Hi Sagar
Now, I feel the need to retake the GMAT because of my not so good grades at college. A good score would help compensate this, I believe.
Can you suggest some good online course for Quant like the one for Verbal by Crack Verbal?
Here is an interesting article I was reading sometime ago:
Thanks, Arun, for the article. I am sending the mail right away. You are ever so helpful!
Has anyone heard about online training offered by essaysunday? Please reply
Hey .... plz anyone tell me the best coaching for GMAT in India ????????/
I wanna join gmat online coaching, can any one suggest some best Indian coaching institute. How abt Byju's training prog?
Pls puys. Has anyone shorted out any online gmat course??? If yes pls suggest
Hi, Since I no longer need my latest edition OG + Verbal + Quant guide,I am selling them.They are completely new and unused. Latest New Edition GMAT 2016 Official Guide Bundle Full Set Available by GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council) (Author). 1. The Official Guide for GMAT Verbal Review 2016 2. The Official Guide for GMAT Quantitative Review 2016 3. The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2016. Location: Hinjewadi Chowk,Pune Price: 2500. Please call/wassap in 9158093206 if interested to buy.Thanks in advance,
There are many courses rather every "Tom & harry" runs some courses. And go online or any newpaper, you will find thousand claiming that they are the best test prep company. I suggest don't believe on anyone. Try them and then choose. Don't pay them anything in advance. If anyone is asking for all the money at the starting, it means that are not confident about their work. Last january, i was also searching for them. There was Kaplan, Manhattan etc who were charging in dollars. And many in India who were asking all the money at starting. And some online firms like Byju, meritnations, etc who were offering recorded lectures or animations. Recorded lectures is just like reading from a book. How can any test prep be one-way communication. I need to interact with the teacher when they teach. I needed some course were i should be the focus and the course should be customised and personalised for me.
My elder brother who works with google suggested me a one brand by the name "EduShastra". I was surprised to see some philanthropic orgainsations running that brand. They believed in "No ads" and wanted only to teach few students. They were offering a Hybrid model which is Blend of Online home classes, Classroom-coaching, Home group classes & 1-on-1 tutoring. And they told me that I can pay them as i like. They were charging very meagre amount maybe to sustain themselves. The teachers were great. My batch size was five and it looked the teachers were only teaching me. After every concept, they were asking questions to see how much you have grasped.
And finally after their 3-months course. I got 780 in my first attempt last month. I am still puzzled that how can such great organisation is keeping such low profile. I think they want to teach very few selected students only. In my 3-months, I was taught by 8 teacher panel. Maybe they want to have organic growth.
Pls don't pass judgements. I am just asking you to check them. Pls don't join them but you should know what they offer. Pls "Check, Compare & Choose". I am not a marketing person. They taught me in meagre fees and I am just trying that everyone should know about them.
Teaching Model
EduShastra offers a Hybrid Customized Interactive teaching model for GMAT Preparation. It will be Blend of Online home classes, Classroom-coaching, Home group classes & 1-on-1 tutoring.
They believe that Education should be interactive, two-dimensional, personalized and should be able to customize itself for every student.
Education Solutions
They offer "Customized and Personalized" Solutions. You can ask for Regular Programs, only Verbal or only Quant programs or any other specific customization.
Batch Size
Their Batch Size is small, sizes of 5, 7 or 9 students.
Admission Standard Operating Procedure
Every new student is mapped into a "Zero Group" for a week. Zero group is also called "Introductory Phase Group". After a week, on the basis of everyone's performance in the class and our internal "Mapping System", students are invited for Regular or Elite batches.
Internal Mapping System is a process to mark or rate students on the basis of their Intellect, Intelligence (IQ), Aptitude, Attitude and Commitment. And in all this listed parameters, they consider "Commitment" as a very important parameter in a student. They believe that all things can be learnt and all skills can be acquired, if student is committed to his/her goal.
Mapping system also helps us in making "Homogenous Batches". Same mapped students are grouped into same batch.
Batch Selection Methodology
They follow scientific selection and batch-making process. Batches are made on the basis of our internal "Parameter Mapping". Same mapped students are grouped into same batch. In this way they create homogenous groups in terms of Intellect, Intelligence (IQ), Aptitude, Attitude and Commitment. It also brings meaningful competition in groups.
