IIBF-JAIIB & CAIIB Info for existing & future Bankers

Mene abhi rrb po clear kiya he joining nahi hui can i apply for jaiib

when will caiib result announced officially. . 

Has anyone received the JAIIB 2017 passing Certificate which is to be sent through post by IIBF?

Guys is it possible to clear JAIIB exam with 3 weeks of effort ? i am not sure if i should apply for jaiib or not .

just enrolled for iibf and jaiib paid 1725 for membership and around 26xx or something like that for jaaib and the next thing that comes to my mind is what are the subjects that i need to prepare lol .. so can anyone clear jaaib exam with 45 days of preperation from home ... am not from commerece background nor can i study for  more than 2 hours or 1 hour a day

how many elective are there in caiib???

Anybody here working as a clerck in any bank.?.

I am selected in Allahabad bank through PO6... can I enroll for JAIIB or I'll have to wait for joining?

Can i give dbf exam which is equivalent to jaiib before joining bank... my joining will be around august

I enrolled for JAIIB on joining SBI in clerical cadre. will be resigning in May end or June beginning for doc verification in Allahabad bank PO. technically speaking, wont be a bank employee in June for some days. Can i still appear for JAIIB or I lose that attempt? 

Should I opt for central banking OR retail banking for elective paper of caiib... I am from commerce background Please give your suggestion

Please provide any jaiib notes and tips on how to clear jaiib exam..... if any one cleared it then please help us

how to calculate higher powers if we are not allowed to use scientific calculators. simple calculator doesnot have power function. Please 

I am from Btech Background!!...and new here

Now pls tell me the best book to prepare for JAIIB exam which is easy to understand for a engineering backgroud student?

Hey In JAIIB if I skip one paper and appear for rest two , will i have to reapply next time and appear for all three again ? 

any online mock sites for JAIIB ?

Please tell the salary of newly joined po of central bank of India (still joining left) and is there any other benefits...pls tell

If i as a po completed jaiib and caiib then is there any chance that i get home state posting ????

Hey i have cleared my DBF  exam in july 2016  but have not recieved its certificate yet..what to do?

Cann i still apply for the ordinary  membership on iibf site?