FINTREE Videos for FRM part 1&2. Highly discounted prices Contact [email protected]
Does anyone have Aswini bajaj or Sanjay saraf frm part1 video series. Pls reply
L1 qualified..what about others?
Hello, if you have any CFA or FRM material and you need others, we can exchange the materials we have, we can arrange a change or if you want to buy some material at a very low Price. I have, books, notes, videos, please send a message to [email protected]
For financial modelling materials at deep discounted price, pls mail to [email protected] PS: An imp info fr all. If Guntakaladi Gula Gula ([email protected]) sends u mail asking fr material, dnt sell. He takes material, then doesnt pay saying its nt useful to him. Pls circulate dis msg as much as psbl.
COMPLETE FRM PART 1 & 2 (2019) study material including BT notes, FINTREE videos, Q bank, 10 year Practice papers, secret sauce, exam revision quick notes and lot of other stuff at DEEP DISCOUNTED PRICE, please contact : [email protected]
CFA L1,L2,L3 AND FRM L1,L2 2020 high quality videos, e-books, qbank, Practice exams are available with us @ VERY LOW COST. Interested candidates may send an email to [email protected]
COMPLETE FRM PART 1 & 2 (2019) study material including BT notes, FINTREE videos, Q bank, 10 year Practice papers, secret sauce, exam revision quick notes and lot of other stuff at DEEP DISCOUNTED PRICE, please contact : [email protected]
Dear FRM Candidates, We are offering 2020 Schweser Books & Quicksheet, 2020 Fintree Videos and 2020 GARP ebooks for FRM Part 1. Please drop us an email at [email protected]
Dear FRM Candidates, We are offering 2020 study material for FRM Part 1&2.
Part 1 - 2020 Schweser Books , 2020 Fintree Videos and 2020 GARP ebooks Part 2 - 2020 Schweser Books, 2020 Bionic Turtle Package and 2020 GARP ebooks. Please drop us an email at [email protected]
COMPLETE FRM PART 1 & 2 study material including BT notes, FINTREE videos, Q bank, 10 year Practice papers, secret sauce, exam revision quick notes and lot of other stuff at DEEP DISCOUNTED PRICE, please contact : [email protected]
Dear FRM Candidate, We have sourced 2020 BT Professional Package for both parts now. It is available at very low price. Please drop me an email at [email protected]
Dear FRM Candidate, We are offering 2020 Bionic Turtle Professional Package for FRM @ Nominal Price, which includes following
I. Study Notes, Instructional Videos,
II. Question Banks, Interactive quizzes, Interactive Mocks Exams
III. Focus Review Videos, Learning Spreadsheets
Please mail me at [email protected]
We also have 2020 Fintree Videos (FRM Part 1), 2020 Schweser Notes (All Books are available now).