Wl 109.Withdrawn my admission. Best of luck to others.
A friend withdrew from Rohtak. WL should move by one for general category.
My Wl is 138 gen ,i am withdrawing from rohtak. Hope this helps someone .good luck guys
They have acknowledged my mail for withdrawal so i feel waitlist will be released tomorrow or next week
Asking in neutral group. IIM Udaipur vs IIM Raipur vs Vgsom Inclined towards HR. Already money paid to Vgsom, whose refund date has passed
- Udaipur
- Vgsom
- Raipur
0 voters
Now my wl in kashipur is 184. You think it'll move that much nw
- Yes
- Poll check
- No
0 voters
What was the movement in obc category in the last list??
How many more lists will come??
- 4
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 5
- 6
- Poll check
0 voters
How much more obc movement can be happen??
- Poll check
- 21-30
- 11-20
- 1-10
- 0
- 51-60
- 41-50
- 31-40
- More than 100
0 voters
Recieved withdrawal acknowledgement from Rohtak .wl no 109
Just Withdrawn from Wait List.. CWL 114 All the best guys..
I gor offer under ews category on 20th June. I paid confirmation amount yestarday . Date of reporting for registration is not given in the mail but date of start of session is 29 June . At what date do I need to report for registration . Any idea?
Adcom please help us that will there be any further list. We have to take our decisions accordingly @diksha_rao
Any OBC candidate withdrawing or have withdrawn admission?
When is the last date of withdraw of offer acceptance fees? ?
From when classesis going to start? ?
What is the date of registration? ?
IIM Raipur vs Vgsom(iit KGP). Inclined towards HR.
- Vgsom
- IIM Raipur
0 voters
Any one alive in iim rohtak admin, can we expect another list? As we have to take decision. Please atleast reply.
Guys your suggestions would be greatly appreciated
- Mdi im
- Iim raipur
0 voters