CFA Level II Discussions: Please post all queries here

Hi Puys,
I am appearing for Level I in June 2010. I know this thread is for Level II ppl. But I had some questions which I feel will be best answered here.

Did any of you confirm what would be valuation of a guy with a CFA degree?
With Level I can we expect a break in the IB industry or its only possible after Level II?
What could be the suitable positions available?
Also any of you really applied somewhere mentioning about the CFA thing. I would like to know what reply s/he got?

I tried searching a few sites for this info...But they seemed too judgement based..
I am expecting some actual facts from you people......


I'm appearing for level 2 in June 2010 and have not yet started my preparation :-(. Let's all be a little more active in this thread...and share tips, preparation strategies & problem areas.

Hi Puys,
I am appearing for Level I in June 2010. I know this thread is for Level II ppl. But I had some questions which I feel will be best answered here.

Did any of you confirm what would be valuation of a guy with a CFA degree?
With Level I can we expect a break in the IB industry or its only possible after Level II?
What could be the suitable positions available?
Also any of you really applied somewhere mentioning about the CFA thing. I would like to know what reply s/he got?

I tried searching a few sites for this info...But they seemed too judgement based..
I am expecting some actual facts from you people......


The programme certainly adds a lot of value but do have too high expectations. Level 1 is just a start and on it's own might not help you in getting a break, but as an add on it will be very helpful. Job opportunities certainly increase after level 2, but as always work experience gets preference over certifications/degrees. Join the prograame with an open mind. If you want to learn the nitty gritties of Finance this is the perfect place
Hey all
Schweser should be available on Esnips and on some orkut communities.
Has anyone started preps btw?...

Not yet :(. have called up a guy for the schweser notes. But for level 2...i do't think dat prep notes are of too much help.

Why is this forum so silent????? is everyone busy studying???

hey, I am also a level-2 candidate for June 2010 exam. I m busy with my MBA entrance examinations right now, so will start my prep. from mid January. I'll be active on this thread after I am over with all the entrances.

hello! brother
this is kunal jain from delhi
tell me abt one thing, this is what i am thinking
" i am interested in investment analyst through my relatives business
so, before mba, i want to pursue this course , probably in 2010june.
according to u, what is the requirement in terms of aptitude and reasoning for level 1 and level2.
thanks to reply........................


I appeared for CFA L1 in dec 2009. The result will be out on jan 27 .I am reasonably confident that Ill clear level 1.Can i register for level 2 before the results for L1 are out so that i can start early....Also I am nt sure bout the difficulty level for L2 o it calls for an early start.


can any1 of u pl tell me whr wud i find cfa level 2 books in mumbai n is there any shop which provides home delivery...kindly do rep..thnx in advance..

can anyone atleast provide me the phone number for that laxmi book depo in fort..

Since it seems that the test will not be offered in India where should I go to take Level II? I took Level I in Boston where I was living up until Oct so I need some advice. Thanks.

Also, anyone doing group studying in Mumbai? I am just about to start my studying.

Since it seems that the test will not be offered in India where should I go to take Level II? I took Level I in Boston where I was living up until Oct so I need some advice. Thanks.

Also, anyone doing group studying in Mumbai? I am just about to start my studying.

is it confirmed news that Level II will not be held in India?? I am also thinking of appearing for the same this june, can you please shed some light on the source of your information...

Well, there are no India locations listed on the CFA website. They'll probably add it at the last minute but who knows...

I have cleared level 1 in decemeber.. cannot find the link to activate n register for Level II.. d last day is just a one week away.. HELPPPP

Hey puys!!

I need to knoe if i am eligible for the June L-2 exam.I am doing a Dual degree (Btech+mtech) in engg.I am in the last year (5th) of my masters.Am i eligible for the L2 exam in June 2011.

if you have received the degree of completion of graduation then, as per best of my knowledge you should be eligible

Mail your queries regarding CFA Level 1 and 2 on cfaqueries @
We will try our best to solve them as soon as possible.

Study well. :)

P.S : We are few students who have already done their CFA or are currently in level 3. As there is no platform specifically dedicated to CFA exams we are just trying to make an attempt to help CFA students in our free time.