the EOI, have been allotted the fresh WL numbers in UR, EWS, NC-OBC, SC, SNG UR, SNG EWS, SNG NC-OBC and SNG SC lists.
Will the new EOI be rolled out ??
IIM BG WL number: WL_SNG UR_29 Chances of convert?
Guys, what is the last date of withdrawing 50K ?
Anyone here NC OBC - E group and got mail or notification for EOI payment?
Hello Guys,
Which is better among the following.
- IIM Raipur
- MDI Gurgaon (IB)
- IMT Ghaziabad PGDM Marketing
0 voters
Is there anyone from NC-OBC who has secured a offer and will withdraw after 16th june?