thats a nice score at this stage er.devarshi, Good Luck for your preparations..!
Guys, Just want to share that I have started Manhattan SC and it seems to be interesting.
Hi guys
I am planning to give GMAT next April/may....i am from indore....jus wanted an opinion about my chances in good or decent colleges....I have 74.4% in 10th, 77.6 % in 12th....but 58% in B.E (Electronics and Communication)....engg kind of screwed up my profile...i currently have 2 years 6 months of will 4 yrs in may 2014...i am currently working as QA Engineer in Diaspark and have worked in EA Games previously for 2 years....please evaluate and let me know about my chances.....\m/
Hey all, basically I'm facing the same issues as the same guy above me...except for the fact that I have only a year's work experience but I guess by the time I get around to applying it'll be two years plus. Did post a thread with all my burning questions but sadly nobody has replied as yet! So anxiously waiting for you guys to speak up and help me out!
@bhavi112 @Hex @sanjaysurana90 @er.devarshi @CBZ123 : friends, hows your preps are going on?
Hi Friends.....
I am Devarshi, Male, 28 years, Electrical Engineer from Lucknow, India
My profile;
X---UP Board ---72% (marking was very strict, State Board Topper used to get between 84-90%)
XII----UP Board---- 72% (marking was very strict, State Board Topper used to get between 84-90%)
then a gap of 3 yrs...

B.Tech(Electrical & Electronics)----UP Technical University----66% (CGPA 6.6 on a scale of 10) (Again, not sure how this will convert to US GPA but my class topper must have got 78-80% and State university Topper 82-84%)
Average extra crculars at School and College level.
Played Cricket and Badminton at School and College level...but don't have many certificates to show it)
then 2 years of experience as a Lecturer and a Trainee Engineer in an Electronics company....nothing much significant...was preparing for PSUs and CAT...

July 2009---Selected in Power Grid Corporation of India Limited through All India Test...
CTC 11.5 LPA at that time...

Currently working in PGCIL as an Engineer in Executive cadre with a CTC of 12.5 LPA ( Approx 20000$ per annum....Inhand salary 1000$ per Month...)
work exp in PGCIL ----40 months
Managing the operation of High voltage AC transmission System at 765/400 kV as well as 400/220 kV Sub-stations as Shift in charge.
Managing an Operation and Maintenance Team looking after the Power System Elements such as Power Transformers, Shunt Reactors, Circuit Breakers, Instrument Transformers.
Managing a Testing and Commissioning Team performing on site testing of various power system elements and protection schemes.
Managing a team looking after the functions of Fixed Series Compensator to increase the Power Transmission Capacity of a High Voltage Transmission Line.
Also Attended few certificate Programs such as in Technical Consulting, BSI standards etc.
Have started preparing for GMAT...will be taking it in early 2013.
Just took GMAT prep practice test 1....score came out to be 710.
I will be targeting 750.
Just wanted to ask u Guys...considering my avg Acads and gaps during study...and a low GPA at Grad level, which international MBA prgms i can look forward to....also...shall a higher GMAT score compensate for an avrge Acadmc performance....whether there are any good MBA progms that overlook avg GPA if i fare well in my essays nd interviews....Any suggestion will be highly regarded..

Hi Guys,

B-Tech in Mechanical 65% (2001 - 2005)
International experience = 1.5 years
Professional Certification: PMP from, usa.
Hi Puys,
New here...hav appeard for CAT...want to know more about GMAT...
irrespective of the fact that we apply to colleges in India or aborad, is it that we need 2 yrs of work ex before appearing for GMAT?

I just started preparation for GMAT since last two weeks . Not satisfied with so far preparation .Looking forward to pace it up this week.
Coming on my exp. I have 1+ years of exp. in IT field. Actually I'll complete 2 years in Feb 13
Acads are not so good .
10th:- 71% (U.P. Board)
12th:- 76 % (U.P. Board) 66% in electronics and communication
Financing MBA is still a challenge for me . so not thinking about college at this point of time . Will look into it once it get through GMAT.
Hi guys, new to this discussion and GMAT here, just came out of CAT fevers... planning to take GMAT sometimes in Feb.

Hello my fellow Puys...
count me your study groups
New to GMAT...
I am planning to take GMAT by Mar/Apr..first attempt...once attempted Cat 2 yrs back but since then out of touch from competitive exams.So i guess i need to start from fundamental
Feeling motivated by your posts already....I am trying to figure out a study plan...any suggestions or help how should I proceed rom a novice level.