Who are appearing for GD On 19 aug at Shillong?
any idea about what type of
questions are asked in interview?
Hello can anyone provide me the link of DFO advertisement? Also may I know who conducts this exam? Is it by UPSC or SSC or directly by Cabinet Sec.? When was the last notification and any idea on when the next notification will be? Thanks.
kolkata se kisiko call lettr mili intrview ka?
Resume needed?
Anyone appeared the GD interview today yet ?
Share about ur interview experience dfo tele
anyyone who attended interview today can share about their experience...GD / TELE
GD's exam at shillong centre which was supposed to happen today was cancelled today. Any other centre faced the same issue ?
anyone attended interview today at chennai...can anyone share the details
Gd persons First ques to every student of gd why do u want to join intelligence
is anyone having idea about result ???/
How was your interview(marks out of 50) experience?
- Superb(40+)
- Good(30-40)
- Average(20-30)
- Bad (<20)
0 voters
how many of you belongs to jharkhand who attends interview?
- NO
0 voters
does any one have idea about the result???
Any news from mumbai circle ?
How many regions the interviews are held in???
Number of posts????????
Any communication received from cabinet secretariat side?