Have any manager electrical candidate recieved any mail for interview?
Manager Electrical interview list is based on merit list of written test. Is this correct?
Kisi ko mail aya kya manager k liye..Plz share
Experience certificate who are working in psu is required on not
anyone received mail from aai pl let me knw wht r they asking noc and experience certificate both r required or not
Pl reply
Is Anyone here facing difficulties in getting NOC ?
Do anyone know highest marks obtained in MANAGER ENGINEER ELECTRICAL exam of recrt. No.02/2018????
How can a private employee get experience certificate.
How to prove 11 lac CTC. In my salary slip gross salary is 9.85 lacs. But it doesn't include perks and allowence.
Perks and allowence are almost 1.5 lacs
Experience certificate for study purpose will work or not
when will be the interview shedule for manager electronics ...
Is there any court case for that
Is anyone taking interview classes for manger electronic
Many are asking lot of question here...
let me answer few of thm...
important eligibility before applying...
b.tech (i m mentioning it here bcz sm ppl may ask it too.),
5years exp in respective field
11 lac salary for pvt &
executive level {(level 8 or 4800 gp & abv) or (16400 or 40000 abv ida )} exp for govt employee.
>important doccuments for govt employee :-
1) NOC (u can get it easily frm yr hr section if u have applied it prior to notification. those hadnt applied prior notification shoud request to issue noc anyhow bcz application for noc is not going to wrk...noc are not provided to contactual employees so contactual employees evn wrking in executive cadre are not eligible)
2) experience certificate mentioning 5 years of experience in electronics field on executive cadre. (Its mandatory,so all speculating about how mch shoud be the cut off grade pay has been left on the employer that suppose u have 4200 grad pay work as jr engineer signal or telecom etc which is a grp c supervisor post but if your employer like railway say u r executive & u have 5 year experience in signal thn u r most eligible.since this option is applied only fr govt org. So if they say so in written thn definetely it will be valued nd will be accepted.but if they dnt able to produce tht ,thn evn ppl wrking on 5400 gp will be rejected).this example is jst fr illustration purpose.
now for private guys:-
1)same experince certificate of 5 years exp in electronics field on executive cadre mst be mentioned there.(as getting exp certificate is so hard in pvt company but its yr headache to produce it.so all the best)
2)salary proof of 11 lac ctc.
last 2-3 mnth salary slip,with bank statement u can provide as a proof if u r getting more thn one lac per month.
those having salary less thn 1 lac but they have hidden perk aftr adding which yr ctc become abv 11 lac thn in tht case u have to show yr annual ctc proof
some companies salary slip have annual ctc mentioned in monthly slip.so it is easier to so thm.
still if yr ctc is 11 lac but yr salary slip dant show tht thn u can bring the proof of your annual appraisal as a proof where it mst be mentioned tht yr ctc aftr 10% increment will be 11 lac etc
now the best document tht u can show to the aai is yr ITR return. Because in itr yr gross income is mentioned.may be yr taxable income can be 9-10 lacs but yr gross income will be mentioned their which mst be 11 lac.
competition is not going to be easy as DV is going to be very very very tough. & one free advice frm me to u all guys. Dnt try to produce fake doccuments. As AAI have a dedicated doccumnet verification team working in all ovr the country.so dnt do this kiddish stuff. As it is not so hard to do yr background chk sply whn the selection criteria is solely based upon yr background
now coming to the interview and written weightage
gen- >75
bc> 70
are already selected...jst produce the reqd doccuments...interview is not fr u guys...jst chill out
ppl having less marks thn abv will have to prepre hard....still few will hav chances only if they fail to produce documnets..yr chances will be there
so all the best guys
How to know individual marks
Friends electrical manager call letter available in aai login page
Koi private me experience certificate nikala he kya
Experience agar 7 -8 saal ho to interview me benifit milega kya
Mba agar ho to fayda hoga kya