GMAT Critical Reasoning Discussions

"Probably" doesn't give certainity that it might happen.It still implies it may not happen.
In C option,it is not 100% stated that it will happen

"E" part says specifically that it may or may not happen.

Kindly comment

the answer is either of C and E, that is glaringly apparent. What i feel is,
'will' is used to make definitive assertions, even predictions. But since a supportive premise is missing from the argument, I feel use of 'will' or 'will not' is inappropriate. Therefore I would go with E, which assumes that there is no basis to suspect more likelihood of either of the two possible outcomes

E it is...

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Can we please have the answers to the set gmat_delhi posted please!!!!!! Its been a mighty long time.

Interesting set. Here are my answers:

E, A, B, B, D, E, B, D

Answers please!

Partly because of bad weather, but also partly because some major pepper growers have switched to high-priced cocoa, world production of pepper has been running well below worldwide sales for three years. Pepper is consequently in relatively short supply. The price of pepper has soared in response: it now equals that of cocoa.

Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
(A) Pepper is a profitable crop only if it is grown on a large scale.
(B) World consumption of pepper has been unusually high for three years.
(C) World production of pepper will return to previous levels once normal weather returns.
(D) Surplus stocks of pepper have been reduced in the past three years.
(E) The profits that the growers of pepper have made in the past three years have been unprecedented.

The answer should be D. It says that short supply of pepper and the price of pepper has soared. As there has been a less supply than the demand. This para doesnt say that about the decrease/increase in the consumption. So consider the consumption is constant.
It clearly indicates that the surplus stock is reducing because production is less than the consumption.
'E' may or may not be true, Author didnt mention exactly when the prices soared up.

Partly because of bad weather, but also partly because some major pepper growers have switched to high-priced cocoa, world production of pepper has been running well below worldwide sales for three years. Pepper is consequently in relatively short supply. The price of pepper has soared in response: it now equals that of cocoa.

Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
(A) Pepper is a profitable crop only if it is grown on a large scale. -> Running below world wide sales may indicate its running in loss, hence wide scale production leads to loss that maybe a reason why pepper grower shifted to cocoa but again nothing sure, this was contradictory to what was said.
(B) World consumption of pepper has been unusually high for three years.
-> NO this is again not true as its cleary mentioned sales not met due to no production
(C) World production of pepper will return to previous levels once normal weather returns. -> this maybe true but again it cant be inferred
(D) Surplus stocks of pepper have been reduced in the past three years. -> Short supply is there hence this answer
(E) The profits that the growers of pepper have made in the past three years have been unprecedented. -> Unprecedented Definition: exceptional, original only the prices have come up how can you say whether the prices even though have come up are causing a profit to those farmers !!!

Sid4CAT Says
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Oh you have done it !!!!

What does the figure imply? how do i find out the answers for 1000 cr?

