my dfo (tele) exam center is mumbai, anyone is going mumbai....
what are the latest technological development in ece stream?anyone plz tell me
Who wil come to chennai for dfo gd exam?
How was the exam guys.....
How was exam?
Easy question paper
How was the exam guys...??
hey everyone . Can u please share ur roll no. for the test . I forgot to take a copy of admit card and they took the original and to fill the set of forms i dont have my roll no. .. i know last three digits were 079 .. n starting digits were 70 something like this .. please help
Dfo tele 1st shift memory based paper...if any question left then please comment..
Part 2
Part 3
what is the minimum cutoff for general in dfo tele?
Kolkata centre guys share your expected score of Dfo ( Tele) exam??
approx dfo gd cut off?
To all the Amritsar centre dfo (Tele) morning batch candidates plz help me recall my roll no. I remember first 3 digit were 701 and last 2 digits were 12 and I was alloted desk no. 12....pleaz share first 6digits of your no.
Selection will be
- Region wise
- All India Level
0 voters
Guys if anyone remember gk question which were asked in dfo gd exam..then plz share
Whats job profile of DFO(Tele)?
Is it a safe job for lifetime?.....................................
attestaion kiya self attested hain?
Are you affixing 5cm × 7cm (as mentioned) photo it think it would be very large in size...passport sizes are generally 3.5 cm × 4.5 cm..plz tell.