When will be interview held for manager civil, anybody having idea
Anyone please share Interview topics for Manager Civil...Technical subjects as well as non technicals
Any updates for Manager DV/Interview? Will model code of conduct affect the interview ?
Manager(electronics) result declared.
Elx manger doc verification dscssn group link Remove space after what https://chat.what sapp.com/I5JTPxA7kG7CxoRga1bZ7s
Dear Admin ...Wish to know about the weightage of interview and written marks for manager electronics
I have a unique situation. I am Btech-ECE, 2 years as Engineer in Ericsson-Noida, Mtech-ECE, and now Junior Engineer in BSNL for 4.5 years. I had applied for AAI Manager 2018 and application was accepted. Now results are out and I have cleared the written. So I will be disqualified in interview round as to Executive experience criteria?
Written test marks for Manager Electronics will be considered for final selection or it is just a screening test ?
Electronics AAI manger document verification and noc experience discussion and polls ..... Join group below https://t.me/joinchat/JcOmVxNxiIFh3R30_c-wYw
Anyone has idea ppl from non executive post from govt sector are accepted for manager electronics
How to find the marks scored? Can anyone help.
when willbe the interview? did any body receive mail
Electronics AAI manger document verification and noc experience discussion and polls ..... Join group below https://t.me/joinchat/JcOmVxNxiIFh3R30_c-wYw
I have 5 yrs of experience in engineering college as assistant professor .is it sufficient?
Is there any consideration for GATE 2018 qualified students?
No it is not a govt. job
Ye list written kI rank ke according hai kya?
one who is working on 4200GP will be considered for interview?
one who is working on 4200GP will be considered for interview ?
Court case regarding aai manager post is true?