Experienced GMAT takers pls help us with the material and also the daily hrs we should put up for a 700-720+ score till Apr 2013...
@khannabharat said:@leonidas , @sanjaysurana90 :- i have soft copies of GMAT material like Aristotle SC Grail, MGMAT set of 8 guides , Powerscore CR bible and OG12 soft copy (since i purchased new OG13, i got it for free along with it). PM ur email id if u need any of those.
I have taken CAT in 2012 and had prepared for the same. Right now my main concern is the English section. I intend to finish the OG first(Quant as well as English) and then go to Manhattan SC. Could anyone please suggest the approach to score around 720+? which books/online tests can I take?
Hi friends,
Anyone from Kolkata interested in forming a study group for GMAT, then please mail me at [email protected] .
Hi please suggest me some good gmat coaching institue in Pune...ASAP
Hi guys...m planning to give GMAT in april....do not know as much as you folks...so kindly guide me...

Some1 pls pls help me with the gmat books...Cant delay my prep further now...
Hey all is there any current group for gmat preps I would likie to join! 😃
Hi people , i gotta start from scratch Gmat studies.
i have the following books ready with me
1)Gmat OG 13th review
2)Manhattan 5th edition crictical reasoning
3)Manhattan 5th edition sentence correction
4)Manhattan 5th edition reading comprehension .
I am i good to go??
I am a GMAT Aspirant..
Can you please send the books related to CR and SC in my mail Id: [email protected].
Also please tel the pass for the pdf PowerScore GMAT CR.
Thanks in Advance for help!! :)
@khannabharat said:@leonidas , @sanjaysurana90 :- i have soft copies of GMAT material like Aristotle SC Grail, MGMAT set of 8 guides , Powerscore CR bible and OG12 soft copy (since i purchased new OG13, i got it for free along with it). PM ur email id if u need any of those.