Please let me know of these with short explanations..........
1)In 1981, for the first time in over two decades, the average scores of high school students on standardized math and English tests did not decline. During the same year, millions of American students enjoyed their first exposure to the new world of the microcomputer, whether in schools, video arcades, or other settings. The conclusion is clear: far from stultifying the intellectual capacities of students, exposure to computers can actually enhance them.
The most serious weakness of the argument above is its failure to
(A) discuss the underlying causes of the twenty-year decline in students test scores
(B) cite specific figures documenting the increases in test scores
(C) distinguish among the various types of computer being used by high school students
(D) define the intellectual capacities tested by the standardized math and English tests referred to
(E) explain exactly how high school students abilities on math and English tests could have been enhanced by exposure to computers
Although its purpose is laudable, the exclusionary rule, which forbids a court to consider evidence seized in violation of the defendants constitutional rights, has unduly hampered law-enforcement efforts. Even when the rights violation was a minor or purely technical one, turning on a detail of procedure rather than on the abrogation of some fundamental liberty, and even when it has been clear that the police officers were acting in good faith, the evidence obtained has been considered tainted under this rule and may not even by introduced. In consequence, defendants who were undoubtedly guilty have been set free, perhaps to steal, rape, or murder again
The author of the passage above assumes all of the following EXCEPT:
(A) The constitutional rights of criminal defendants should be protected.
(B) Most cases in which the exclusionary rule has been invoked have involved purely technical violations of constitutional principles.
(C) The number of cases whose outcome has been affected by the exclusionary rule is significant.
(D) Some of the defendants set free under the exclusionary rule have been guilty of serious criminal offenses
(E) Merely technical violations of the rules concerning evidence should be treated differently from deliberate assaults upon human rights.
3) The postal service is badly mismanaged. Forty years ago, first-class letter delivery cost only three cents. Since then, the price has increased nearly tenfold, with an actual decrease in the speed and reliability of service.
Each of the following statements, if true, would tend to weaken the argument above EXCEPT:
(A) The volume of mail handled by the postal service has increased dramatically over the last forty years.
(B) Unprecedented increases in the cost of fuel for trucks and planes have put severe upward pressures on postal delivery costs.
(C) Private delivery services usually charge more than does the postal service for comparable delivery charges.
(D) The average delivery time for a first-class letter four decades ago was actually slightly longer than it is today.
(E) The average level of consumer prices overall has increased more than 300 percent over the last forty years

4)When the government of a nation announced recently that a leader of the nations political opposition had died of a mysterious illness in prison, few seasoned observers of the regime were surprised. As the police captain in an old movie remarked when asked about the condition of a prisoner, Were trying to decide whether he committed suicide or died trying to escape.
The statements above invite which of the following conclusions?
(A) The opposition leader was probably killed trying to escape from prison.
(B) The opposition leader may not be dead at all.
(C) It is unlikely that the head of the regime knows the true cause of the opposition leaders death.
(D) The opposition leader probably killed himself.
(E) The regime very likely was responsible for the death of the opposition leader.
Please let me know of these with short explanations..........

1. E is the natural choice as all others are out of context. Even if the actions mentioned in A,B,C,D had been undertaken, it would have lent no support for the argument. Otherwise also, the structure of the argument is that since two things happened in the same time span, one must have caused the other. In such arguments it is important to establish the link between the two things, which is missing here. And E raises the point about establishing this link.

2. The following options are assumed :
A - because it says "Although its purpose is laudable..."
C - "...has unduly hampered.."
D - "...perhaps to rape, steal or murder again."

Between B and E, I would go for B because it does not find any backing from the passage because of the word "Most..". It is unclear whether E is an assumption.

3. The contention is that postal services are badly mismanaged because of the mentioned price hikes and logistics problems. B,C and E indicate that the price hikes are not confined just to the postal dept. So they would weaken the argument. D most definitely weakens the argument, because if true, it attacks the very premise. The answer is A because it establishes that the postal dept. woes are due to increasing volume of mails, which clearly points to bad mismanagement.

4. The passage states that "few seasoned observers were surprised." Also, the author mentions the policeman's remark in a movie. These things indicate that the circumstances of the death are dubious, which means that the govt. may be hiding the real cause.

There is no evidence to doubt the veracity of the death. So B is ruled out. A and D are also ruled out because nothing points in that direction. C is not the answer because the regime need not necessarily have a head. So E is the answer.
1 . E - explain exactly how high school students' abilities on math and English tests could have been enhanced by exposure to computers: The argument needs to explicitly explain how computers have helped to enhance students' abilities on Math and English... Rest are irrelevant.

2. I will go for 'C' - Nowhere, it seems that the number of such cases are significant.
A - "Although its purpose is laudable" it assumes that rights be protected.
B - ...
D - "perhaps to steal, rape, or murder again" - It proves that the defendants set free under the exclusionary rule have been guilty of serious criminal offenses
E - "Even when the rights violation was a minor or purely technical one" - It does show that author assumes a separate method to handle such issues.

