Will CAT/XAT scores be considered at any stage of the admission process? Because I read somewhere that the best of the available candidate scores (CAT/XAT/BAAT) will be considered while calculating composite scores. Please clarify.
when will the admt cards be out for baat since today is last date
What will be the timing of BAAT ?
please explain the exam pattern? 1)sectional weightage,no of questions in (VARC,LRDI,QUANT) 2)marking scheme
Anyone pls tell how many people have applied for BAAT exam?
anyone who got delhi centre ?
Everyone need your suggestion my test centre was supposed to be nagpur but they gave me bengaluru due to lockdown imposed by the govt. The flight to Bangalore cost me 10k should I go for it or not pls suggest
Anyone from nagpur here?
Is there chance of exam getting postponed because cases are rising again and many cities are going for lockdown again?
The inaugural ceremony of 'INTERFACE 2021' conducted by The Department of Management, BITS PILANI will be held on 19th March 2021 on the following link from 17:15 to 18:45.Kindly join the link well in advance and do not miss the opportunity to witness the grand inaugural ceremony. https://cutt.ly/qzN4IWX
Hello Aspirants ! The day is here!!! We take this opportunity to invite you all for the Inaugural ceremony at 5:00 PM today. Please find below the link to join: https://cutt.ly/qzN4lWX
May I know if there is any update on postponing BAAT exam because of recent spike covid cases
As interviews will be starting from 1st April (according to the official website), when can we expect the initial shortlist?
BAAT scores are out!
- <=140
- 181-190
- 171-180
- 161-170
- 151-160
- 200+
- 191-200
- 141-150
0 voters
When can we expect the initial shortlist for interview?
Shortlist out!
Everyone who got shortlisted,Please mark your BAAT SCORE? Just to know cutoff.
- 170+
- 161-170
- 151-160
- 141-150
- 131-140
- 121-130
- Below 120
0 voters
Will u take admission if u convert?
- Yes
- No
0 voters
What is the total number of seats for BA?