This also helps us in creating course Syllabus, Curriculum and deciding course pace for a batch.
Timings & Day Schedule
They give very high flexibility in terms of batch timings and sessions days. Students can ask for any timings in a day or any Days choice in a week. Due to small batches they are able to incorporate most of the demands.
Elite Batches
They offer Two Elite batches: "700+ Batch" & "750+ Batch". Both these batches comes with "Money-Back Guarantee". New Students cannot opt for these batches, the admission is through "Invitations" only.
They don't do any promotions. They don't buy toppers. They don't "Woo" any student.
Course Structure
All GMAT Courses comprehensively covers all four sections: An analytical writing assessment, Integrated reasoning, the Quantitative section, and the Verbal section. All GMAT courses whether regular or customized are unique in their structure.
All Courses are divided into three phases:
- Introductory Phase: This phase is done at the course starting, usually it takes 2-4 sessions. In this phase, GMAT Instructors tries to analyze every student in the batch on the basis of their interaction with them. In this phase, every student is given a presumptive mapping score and batches are shuffled to create groups of same mapped individuals. This phase takes 10% of total course time.
- Foundation Phase: In this phase subject materials are covered. All the four GMAT namely AWA, IR, Quantitative & Verbal is covered. This phase is usually 40% of the whole course.
- CP Phase-I (Testing Phase) & CP Phase-II (Control Phase)
CP stands for "Customized & Personalized". Both these words have lost their meaning in education industry. Rather, Recorded lectures are also promoted with "Customized & Personalized" headline.
Customize is modify (something) to suit a particular individual or task.
Personalize is design or produce (something) to meet someone's individual requirements. Personalization is an evolved form of Customization.
This last phase covers 50% of the whole course. In testing phase, students are given access to "Question Bank". This phase also involves CAT-Computer Adaptive Tests. The number of CATs depends upon the course taken. Example: 2-Months Course comes with 11-12 computer adaptive tests.
The last phase "Control Phase" involves working on each and every student "Weak Areas". This phase changes according to student performance in the CATs. This phase can be an ideal example of the word "Personalization". Not only the course teaching but even the CATs will change itself for each & every student. Example: If the identified weak area is "Sentence Correction", then CATs will have more than 70-80% of the questions from SC.
Course Material
EduShastra GMAT Library Features & Facets:
Total GMAT Material: More than 11 K Pages.
Question Bank: More than 40 K Questions.
Practice Tests:
- Full Length Paper-Based Test: More than 310 Paper-Based Tests.
- Full Length Computer-Based Test: More than 450 Computer-Based Tests.
- Full Length Computer Adaptive Test (CAT): More than 70 Ready Tests. Capability to make more than five tests every day.
- Customised Computer Adaptive Test (CCAT): Depends upon each student need. Capability to make more than eleven tests every day.
EduShastra GMAT Course Fees:
For 60 Hours (2 months Course) GMAT Fees: 17-18 K. That is Rs. 300 per hour or 4 Dollars per hour.
GMAT Faculty
Their faculty can be called missionaries who are working under their banner not only for money but also share same mission and direction. The average age of faculty is 45-47 years, who have spent most of their lives in education space. Total teacher strength in GMAT department is 271 teachers with 60 GMAT Instructors.
All batches are assigned a Teachers Panel which usually have 4-8 teachers which take care of all course requirements. They believe that teacher is a paternalistic leader who works by acting as a father figure by taking care of their subordinates as a parent would. In this style of leadership, the leader supplies complete concern for his students.
Ny1 for gmat
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i have been trying to find someone reliable to rate my awa essay and i came across awaprofessor.com on one of the prep websites.
has anyone tried them before? any feedback on them?
Disclaimer: I am a member of EduShastra Alumni Club. This Post is to introduce our course offering.
Hybrid Customized Interactive teaching model: Blend of Online home classes, Classroom-coaching, Home group classes & 1-on-1 tutoring.
Money-Back Promise, 700+ Score or Refund Guarantee:It’s a unique feature. We are proud of our product offerings. Our “Money-Back Promise” is to symbolize our confidence in all our education solutions.Fees is refunded if the student doesn’t get promised score.