3. A it is.
A - says, the volume has increased - but it implies again that the current postal system is 'efficient' and the time lag in fact is due to this increased volume. It weakens that the postal services are mismanaged.

B, E - give alternative explanations for price increase, hence weaken the argument.
D - directly weakens(negates) the argument.
A - says, the volume has increased - but it implies again that the current postal system is 'efficient' and the time lag in fact is due to this increased volume. It does provide an alternative explanation.
C - proves cost has actually increased.

4. E (obvious choice)

Well what are the correct answers ?
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Please let me know the answeres for the following:

1. In an experiment, two different types of recorded music were played for neonates in adjacent nurseries in a hospital. In nursery A, classical music was played; in nursery B, rock music was played. After two weeks, it was found that the babies in nursery A cried less, suffered fewer minor ailments, and gained more weight than did the babies in nursery B.
Which of the following additional experimental data would support the hypothesis that classical music is beneficial to the development of newborn?
(A) The neonates in a nursery where no music was played fared better than those in nursery B.
(B) Nursery A contained 15 percent more premature babies than nursery B.
(C) The newborns in nursery A cried less, suffered fewer minor ailments, and gained more weight than did newborns in a nursery with no music.
(D) The music played in nursery A was louder than that played in nursery B.C
(E) The ratio of nurses to newborns in nursery B was 1 to 4; in nursery A, it was 1 to 6.
2. Below is an excerpt from a letter that was sent by the chairman of a corporation to the stockholders.
A number of charges have been raised against me, some serious, some trivial. Individuals seeking to control the corporation for their own purposes have demanded my resignation. Remember that no court of law in any state has found me guilty of any criminal offense whatsoever. In the American tradition, as you know, an individual is considered innocent until proven guilty. Furthermore, as the corporations unbroken six-year record of growth will show, my conduct of my official duties as chairman has only helped enhance the success of the corporation, and so benefited every stockholder.
Which of the following can be properly inferred from the excerpt?
(A) The chairman believes that all those who have demanded his resignation are motivated by desire to control the corporation for their own purposes.
(B) Any misdeeds that the chairman may have committed were motivated by his desire to enhance the success of the corporation.
(C) The chairman is innocent of any criminal offense.
(D) The corporation has expanded steadily over the past six years.D
(E) Any legal proceedings against the chairman have resulted in his acquittal.
3. In the years since the city of London imposed strict air-pollution regulations on local industry, the number of bird species seen in and around London has increased dramatically. Similar air-pollution rules should be imposed in other major cities.
Each of the following is an assumption made in the argument above EXCEPT:
(A) In most major cities, air-pollution problems are caused almost entirely by local industry.
(B) Air-pollution regulations on industry have a significant impact on the quality of the air.
(C) The air-pollution problems of other major cities are basically similar to those once suffered by London.
(D) An increase in the number of bird species in and around a city is desirable.A
(E) The increased sightings of bird species in and around London reflect an actual increase in the number of species in the area.
4. Which of the following best completes the passage below?
In opposing government regulation of business, conservatives often appeal to the Jeffersonian ideal of limited government, expressing the wish that government would get off the backs of the American people. Yet, paradoxically, many of these same conservatives address questions of private morality, such as those dealing with sexual behavior, by calling for______
(A) a return to the restrictive sexual morality of the Victorian era
(B) a strengthening of the role of the family in setting moral norms for society
(C) a limitation on the amount of sexually provocative material appearing in books, motives, and television shows
(D) greater freedom for individuals to choose their own way of handling sexual issuesE
(E) an increased governmental role in the regulation and control of private sexual behavior

hi dude
u have posted the answers as well.... it could have been more fun to solve the question if the answers were not posted along with the questions....

Hey, that was inadvertent. I need the explanation to the answers. Could you please help me with that??

