Grammar and English Usage

Directions: Identify the part(s) of the sentence which has/have error.

A. We should be thankful
B. if you will remit
C. the money immediately.

Directions: Choose the option which does not belong to the group.

Directions: Choose the option which shows the relation between words similar to that shown in the given pair.

Full : Satiated

Fill in the blanks.

We do not know the reason ……his failure.

Directions: Choose the option which shows the relation between words similar to that shown in the given pair.

Full : Satiated

Directions: Choose the option which shows the illustration of the expression given which is most deviant.

An act of philanthropy done to garner publicity and hog the headlines.

Which of these is the correct statement, grammatically?

  • Without being absent, they are unwilling to take up the project.
  • Absent of any guidelines, they are unwilling to take up the project.

0 voters

Directions: Identify the part(s) of the sentence which has/have error(s).

A. Provided you promise me
B. to repeat this
C. I shall not allow you to take it up.

Directions: There are four ways of improving the given sentence. Choose the option which best improves the given sentence, grammatically.

Although I calculate that he will be here any minute, I cannot wait much longer for him.

Directions: Read the following sentences and choose the best alternative which should replace the part of the sentence in asterisk.

Economic theory fails to explain the extent *to which savings from personal income has shifted* to short-term bonds, money-market funds, and other near-term investments by the instability in the futures market.

Directions: Read the following sentences and choose the best alternative which should replace the part of the sentence in asterisk.

Economic theory fails to explain the extent *to which savings from personal income has shifted* to short-term bonds, money-market funds, and other near-term investments by the instability in the futures market.

I have been thinking ____ your proposal.

  • Of
  • About
  • None of these
  • On

0 voters

Directions: There are four ways of improving the given sentence. Choose the option which best improves the given sentence, grammatically.

Today, this is a totally different world than we have seen in the last decade.

Choose the best option. (Source : XAT 2010)

Film-makers tend to highlight their emotional points with visuals, rather than dialogues. Words tend to be the tools of playwrights. Images are the stuff that films are made of. Nevertheless, many successful films have been made from stage plays and contain little else than one location or one stage set.

The option most opposite to the idea in the paragraph is

i suffer from no ................... about my capabilities

  • illusions
  • imaginations
  • hallucinations
  • doubts

0 voters

(a) belgium chocolate is considered/ (b) by many to be finer/(c) than others in the world/(d) no error

  • b
  • d
  • c
  • a

0 voters


A. People who think about radical change and growth have to be necessarily aware of the need of something more than merelearning new skills or habits to help them in the process.B. People who seek radical change and growth have necessarily to be aware of the need for something more than merely learningnew skills or habits to help them in the process.C. People who seek radical change and growth to help them in the process, have necessarily to be aware of the need for somethingmore than merely learning new skills or habits.D. People who think about radical change of growth have necessarily to be aware of the need of something more than merelearning new skills or habits to help them in the process. In the question, four different ways of presenting an idea are given. Choose the one that conforms most closely to Standard English usage.

339 answers A

264 answers B

151 answers C

81 answers D


can someone please explain why is two correct?


find error

63 answers Acting from inside information,

20 answers the police were able to arrest the gang

6 answers before the robbery occurred

4 answers no error

Why police is taken as plural?


Why police is taken as plural?

The following nouns are always used in Plural.

cattle,police,people,vermin,,poultry. 😁

P.S- Rule is rule My friend mg

Which one is correct and why?

1. What does this line means?
2. What does this line mean?