Cat study group

Hey guys! I’m preparing for CAT 2023. Going to attempt CAT 2022 as well. I wanna form a study group of 3 or 4. If anyone interested, ping me !


Hey i want to join

Hi, I cracked CAT 2019- 97.91 percentile, admit from IIM K. Now I am writing again. I want to join your group.

Hey, kindly add me too.


guys join this discord server its so cool

please add me too for CAT study group

Hey I’m interested in joining the group

Hello, coreball
Fascinated. I’m also in the market for a dedicated CAT’21 study buddy, and I just so happened to have a high percentile score.

I’m interested
Let’s connect!

hey, I am preparing for cat 2023. I am a repeater. Want serious aspirants for a study group.

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-Struggling with the Verbal section of CAT?
-Dreaded of the RC Questions?
-Are Parajumbles too befuddling for you?
-Don’t know which mocks to attempt?
-Always Confused between two close Answer Choices?

I am a Verbal Training Expert with a twuce 100%ile in Verbal Section of CAT and a 740 in GMAT with a Verbal Score of 42.

And here I am presenting to you one of the most efficient ways of doing Verbal Ability Questions to achieve that elite 100th Percentile in CAT Verbal.
DM me if you wish to jumpstart to your dream score in Verbal.

New Online Batch to commence from 15th March, 23 for CAT Comprehensive Verbal Course with detailed Handwritten Notes, Class Handouts and Training in order to achieve Higher Mock Scores and a 100th Percentile in Verbal in CAT 2023.

My dreams for you are a lot higher than your dreams for yourself. Hence,
Join me if you are willing to get that 100 %ile in CAT 2023 in Verbal

Let’s dream big together.

For Free Demo Class Details please contact- 9779556640

Happy Learning!!


Hello please add me to the group if you making or i can make.

Hello Sir I am in class 11th and willing to prepare for IPM with seriousness and dedication pls make me a part of your group. I scored 95.2% in my 10th and IIM Indore is my dream college

Hi, I am a repeater too. I would like to join your study group.

is someone interested in joining a study group for cat 2023

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Hey, I wanna discuss Reading Comprehension, analysis and summary. This is my first time.please respond if interested


Hey guys if u want cat video lectures and material connect with me
whatsapp me-- 8969328439 , just ping me