Find the explanations below:

Please let me know the answeres for the following:

1. In an experiment, two different types of recorded music were played for neonates in adjacent nurseries in a hospital. In nursery A, classical music was played; in nursery B, rock music was played. After two weeks, it was found that the babies in nursery A cried less, suffered fewer minor ailments, and gained more weight than did the babies in nursery B.
Which of the following additional experimental data would support the hypothesis that classical music is beneficial to the development of newborn?
(A) The neonates in a nursery where no music was played fared better than those in nursery B.
(B) Nursery A contained 15 percent more premature babies than nursery B.
(C) The newborns in nursery A cried less, suffered fewer minor ailments, and gained more weight than did newborns in a nursery with no music.
(D) The music played in nursery A was louder than that played in nursery B.C
(E) The ratio of nurses to newborns in nursery B was 1 to 4; in nursery A, it was 1 to 6.
Only Option C hghlights the effects the classical music has on the babies, comparing it with a nursery with no music.

2. Below is an excerpt from a letter that was sent by the chairman of a corporation to the stockholders.
A number of charges have been raised against me, some serious, some trivial. Individuals seeking to control the corporation for their own purposes have demanded my resignation. Remember that no court of law in any state has found me guilty of any criminal offense whatsoever. In the American tradition, as you know, an individual is considered innocent until proven guilty. Furthermore, as the corporations unbroken six-year record of growth will show, my conduct of my official duties as chairman has only helped enhance the success of the corporation, and so benefited every stockholder.
Which of the following can be properly inferred from the excerpt?
(A) The chairman believes that all those who have demanded his resignation are motivated by desire to control the corporation for their own purposes.
(B) Any misdeeds that the chairman may have committed were motivated by his desire to enhance the success of the corporation.
(C) The chairman is innocent of any criminal offense.
(D) The corporation has expanded steadily over the past six years.D
(E) Any legal proceedings against the chairman have resulted in his acquittal.
Here, there will be some confusion, if any, between A and D. But the statement D is better coz the chairman mentions 'Individuals seeking to control'. So, A is unclear. Hence, D.

3. In the years since the city of London imposed strict air-pollution regulations on local industry, the number of bird species seen in and around London has increased dramatically. Similar air-pollution rules should be imposed in other major cities.
Each of the following is an assumption made in the argument above EXCEPT:
(A) In most major cities, air-pollution problems are caused almost entirely by local industry.
(B) Air-pollution regulations on industry have a significant impact on the quality of the air.
(C) The air-pollution problems of other major cities are basically similar to those once suffered by London.
(D) An increase in the number of bird species in and around a city is desirable.A
(E) The increased sightings of bird species in and around London reflect an actual increase in the number of species in the area.
I guess A is pretty obvious here..One may think about option E, but that has no bearance on the conclusion reached.. the argument basically deals with imposing air pollution rules. So A is the best answer.

4. Which of the following best completes the passage below?
In opposing government regulation of business, conservatives often appeal to the Jeffersonian ideal of limited government, expressing the wish that government would get off the backs of the American people. Yet, paradoxically, many of these same conservatives address questions of private morality, such as those dealing with sexual behavior, by calling for______
(A) a return to the restrictive sexual morality of the Victorian era
(B) a strengthening of the role of the family in setting moral norms for society
(C) a limitation on the amount of sexually provocative material appearing in books, motives, and television shows
(D) greater freedom for individuals to choose their own way of handling sexual issuesE
(E) an increased governmental role in the regulation and control of private sexual behavior
Here, the word paradoxically is the catch word. So, the correct option should be the one which suggests that the conservatives want the govt to do something about the issues stated above.. E is the only option to do that.
Hope, you got the needed explanations. Hereafter please try to post the questions without answers...

is the answer C?

as per my logic, if A, then B but if B then not necessarily A, however, if not B, then for sure A is not there. Applying this backward from clause 3 to 1 it gives If not D then not A.
Please correct me if am wrong...!


D can be directly inferred , the surplus resource of pepper would have reduced thats why the availability reduced. Actually E can also be inferred but if bad weather was a cause then many pepper producers might have incurred losses also.

hi aim the answer is C i suppose