Now Playing #music

'Cause sometimes you just feel tired,

Feel weak, and when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up.

But you gotta search within you, you gotta find that inner strength

And just pull that shit out of you and get that motivation to not give up

And not be a quitter, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse. 👍👍

enjoy evening...

@PhoenixScribe 😁😁😁 Pink floyd Mania mg

@ScareCrow28 @hexagon @brixcel @PhoenixScribe @AshuIIMA @mailtoankit :) :clap:
wonderful song 😃

@brixcel Listen to this :mg:😁😁😁

aaj ka final gana meri taraf se CAT ke liye specially

@brixcel @AshuIIMA @PhoenixScribe @hexagon @ScareCrow28 @mailtoankit @miseera & all others

for rock & roll maniacs

The flute arrangement is brilliant!!

finally ..home sweet home... @toruk.makto @nexus.anonymous @brixcel @richaaa.. @meenaku @ratnasen @fighter21

Thank you.. :God:

@richaaa.. @brixcel @toruk.makto @nexus.anonymous @ratnasen @fighter21 @meenaku

Thank you :God:

for my love..

:inlove: with this song... :blush:

@brixcel @blackhawk99 @richaaa.. @Hankering111

the spirit of never giving up 😁 😁

one from the lost world

My favorite song dedicated to someone special 😃😃