Hi! Xat id . Is only number enough or I need write the entire thing XATxxxxx?
I wanted to confirm that SOP was needed to be upload as an image or pdf file written in MS-WORD, right?
By when will the Shortlist calls be released?
date of shortlist?
Hello team, can you provide tentative dates for gd/PI at pune, because I have Gd/PI on every weekend of March except for last weekend.
what is the expected cut off for xat and how the placements are ??
Can I get 100% bank loan ?
Hi Admin Team,
The GDPI slots will be alotted to us or we will have an option to choose ?
Also could you please clear whether the GDPI will be conducted on multiple weekends per city or not ?
Very risky to travel to GDPI venues both for applicants and to other side also as applicants come from various places threw bus and train where risk of Corona virus is high ... Hope for alternative like online interview..
Hi Adcom, Did you guys conduct interviews in Kolkata in 2019?
Shortlist out guys, check in website where you filled the form
Join the group here. This is not the official group by college
Hey Adcom, Can you tell about this year's cutoffs for MBA program.
Hello Adcom. Can you tell how many students get shortlisted for GDPI process at BITS and tentatively by what date the final results are declared.
Is this the official group of Bits Pilani? I can't see any queries answered by seniors
Anyone up for gdpi 26th march pune?
By when selection results are out?
Is there any change in the GDPI schedule, considering the spread of coronavirus in the country?
Is gd-pi changed to online?
Dear aspirants, considering the current situation and the widespread of COVID-19 commonly known as The Corona Virus, Institute has decided to conduct the usual GD/PI process online this time.
An official e-mail has been sent to all the short listed candidates and we urge you to regularly check your emails for further communication and instructions.
Thanks for your cooperation, feel free to contact us for any further queries.
So do we mail the documents or upload them in some new portal? Degrees, Certificates, extra curriculars, etc.