IIM Lucknow MBA | Fees, Placements, Results – PaGaLGuY

CAT:71.05 10th : 93.23% 12th : 89.17 % Graduation:67.7% Work experience:36 SC female Wat:Good PI:Good What are my chances to convert?

CAT: 92.15, 10/12/Grad: 88.4/77.5/83.4 NC-OBC (Work Ex -30 Months) WAT: Good; PI: good. Chances?

  • Direct Reject
  • Waitlist and Convert
  • Waitlist and Reject
  • Poll Check

0 voters

Cat 98.04, General Mechanical Engineer Female 10th - 93 12th - 91 ENGINEERING - 77.14 AVERAGE WAT AND PI. Are there any realistic chances for my conversion? I know the results are almost here, but the wait is killing me, so want to know about my chances.

  • Direct convert
  • Waitlist and convert
  • Reject

0 voters

Is there any WA group for iim lucknow shortlists ?

Is interview still going on??? PS: recieved a mail of a shortlisted guy saying that his interview is rescheduled on 15 april.

Cat - 87.64 %tile, 10-76%, 12 - 64%, grad - 76%, WAT - avg. PI - Avg.

Category  - PWD, what are the chances of conversion

Result update?

When does the session start in the Lucknow campus?

is there any social media group for IIML WAT-PI shortlisted candidates.?

Anybody knows when will the results be out?

How many waitlist moves for IIM L?

I convrted IIMA faBM ... i am pretty confident about converting Iim lucknow pgp as well. Which one will be better guys?

How many lists are released every year?

Guys, someone pls give idea on how IIM-L releases final offer list? Do we have to login and check the status in website or like IIFT merit list pdf for only selected candidates will be put up??

Any particular reason why Lucknow doesn't give waitlist numbers?

  • yes(comment)
  • no idea

0 voters

Hi Folks, going by past year trends, IIM-L and IIM-K results are declared on the same day. So is it safe to expect the results for IIM-L as well today?

Does anyone have the AO's contact no ?

Has the IIM-L FPM admission result been uploaded recently or have I just noticed it for the first time?

Is result out?

CAT 84.4 




Btech-7.67 gpa

Work Ex-32 mnths

WAT-avg PI-excellent

What are my chances guys...

  • Convert
  • Reject
  • Waiting list and convert
  • Waiting list

0 voters