Individualized Learning v/s Herd Teaching: We specialize in a method of teaching in which content, instructional technology, and pace of learning are based upon the abilities and interest of each learner. We try to recognize the uniqueness of each student learner and thus provide adequate tutorial guidance.
Batch Size: GMAT course structure has four phases. In first three phases (Mapping, Testing & Control Phase), the teaching is individualized. And in foundation phase, the batch size is of 5, 7 or 9 students.
Batch Selection Methodology: We follow scientific selection and batch-making process. Batches are made based on our internal "Parameter Mapping". Same mapped students are grouped into same batch. In this way, we create homogenous group in terms of Intellect, Intelligence (IQ), Aptitude, Attitude and Commitment.Every Batch is provided unique and customized solution. The solutions are not only different in its content but also in course structure, syllabus, approach, class schedule and program pace.
Admission Standard Operating Procedure: Every new student is mapped into a "Zero Group" for a week. Zero group is also called "Introductory Phase Group". After a week students are divided into five different groups based on everyone's performance in the class and our internal "Mapping System”.Internal Mapping System is a process to mark or rate students based on their Intellect, Intelligence (IQ), Aptitude, Attitude and Commitment. Mapping system also helps us in making "Homogenous Batch". The same mapped students are grouped into same batch.
Elite Batches: We offer Two Elite batches: "700+ Batch" & "750+ Batch". New Students cannot opt for these batches; the admission is through "Invitations" only.
Course Structure: All Courses are divided into three phases:
- Introductory Mapping Phase: In this phase, Instructor tries to analyze every student in the batch based on their interaction. In this phase, every student is given a presumptive mapping score and batches are shuffled to create a group of same mapped individuals.
- Foundation Phase: In this phase, all the four GMAT sections namely AWA, IR, Quantitative & Verbal are covered.
- Testing Phase: This phase involves Computer Adaptive Tests, Computer Based Tests and Paper Based Tests.
- Control Phase: The last phase “Control Phase” involves working on each and every student’s “Weak Areas”.
What is the maximum number of Computer Adaptive Tests offered?
No Limit. We don’t assign a numerical value to tests offered. The objective of Testing Phase is to improve student ability. Tests for any student will not stop till desired results are achieved. Many of the students end up giving more than 20-30 CATs to reach their optimum performance.
Free MBA Admission Consulting: Our association will not end with GMAT but will continue till the end of admission process.
Pls check www.EduShastra.com
My GMAT Journey Debrief:
This is my first GMAT attempt. I started preparing for the exam six months before my test date. It started slowly because I have been working with Coal India Ltd, time was always a Luxury.
About me: First of All, I will start with my extra-curricular activities, I have represented my college in Volley-ball at State Level competitions and, I have won awards in Oration/debating. I was always 80-90% gainer in school times. Graduated from ISM Dhanbad, got a job in Coal India Ltd. I am an engineer so Quant was not much issue for me.
Consistent & Committed Study: Before moving on this journey, try to prepare mentally. Have your plan till the end and be committed to your goal. Plan your preparation in such a way that you should know what you are going to do in coming months, days and even hours.
Far-Sighted Plan: Your journey should not start with planning for GMAT but your real objective. And your real objective is to get admission in any college. Your preparation should be multi-pronged. There are many factors which will decide your admission, GMAT is a small part of the whole process. Your total profile such as your past records and your academics will decide your candidature i.e. plan your profile accordingly.
Myth-1: GMAT will get me into the Business School: NO, GMAT is just a qualifying exam. Prepare your profile for the admissions. GMAT is just 10% of your journey, your profile will be the main deciding factor and not GMAT score. Take GMAT as a qualifying exam which just gives you a ticket for the real competition. Profile building is a work which can take months and even years. You cannot add any substantial experience or cannot develop a hobby in few days. I feel GMAT is the easiest part of your admissions journey.
Myth-2: Developing strategy around adaptive test: Web is full of strategies rather myths. Concentrate on first five question, keep guessing for the last questions, keep extra time for Q 10-20, are some myths which can be found in all portals. Bottom-line is: You cannot deceive GMAT. There are no strategies except your good preparation.
