re Hi,
I am a software engineer and will be going to US in august for MS in finance.
I am planning to give CFA in june'07.
Can anybody tell me that is there any coaching center for CFA in Bangalore other than ICFAI!
vineetkumar SaysHi anybody interested in buying the xerox copy of cfa institutes 6 book set or the xerox or soft copy of schweser material for june 2007 can mail me at .
Arrey boss, where the hell did u run away that day???

passionzz SaysAnyone interested in CFA books, please mail me on. I finished my CFA Level 3 in June 2005.
Dude...posting ur e-mail id is sort of illegal on this forum...
Kindly edit the post and PM the id to the fella who asked for it.
Thank you.
cfa level 1 2007 attempt schweser notes..i have the hard copy..anyone intrsted, juzz send me a private msg!
hi all,
anyone interested in forming a grp from pune for cfa level1 june 07 , kindly messge me or if any grp already let me know
Does anyone have any CFA Level 2 videos for 2007? If yes, please let me know
Does anyone has 2007 Schweiser notes in PDF form ?
Appreicate if someone can PM with the availibility at the earliest.
All CFA aspirants, you should find all the resources on this link:
CFAProjectWgroup - CFA Level 1/Level 2
downloadable videos and ebooks...enjoi! 😃
im planning to appear in L1 in dec 07 . can i get the books for it
if anyone appearing in dec07 , im ready to share the cost and the material with u
i heard that the course content in books has changed for the dec 2007 L1 exam as compared to that of 2006....So we need to get new books right?
another query is that are ny form of CFA books available anywhere in Delhi....
Hi dude..i need the L1 books for june 2007..wanted to know whether you would want to share them?
i too need cfa books for level 1 as i want to apear for CFA Level 1 exam in december this year
this is pune resi.....dude any person want to pursue cfa dec 07 level 1 pls join me ...lets do group study and also can any one pm me about the stuff for the same like notes and books etc....pls ....
I've got the 2007 schwesser notes. If u need just pm me.
Hello friends....
I'm an engineer by profession and have never studied anything remotely related with finance (except of course a one week training program at IIMC).
I've resigned from my job for doing MBA starting July.
That means, I'm going to have ample time to study for next three months.
Is it advisable to apply for June 2007 Level-I exam ??? Will it be possible to cover entire syllabus in two months ??
According to CFA Institute a person needs to devote 250 hours for level 1 @ 15-18hours a week. But this is for people who have a decent knowledge/background in finance for laymen like us We need atleast 400 hours. But since you have the time go ahead & enroll for June(if deadline is still there). Start studying Corp Finance from Brealey & Myers. For Securities refer to Investments by Bodie,Kane & Marcus. For Int Eco refer to Paul Krugman & for Int Markets refer to Jeff Madura. Since u r an engineer ur Quant skills will be very good so u'll not need much time to grasp the fundas.
Go ahead, clear the exams & then u can give me the advice for Dec 07 exam.
hi - heartly thanks for your effort and help. but the books are no longer available on the rapid share. can you post it again.
shibasishdas SaysI've got the 2007 schwesser notes. If u need just pm me.
Yaar shibasishdas, i want the material for 2007. Your help to me would be great.
Hi Frnds,
Please help me in getting 2007 schweser and cfa institutes published material of CFA L1
I am planning to give on Dec 2007.
shibasishdas SaysPls mail me ur address
Kindly refrain from disclosing your personal details (email/phone) in this public forum. Just incase you need people to contact you, use PMs. The same goes to sovitgarg as well.