Hi all. I have ebooks of Winners'_Guide_to_GMAT_Grammar_&_Sentence_Correction, RC 99, Peterson's Gmat Success, Kaplan 800 - Quant, Aristotle Critical_Reasoning_Set_1, Cliff GMAT 8th edition. I can mail if you need any.
I am looking for softcopies of Aristotle RC Practice set 1 and set 2. Please mail me if you have them
@aim720plus said:Hi all. I have ebooks of Winners'_Guide_to_GMAT_Grammar_&_Sentence_Correction, RC 99, Peterson's Gmat Success, Kaplan 800 - Quant, Aristotle Critical_Reasoning_Set_1, Cliff GMAT 8th edition. I can mail if you need any.I am looking for softcopies of Aristotle RC Practice set 1 and set 2. Please mail me if you have them
pls mail me at [email protected]
Or may be u can upload the soft copies free on filedropper.com and post the links here..TY
@Hex said:@er.devarshiwww.ebooksfree.in/2008/08/gmat...
Thanks Hex..but some links are broken or invalid...but rest are all good

hey Guys.... group seems to be very inactive....Please update on your study plan and how it is shaping out....
Today i am starting with critical reasoning.. initially started with SC, but found it very boring
so thought will try my hands later on...

Guys any suggestion for quant... i am particularly worried for Quant...
also i am referring to economist.com and project syndicate and ziddom for reading comprehension... planning to follow The Hindu for editorial.... Any suggestion for psychology related material...????
Also i post good business article on business article 2012 thread....
Hope to hear from you guys...

Hi Friends
I am Preparing for GMAT.finding a Study group near by.
Test Date:18 oct 2012
I am Preparing for GMAT.finding a Study group near by.
Test Date:18 oct 2012
Hi all,
I am planning to appear for gmat in the month of apr'13. Any suggesstions to kickstart my prep?
hi puys,
i have taken the date for the GMAT on 24th APR. Most of the material is available in form of torrents. We can get it from there( like torrentz.eu).i have started with SC and did five chapters in Manhattan SC. Planning to take a DT(diagnostic test) this month end. Starting with Manhattan guides( series of 8 guides 4th edition) is good. CR bible,SC grai,RC 99are the other books along with the Manhattan guides. I think this will be sufficient.
@er.devarshi Were you able to download all the files? I was just able to download the RC GMAT by Manhattan... Can you pls share the other files which you have downloaded?
hi all,
Sorry had stopped following the thread as it had become dead for sometime.
Will be updating from now constantly.
So i have started with SC and have spent nearly two weeks on it now,not very confident though.Did SC from SC grail.Now will just keep practising questions onSC daily and move to RC.For RC i have thought of starting directly with OG12.
Please leave suggestions if you guys have doen RC(from where and what strategy u followed)
Thanks in advance.
@khannabharat said:@leonidas , @sanjaysurana90 :- i have soft copies of GMAT material like Aristotle SC Grail, MGMAT set of 8 guides , Powerscore CR bible and OG12 soft copy (since i purchased new OG13, i got it for free along with it). PM ur email id if u need any of those.
@roy1088 from mugging i meant practice it as many times as possible before exam . Even i found it somewhere while surfing yesterday only . Nope for RC i do not have any short cuts but to practice it more n more and analyse where u are mistaken .
@Hex thanks again..i have found that inference is the weakest link for me and also if i time myself i tend to make mistakes..will have to do a lot of practise..
As per my understanding inference is the thing that GMAC test most in student through RC . Even i am rookie as far as preparation is concerned. Try to find accuracy first then slowly take time as another constraint. GOOD LUCK