Ibps po 4 exam review & interview discussion

gurgaon college of engineering kaise jana hai iffco chowk se...exam tomorow..help appreciated thnks..

GA Questions IBPS PO IV 18 October 2014 Evening Session


Anyone from 18th Oct morning slot? How many attempts?

18th morning slot.. total attempt 113.. in maths-13, gi- 28, ga/ca-47, eng-25.. in maths i think all are correct, i mean the one i attempted.. in gi i have confussion abt 2-3.. for the rest i think there was atleast 75% accuracy..

wht cud possible cutoff this year..?? greater or lower than lst time???

Guys. My friend took exam on Oct 11th morning slot. Please tell the real chances.?? Reply asap..

                           Attempts         Marks expected(worst case)

QA-                      21                        1 1

Verbal                 29                       17 

Reasoning          31                        23

GK                       30                       23

Computer            17                        11

Total                    128                      85-88

exams on 11th oct morning slot

total attempts - 100

quant- 13 (all correct)

reasoning -30 (all correct)

eng -20 (1/2/may go wrong)

comp -15 (all may go correct)

ga -22 (50-60% accuracy)....any chance ?????

my total attempts 114...quants 19,reasoning 31,english 21,general awareness 25 and computer 18...overall accuracy around 80 percent...category : sc..

.what are my chances?

when can we expect result of aptitude test??

Hi, I gave my exam yesterday  afternoon  slot. Attempts 138. C- 17, GA- 35- Eng- 34 R - 26 M 22. I amsure about my Eng, GA and Com sections they are 99 % accurate. I  am bit dicey about reasoning and Quant, specifically quant done with may be 85 % to 90 % accuracy  any chances please guide


What was the cut off marks for handicapped candidates for all subj. (Math, Logical, English & GK ) last years?

Like... I have seen in the older post that last year for general candidates, cut off marks in maths was 6... (dont know about others)

For all the GK, Banking and Computer related questions asked in IBPS PO 2014 Exams so far!!! currentaffairs-businessnews.com/tag/ibps-po-2014/

SBI clerk results announced not selected 😞

koi mujhe bata sakta hai ki SBI associates PO ke liye english kaise padhu...mujhe kuch samjh nahi aa raha...eng me thoda weak hu...so help plzz

what will be the cut off of IBPS PO paper..I did 81 closest to correct..

 what will be Cut off this year for general category?

  • 65-70
  • 75-80
  • below 60
  • 60-65
  • 70-75

0 voters

My attempt total 125 others portions were okk but GS i found very tough ( i was not preparing for ibps may be dat's y) 18 attempted in GK. Please suggest sectional cutoff of GS of last year and speculated this year cutoff

Anyone from 12th Oct morning slot? How many attempts?

Do all handicapped candidates get 40 minutes extra for ibps? Or is it only for those using Scribe?

Friends I have attemped 155 with 70%accuracy and in quant 22 with 60% accuracy.. Obc category.. What are my chances?