One thing i hate is that the duration of articleship is a whole 3.5 years and yet no weightage is given for it. The reason given is that no points are given for work done in relation to some course but something not taken into account is that in case of engineers etc their interneships barely last 6 months. For us its a full 3.5 yrs + an additional 2 years in between taking into account all the exams etc. Thats 5-6 yrs of our lives devoted to this course. By the time we apply to a B-school we are almost 25-26 years old which is older than most others and yet we are counted among the freshers. Other than the IIMs no other B-school gives extra-weightage to CA which is quite a shame because we happen to be among the cream of students from the commerce background. In fact i might even go so far as to say we have a better understanding of the MBA syllabus as some of it has already been done for us in our CA course so would that not make us better equipped to do an MBA ???
gamegeek98 SaysOne thing i hate is that the duration of articleship is a whole 3.5 years and yet no weightage is given for it. The reason given is that no points are given for work done in relation to some course but something not taken into account is that in case of engineers etc their interneships barely last 6 months. For us its a full 3.5 yrs + an additional 2 years in between taking into account all the exams etc. Thats 5-6 yrs of our lives devoted to this course. By the time we apply to a B-school we are almost 25-26 years old which is older than most others and yet we are counted among the freshers. Other than the IIMs no other B-school gives extra-weightage to CA which is quite a shame because we happen to be among the cream of students from the commerce background. In fact i might even go so far as to say we have a better understanding of the MBA syllabus as some of it has already been done for us in our CA course so would that not make us better equipped to do an MBA ???
Sahi bolaa.:cheerio:
Prior to our institute's notification,i also used to think so.
But, the announcement by icai about this mou with iim-s n k confused me.Why didn't icai write about iim-a,b,c;why iim-s n k?
There is heaven-earth diff btw IIM-A and IIM-S
ericKartman SaysWork experience as per IIMs is full time employment in a firm and some crap like that. Internship are not considered to be work-ex. Its not completely illogical. Just think about it.
Why do u think it's not completely illogical?

Doing articleship is like burning ur ass off in hell.
Kitna peedadayak(and enlightening too) hota hai;koi dusre (u wont believe me:lookround: )article assistant se puchlo:-P.
Hello All,
I am commerce graduate & CFA level 3 candidate & i have more than 2 years of work ex in capital market.
But my acads are not very good, but wanted to do an MBA from good college.
Pls help me with college will consider me with my poor acads.
Hello All,
I am commerce graduate & CFA level 3 candidate & i have more than 2 years of work ex in capital market.
But my acads are not very good, but wanted to do an MBA from good college.
Pls help me with college will consider me with my poor acads.
U have posted in the wrong thread mate.
Your poor academics (L3 mein ho;how come poor acads) is the thing of the past. When u complete 3 years in ur sector as well as complete CFA L3;u will be awarded CFA designation (hopefully from USA).In the meanwhile, why don't u prepare for CAT/XAT/SNAP/FMS and GMAT. I would suggest Tier MBA institutes to u.
Ive thought about it long and hard and its completely stupid of these guys to not consider articleship as work experience.Dont tell me working for a company/firm and handling audits,providing risk advisory services or legal advising is not work experience
After articleship if the student passes the final exam he becomes a chartered accountant , assuming he has passed all his exams in first attempt(in the new format) hed be of the age of 22.Many students become engineers at the age of 22 and then give CAT and join IIM .These people dont have ANY work experience and are still preferred over CAs who have some.
Now dont get me started on how important work experience is.
IIM should make work ex mandatory to increase their student quality and not just select the youngest engineer who can solve the most complex problem in calculus
Very well said homer simpson , took the words right out of my mouth
As per MAy2010 results;
Pass % of CPT - 27.55%
Pass % of PCC - 13.57%
Pass % of FINAL - 6.56%
If 1000 student get regd. for CA then
276 (1000*27.55% ) will pass CPT out of this,
37 (276*13.57%) will pass PCC out of this,
2 (37*6.56%) will pass CA Final.
So, Final Analysis is that if 1000 student get registered in ICAI then only 2 student will finally become Chartered
accountant( i.e, only 0.2%)
well leaving the pass percentage aside
I think sometimes people dont give CA's the credit they deserve.The only thing they do is steretype people from our fraternity
dhwani88 SaysHi Vinay..I have a same profile as urs.. CA and appearin for CFA level2 this June i.e.2011 plus I have done my post graduation as well.. i.e. Mcom.. I just wanted to ask you that are you not considering MBA outside INDIa? If NO they why? Even I am interested in MBA but everyone told me that its not worth doingit from India after ur CA.. Do it from somewhere Outside. Whats your say on it. I am totally zero in knowledge about B-schools..!
Hi Good to know about U having the same profile.:cheerio:
Foreign MBA is good but some of the following limit my interest in going abroad for MBA:
1. Very High Expenditure involved (I guess could go around 25-30 Lacs or more)
2. Recognition of D same in Indian Job Market. Because if U plan to work outside its good. But if wanna work in india onli,atleast i do initially, den the TOP 10 B-schools of india (IIMs, JB, FMS, IBS etc.) would also suffice i guess...
3. If I get admission into a b-school like JB I don hv to stay at hostel or something and can do it frm Bby itself.