Self-Study or Coaching needed: GMAT is an IQ test rather than any subject test. Even fundamental knowledge is enough for a person to ace this test. Every preparation should be started with self-study. Self-study and books can carry a person to 600 score. But moving beyond 600 needs an effort which changes for every person depending on the person strengths and weaknesses. Personalized help can create that edge. One more important thing is Peer factor. Most important reason to join any coaching/preparation company is for meeting people who have a common objective.
Learn, Unlearn & Relearn: These three words is the best summation of my preparation. Many books & teachers will throw many strategies at you. But the best thing is to keep on practicing till you develop your own strategy and that can only be done when you are unlearning everything you learn and then relearn the same thing.
Accuracy and Timing: This exam is about accuracy within the time limit. If you can do a problem in more than stipulated time, you have already lost your battle. Each question in GMAT is supposed to be completed within 2 minutes. Although the level is elementary, the real magic is your grasp on the fundamentals.
Be weakness Driven, Keep Error Logs: Keep on practicing and maintain an error log. Simply document your errors and work on it. Be aware of your weaknesses and try to work on each mistake you are making. This exam is all about weeding your mistakes and working in such a way that each step should make you better.
Quant is qualifying exam, Verbal is the key: Verbal has a much more weightage than Quant. For us Asians, Quant is usually not big struggle but verbal is. Quant can take you to 650 but beyond that the journey is Verbal.
Preparation Books: GMAC GMAT Official Guide Bundle must be bought. Other brand books like Kaplan, Manhattan, Veritas, PowerScore, etc. can also be purchased for practice. But still I feel for basics go to your school books. Books can easily carry you to close to 600 score but after that, you need customized help.
Tests & Practice: The only way to ace any test or exam is practice. Keep on taking tests as much as you can. But don’t move in circles. Learn from every exam, keep an error log, analyze your test, try to work on your weak areas and move in such a way that every test helps you in analyzing, reviewing and improve your performance.
Choosing Help: This is the Trickiest part. Keep following points in your mind:
Help should be Personalized: If you are sitting in a group of more than 8-9 students, then you are in a wrong place. Batches should be small.
Structure & Methodology: Course should be structured and a sound teaching methodology should be there.
Tests & Practice: This is the most important part which will create a big difference in your score. I bought some tests but my score was hovering around 600-650 range. When I looked for help, I could get Tests but there was no structure, no strategy, no personalization offered. Every institute was talking about number of tests they would give but how will the tests improve my score, there was no clear answer.
I found www.EduShastra.com Test Structure & Methodology is very sound. They call it “Testing Phase” which starts with Paper-based Tests, then they move into computer-based tests, and Last part of their Testing phase is Computer Adaptive Tests. It is a total one month process.
Week-1: Paper-Based and Computer-Based Sectional and Full length tests. My Score: Average Score 620.
Week-2: Computer Adaptive (CAT) Phase-1: WizIQ Platform based Tests. My Average Score 660.
Week-3: CAT Phase-2: Assess Platform based Tests. My Average Score 700.
Week-4: CAT Phase-3: GMAC Exam Packs 1 & 2, Online Quantitative Diagnostic Tool - Bundle of 3, Question Pack 1 & IR Prep Tool.
Week-5: CAT Phase-4: Concerto Platform based Tests. Very difficult Tests. I also found it very difficult because they were based upon topics in which I was struggling. My Average Score started touching 750+. Now in evert test my Quant score was 51 and my verbal score started climbing with every Test. My Verbal score started touching 48–49.
D-Day: I slept for more than 10 hours. And rushed to the center in the morning. My father drove me to the center. He always from my childhood takes me to exam center. Its a Good-Luck charm for me. I still remember all days when he waits for 3–4 hours outside exam center for me. I was hoping to cross 780 but ended with 770. But I was satisfied. I feel I have moved to a new part in my life. I feel more confident, more positive and happy.
Total Testing Phase was customized for me. Every Test performance was not only reviewed but my next test was customized based on my performance in the previous tests.
Last but not least: Be Positive, Happy and “Play to Win”.