130eeje cut t
Any idea about result
Result ka koi khabar
86 civil obc......any idea about qualifying
Y they give access now for objection form???? any idea?
BPSC MAINS General Hindi & General engineering को कम नहीं समझे!! Jssc में इसी के कारण bright student ka final selection नहीं हुआ था!
Result aa gya check krlo
Anyone selected in je electrical? Share your marks..
Will they publish cut off and revised answer key
Link send karo
How is 1997 dob Vale ko 2 yr proffesional exp milega. ....??
Anyone selected in civil???
So many fake experience certificate candidates appeared in Examination, may be some of them cleared exam also, so mail and call esic to check salary slip, form no. 16, UAN number, pf number, last time also some candidates with fake experience certificate joined so this time people trying to do same, so please tell esic about it https://mobile.twitter.com/HimalayaC17/status/1100368633539117056 (Phone No. 01123219513 : Email id– [email protected] , [email protected]
Link send karo result ka
How many vancany in ssc je civil???