Where do you get this data?
I need arif's vids.. Pls pm me..
hey in between we got a mail saying that certain portion is there this year. Does the schweser notes contain it or we would need to do it from somewhere else.
the mail contained this:
We want to remind candidates of some mismarked "optional" sections in the 2013 Level II derivatives curriculum. Readings 49 and 50 had some pages marked as "optional" when they are actually part of the assigned readings. This was posted in the online Errata in August 2012, and we want to contact all Level II candidates to make sure you incorporate these sections into your course of study:
Reading 49: Section 7.2.2 (p. 100) up to Section 7.3 (p. 106) was marked as optional. These sections are assigned as part of the required reading.
Reading 50: Section 6 (p. 167) up to Section 9 (p. 211) was marked as optional. These sections are assigned as part of the required reading.
can someone pls tell whether schweser has these in it.
Hi Guys,
Can I do FRA from Scheweser notes. Does it cover everything? Will I be able to answer the CFA Chapter questions at the back of the actual CFA Notes by reading only schweser notes? The query is for FRA reading only. Plz answer....
Can anyone provide info abt what all things you are doing from schweser and what all from CFA books !!!
I needed some advice guys/seniors for level 1. is edupristine silver pack good for summarized last minute revision? which is more tougher of mocks :- edupristine or schwesars? Please give in your valuable advice.
Can I do FRA from Scheweser notes. Does it cover everything? Will I be able to answer the CFA Chapter questions at the back of the actual CFA Notes by reading only schweser notes? The query is for FRA reading only. Plz answer....
Yes schweser is sufficient
I needed some advice guys/seniors for level 1. is edupristine silver pack good for summarized last minute revision? which is more tougher of mocks :- edupristine or schwesars? Please give in your valuable advice.
pristine last minute revision is quite good especially the mind maps.. Schweser mocks are above average.. If u practice with schweser u'll find the CFA xam relatively easy
Hi can any1 please inform what is the tentative minimum passing score for L2 as we have apprx 70 % for Level1
Can any one suggest where I can get Schweser Secret Sauce. I heard it is good.
can somebody tell me where can i get L2 schweser videos for readings 42, 43, 44 ie fixed income part one.
can somebody tell me where can i get L2 schweser videos for readings 42, 43, 44 ie fixed income part one.appreciated
if anybody needs arif's L2 videos....pm me..
thank you iprateek.
all the best
Guys i will be giving L1 in dec and have a doubt regarding its prep which only u guys can solve..
(Some say that curriculum is very imp and some say that schweser is sufficient, curriculum is waste of time)
please reply...Thnx i adv...👏
guys have you started with the schweser mocks....and if yes how much are you guys scoring???
Hey Guys,
Hey, sometime back I had read a post on PG for preparation of L2. It was a long post but was quite informative and insightful. It had details of all the subjects. Now I can't find it. If anyone of you knows where the post is..please post the link.