But if U find any good 1 year courses like exec. 1s then its surely good evn abroad 1s because of the valuable post qualification time saved. :-)
Good to know U still hv the interest to study more. I am finding it a bit boring to go for 2 yr course now.

Dhwani are U der on FB? V can be in touch fr Level 2 prep. and also regd. the MBA thing.

PCC/IPCC results delayed by 3 days.
PCC results today. Let's see if icai declares it in time.Already delayed by 3 days.
I finished reading "Second Degree" by Prashant John,IIM-A PGPX first batch.
You can judge from this book;which shows how CAs are respected and sought after by other friends in the campus. John was a software engineer.In the book, he has friends who are CA.His close friend is Berrywala.He too is a CA.He helps John in finances,QT,etc;which he is not uncomfortable.His net worth is thousands of crores which is disclosed only during the end(this isn't a spoiler) ;yet he doesn't care about it and is down-to-earth.He isn't a maryada purushottam;yet John does get impressed by him.
CA profession rocks.
Yes IIM-B and now IIM-I too gives weight-age for CA. Also from CAT 2010 onwards IIM-B includes CWA and CS also along with CA for weighted score. Please read their shortlist criteria from their site.
I am the person who got call from IIM-B from CAT 2009 with 88 percentile but I didn't converted it. This time I scored 90% and I got calls from IIM-B,L,I,S and missed out IIM-K by 0.88 index score. Anyhow hoping for IIM-Rohtak,Raipur and Trichy.
So guys with CA and other professional qualification, heads up and cheer. IIM's big doors are opening for us guys. We are needed desperately.
hello dear,
will u plz share some info on the weightage given to an iim aspirant if he is a Chartered Accountant & Cost accountant ?? both do qualify as a rofessional course ?
hello dear,
will u plz share some info on the weightage given to an iim aspirant if he is a Chartered Accountant & Cost accountant ?? both do qualify as a rofessional course ?
As per the criteria given on IIM B web site,
Weightage is given for
CAT = 20%, 10th board=15%, 12th board=10%, Bachelors= 15%, Professional Course (Only CA) or Work Experience = 5 %, Essay Writing = 15%, Personal Interview = 20%.

Hi ,
I have also cleared my CA PE-II(Inter), B.Com from Narsee Monjee College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai and from my experience at IIM Indore, CAs get a lot of 'bhaav' and it is evident during placements. CA + IIM/Top 10 India MBA is not a combination too many people have.
The only thing that needs to be ensured is that a person needs to be polished and communication skills should be good. A person needs to be well read and should know more than just costing and tax etc.
If you ensure this much, you're sure to get a job in excess of 20 lakhs :-)
IIM Indore
Batch of 2011

But just to make sure, do u know any real case of a CA from IIMs (LIK , not ABC) or top 10 institutes getting paid such an amount ???
I am a CA and have calls from FMS and IIM K this year. But I can afford to try one more year and aim for IIM B or L where they give additional weightage to this course. Please guide me about what should be my future action ??

SirjeeIs this 20 L figure true
??? If it is true then its just too good
But just to make sure, do u know any real case of a CA from IIMs (LIK , not ABC) or top 10 institutes getting paid such an amount ???
I am a CA and have calls from FMS and IIM K this year. But I can afford to try one more year and aim for IIM B or L where they give additional weightage to this course. Please guide me about what should be my future action ??
Are u working right now?
If yes,try again next year.2 years is too precious;and u have shown the potencial to break into IIM-A.Don't compromise for anything other than the very best.
If u have 2-3 years of work-ex;u can try for foreign universities also;apart from top 10 elite b-schools in bharat.
CA rocks.
As per MAy2010 results;
Pass % of CPT - 27.55%
Pass % of PCC - 13.57%
Pass % of FINAL - 6.56%
If 1000 student get regd. for CA then
276 (1000*27.55% ) will pass CPT out of this,
37 (276*13.57%) will pass PCC out of this,
2 (37*6.56%) will pass CA Final.
So, Final Analysis is that if 1000 student get registered in ICAI then only 2 student will finally become Chartered
accountant( i.e, only 0.2%)
Err.... no offense but since you can have more than 1 attempt , wouldn't 0.2% be the number who clear all 3 exams in their first attempt not finally as you have stated?
vandalay SaysErr.... no offense but since you can have more than 1 attempt , wouldn't 0.2% be the number who clear all 3 exams in their first attempt not finally as you have stated?
Exactly.. what u are saying is true. But for adjustment purpose, if u multiply it by 5, it will be 1% which is very realistic.
Had the IITs n NITs ppl opted for the degree, the % would have certainly doubled 😛