[Official] BIM, Trichy | MBA Admissions 2024–26 | PaGaLGuY

BC WL 4...any chance?

BC- WL53 - Any chance of conversion ?

BIM MBA OC WL 106 Chances of conversion in later lists?

  • 0%
  • 100%
  • 50%
  • Can’t say

0 voters

Hey team, OC WL44 Any chances?

OC WL-102

Chances of Conversion??

I belong to oc category. My WL is 90?.any chances of conversion?

I want to know that the initial deposit and 3 lakhs at the start can be paid by loan? Do we get the loan by that period or we have to arrange for that money on our own? Pls pls reply

1.Could anyone please guide me on the refund policy after 3 lakh payment + 50k payment?

2. Is there any .... group for converts?

As per mentioned since I have a WL of 136 , i need to pay 5K .So if at the end i cannot convert BIM will i get the amount back???? Kindly confirm

BC WL-5 

 Chances for Conversion?


OC-WL 59 any chances?

What is the reservation policy at BIM Trichy? I know it's as per TN Govt. norms, but what are those norms? How many seats are blocked for each category? Is there a domicile (Tamil Nadu) reservation as well? How many seats are available for Gen outside TN?

BC wl 30 what is the chance of conversion??


Important Message

During the payment process, if the payment platform doesn't provide an option to fill the remarks, please mention the same in the mail you write for payment details.

BC WL 60 any chance??

Hi I am OC WL91 if any chance of conversation, I yes when we expect

OC WL91 any conversation chance

  • 75
  • 100
  • 50
  • 25

0 voters

OC WL - 136..Chances???

  • 100
  • 60-40
  • No chance
  • 50-50

0 voters

How will the refund happen if I take SBI loan for the first installment of Rs. 3 lakh? Will the bank get the the entire amount refunded. Or will there be any transaction charges deducted?