[Official] IIM Bangalore 2020-22 Admission Queries

what was waiting list movement last year for OBC?

@SuvDe @ashay_17

Waitlist 17 ST category. Any chance?

 Waitlist 16 ST category. Any chance? 

Waitlist 13 for NC OBC category..Is there a chance for conversion ...Please help me know🙏


Just a thought:

Lets say 'X' convereted IIM-B but not A and 'Y' converted IIM-A but not B.

now both of them wishes to join the other IIM but will not widhraw untill a confirm call from other is received and due to this there is no WL Movement and they now have to move forward with what they have.

General category waitlisted at 81. Is there even a bleak possibility of conversion?

Genuine answers will be highly appreciated. I am not in a position to give CAT this year again. 

What is timings of Admission Office of IIM B?

A friend of mine converted IIM B. How much should be the cost of the party which I can ask him??

***I choose the 2nd best option****

  • Rs. 1k
  • Ask for an Apple Product
  • Rs. 500
  • Wager for 10 azzkicks at any point in his life

0 voters

What should we fill in the Application No. in the EWS form?

The link given in the mail, is it working for anyone, once you put in the email, it just refreshes to same page?

http://hrm.iimb.ernet.in/iimb/PGp_2019/CAT-2018-Offer-Wait_2019.htm Congrats Converts :)

What do you guys think about this year's Waitlist movement? Will the Waitlist movement go up or down? Shivam Shekhar any insight on this? Thanks in advance :)

IIM Bangalore ranked first in this year's NIRF ranking of Management Schools. This is in line to my own views given earlier in this Admission Queries. Congrats to Converts .. Best wishes to others who missed out with a hope for them to get great converts!!

IIM Bangalore: EWS fresh application Query

Is the deadline of 15th April, 5PM given for sending the scanned copies of the supporting documents (Affidavit & PGP data form) only or also for sending the true copies (by post) to Admissions office IIMB?

Please Help.

Any WhatsApp/Telegram group of converts?

What's your decision ?

  • Converted and joining
  • NA, rejected, skip, just checking…
  • Converted but not joining
  • Waiting and looking forward to join
  • Waiting but won’t be joining

0 voters

Could someone post here if someone gets to know the number of buffer calls sent out this year?

Hey Guys, I got WL20 under general category, what are the chances ?

This is for SC category .. 2018 - As of now WL-11 converted IIMB last year . Source-https://www.pagalguy.com/discussions/official-iim-bangalore-2018-20-admission-queries-4510932158906368/6236896800276480 2017- Around 30 I hope this help us to gauge our chances. Now the movement will totally depend on the buffer calls and for that we'll have to wait till 24th April to see whether there are any buffer calls or not.

ST category, WL-10, any chances of getting through???