Hi Guys,
Just a quick question from those who have already given the CFA Level 1.
Should i start with Study Session 1 or i can start with any session. I think it doest make a differance until i take up all eco or finance session togther, Can you please through some light on it
And 2nd question is how to get comfortable with the calcy
Please do let me know
Thanks a lot
Should i start with Study Session 1 or i can start with any session. I think it doest make a differance until i take up all eco or finance session togther, Can you please through some light on it
hi. well i havnt cleared the level 1, but i dont feel there`s any harm in starting any study session you like. it`s better to start with something you are familiar with rather than going in a serial order. i`ve been doing the LOS chapters kinda randomly...now whether this is (was!) advisable or not...my results will tell

Hi pink..
I think a lot of folks would be interested in:
(1) The program focuses on asset valuation and portfolio mgmt. If one is not specifically targeting these areas (or has not decided yet), what kind of benefit can one derive from this program.
(2) What is your background?
For candidates with little or no background in finance, how useful is the CFA in breaking in breaking into finance.
(3)Can you suggest a study plan with materials that you found useful?
How much time did you spend on clearing the two levels?
If you have any other insights, CFA applicants would be appreciative..
hi...thanks for offering to help us out with our querries, that`s a very nice gesture!
My querries are basically the same as those of mba05:
1. Will a cfa level 1 help me get finance jobs? or is level 1 considered too small to qualify for a full-fledged decent-paying job with good companies? What has been your observation about the career progression of people with just level 1?
2. What`s the level of awareness and recognition of the aimr cfa in the industry? where does it stand compared to mba and ca? Can you mention the pros and cons of a CFA as compared to a CA and an MBA?
3. is a cfa valuable as a standalone degree or is it necessary (in india or abroad) to combine it with an mba? basically...how far can a guy get in his career with a cfa alone?
4. and finally, some suggestions on timelines, prep schedules, where to study what from, textbooks Vs. prep material, the number of hours/weeks/months you spent on level 1?
Thanks in advance!
i'd like to add 2 more questions
1) for someone who has never done commerce/finance before (i'm an economics graduate) is a CFA do-able?
2)what kind of a job do u think one should do along with the CFA course? i'm a frsh graduate with no workex
1) for someone who has never done commerce/finance before (i'm an economics graduate) is a CFA do-able?
as far as i know..there isn`t any undergrad course that focusses specifically on finance. so most undergrad background in finance comes from either commerce or eco or bba/bms....and you ARE an eco graduate. there`s a big chunk of cfa level 1 dealing with eco and accounts and that should be pretty easy for you. so i dont think education background is a real concern in your case at all...in fact, being an eco grad u have an advantage! Leave that worry to us engineers who have nothing to do with commerce/eco/finance!
No pirated materials allowed.
thanks BABU.. u've been a major help... i'll check up abt genpact and some of the other BPO outfits in Kolkata... do u think a CFA should be followed up with a MBA? is it an adequate degree?
CFA is a progressive modern finance degree giving you leading edge to be global finance professionals. Following MBA after that is not a necessary requirement. Decision depends upon lot of factors.
One obvious difference between the CFA program and an MBA program is the breadth of the curriculum. A good analogy is that the curriculum of the CFA program is a foot wide and a mile deep while the curriculum of MBA programs are a mile wide and a foot deep
Read: http://www.analystforum.com/121304.shtml
Be sure why you want CFA and in which areas of finance you are targetting after its completion. In india , KPO is hottest at the moment.These are the areas where you can use your skills after completing CFA:
Capital Structure management
Resource Mobilisation
Fund Utilization
Treasury Operations
Cash Management
Project Management
Overseas fund Mobilisation
Foreign Exchange management
Risk management
Forex dealing
Forex consultancy
Fund management
Portfolio management
Mutual funds
Equity research
Investment consultancy
Corporate banking
Retail banking
project appraisal
financial products designing
financial products marketing
investment banking
venture capital
credit rating
stock broking
financial advisory services
All the best

hi guys,
This is no advertisement and I am not related to this book store in anyway. Iam just attaching the email that I received from a yahoo group. They promise to send some much needed material. So verify urself b4 u order anything from them
seems seriously creepy. most xerox-ing happens on a one-to-one basis among freidns and trusted sources..but to rely on a vendor for getting illegal xerox copies is a lil shady! anyways, beware!
here are some links that i found might be useful:
Hi all,
I finished with my international CFA Level 3 in June 2005 am looking to get rid of my L1 & L2 material (L3 material already gone). I have ALL the original textbooks ordered from CFA Inst. and also all the candidate readings which CFA Inst. prints out. PM me in case anyone is interested.
