IIM Lucknow MBA | Fees, Placements, Results – PaGaLGuY

How much time does the process of WAT & PI takes approx? My WAT-PI is scheduled at 1:00 pm. When can I expect the process to complete ?

IIM L ABM interview was REALLY bad, couldn't answer alot of acads, any chance of conversion?

Is there any whatsapp grp for IIM L? Please share the link.. TIA


Guys please update this tracker will help us all in tracking calls and in decision making at later stage..TIA


and do share as much as you can..

Hi Admin, when can we expect results for IIM-L to be out this time??

What are the things to be carried for GDPI? Any photocopies required?

 OA- 98.62 NC-OBC engineer Male  

12th- 88.8  

Btech- 77.17

Decent WAT and PI (relaxed chit chat, nothing special)

Chances of conversion? 

  • direct reject
  • direct convert
  • waitlisted
  • poll check
  • anything can happen

0 voters

when is the result expected to be out

What is the total no of seats in PGP-ABM and also there is no data of PGP-ABM placement in the website,so please do mention info regarding that.

Nc-obc cat oa-96.31 X/XII/BTECH- 95/97/82...... WAT- DECENT..... PI - AVG...... What are my chances? *NO Work ex*


0 voters

How was your PI for PGP programme?

  • very good
  • God save me
  • average
  • good
  • poor
  • poll check

0 voters

Guys can anyone help me out on how to prepare for WAT. My writing has become rustic. Is the IIM L WAT current affiars centric or abstract?

Is there any chance of finding a mentor now ??

I have submitted my Personal data form. However, the final PDF has some missing information like Mobile number, nationality, year of passing of 10th Std, etc. How can it be changed/edited?

Cat OA-70.69 xth/12th/b.e(mech) 88.3/91.7/72.85 Category-st Currently in B.e 4th year Wat -good pi-good What are my chances?

  • no chance to convert
  • wait list and convert
  • poll check
  • direct convert

0 voters

Are we supposed to take sides in WAT? Or discuss both the sides?

Tentative dates for results this year?

hii everyone i submitted my personal data form and now when i see the submitted pdf i see some of the information missing and i am freaked out is there any way this could be rectified now?

Friends,what is the percentile reqd to convert iim lucknow for SC category(career-60% only+btech+ 16 months wex as a bank p.o. in a public sector bank)....TIA..

  • 80-85
  • 90+
  • Poll check
  • 86-90

0 voters

Hi, has anyone given interview for pgpsm? If yes, then can you please share your experience. Thanks