All the best, all.
hi .. me too looking for taking the 1st level exam in dec '06.
still some time left for me 😃
hey...i`m gonna prepare a rough study schedule for myself...do gimme your comments on this one.
Task: completing 18 study sessions, 75 LOS topics, by june 03 2006.
Time: Exactly 100 days
Resources: Schweser 2006, xerox of relevant chapters from recommended textbooks, and xerox of some topics from cfa prep material.
Prior knowledge: Basics of finance and economics.
Current situation: Have completed a few LOSs from portfolio management and equity valuation.
2 study sessions per week = 9 weeks for 18 sessions = 2.5 months = May 10, 2006.
3 weeks revision = May 31, 2006.
3 days cooling off period = June 3, 2006.
2 study sessions per week = 1 study session every 4 days = at least 1-2 LOS per day
1-2 LOS per day = at least 3 hours per day
Goal setting:
1. Will study 3 hours a day...no matter what!
2. HAVE to complete at last one big LOS per day.
3. Complete one round by May 10, 2006.
4. Start revision by mid-May.
Remarks: Did i just make a 20,000-rupee mistake by registering for june 2006?
Guys, pour in with comments please! Another desparate shout out...ANYONE INTERESTED IN FORMING A MUMBAI LEVEL 1 STUDY GROUP?
(i`m gonna start a new thread on this if no one responds!)
Count me in dude.
Cudnt reply since a long time. Neways did u get a calculator? I got some quotes ranging frm 1.85k-2.6k. Neways they say its in short supply.
For all those who want a calci............ post on this thread and we can order it directly.
I guess we'll get some discounts too.
And dont go for the TI BA-II plus Professional one since it costs about 1k more and adds practically no value.
So guys lets get together as CTD has proposed and join hands to reduce efforts and costs. Please post as early as possible.....
hi..do i require 16yrs of education for the CFA- AIMR course? in the forum - http://www.pagalguy.com/discussions/anyone-for-cfa-of-aimrus-25005391 there seems to be some confusion regarding eligibility criteria..
Count me in dude.
Cudnt reply since a long time. Neways did u get a calculator? I got some quotes ranging frm 1.85k-2.6k. Neways they say its in short supply.
For all those who want a calci............ post on this thread and we can order it directly.
I guess we'll get some discounts too.
And dont go for the TI BA-II plus Professional one since it costs about 1k more and adds practically no value.
So guys lets get together as CTD has proposed and join hands to reduce efforts and costs. Please post as early as possible.....![]()
I too have to buy the TI BA2 calc. Leme know as to how we can go about it.
I am in Bangalore.
Have not checked the prices here as yet.
Will do it tomorrow.
hey guys found this really interesting link:
click on the pdf links, it looks like original CFA institute material. But how is it there for free???
ps: this isnt a copyright issue, found the link at CFA website itself
Heys guys...ever heard of this article..
,"Going Beyond Motivation to The Power of Volition "; by Sumantra Ghoshal........
Can ya guys tell me where can i find it???
without actually buying it for $7.00....
amit, how is this post relevant to the theme of this thread? we`re discussing CFA here, aren`t we? please avoid posting unrelated querries on random threads...not only will you not get any answers, you will also be muddling the objective of this thread.
hey guys found this really interesting link:
click on the pdf links, it looks like original CFA institute material. But how is it there for free???
ps: this isnt a copyright issue, found the link at CFA website itself
cfa publishes a lot of stuff, such as journals, articles, research papers, and magazines. the link contains general investment-related articles published by cfa. the articles may be related to the topics that are tested in the cfa exam, but that doesn`t mean the articles are part of the syllabus of the exam. the only thing relevant for the exam is the LOS statements, and text explaining the LOSs is not published for free.
hi.. whats the eligibility criteria for CFA- AIMR ? is 16 yrs of education necessary?? there was some confusion regarding this in the following thread.. http://www.pagalguy.com/forum/b-scho...a-aimr-us.html (Anyone for CFA of (AIMR,US))
No you dont need 16 yrs of education for CFA AIMR.
You can start it after your 3 years graduation.