Aai manager 2018 rectt

How did you are getting and key

Manager civil marks??

Only 'Manager -Electrical' candidates pls.post your marks and category here. Everyone can get an idea where he/she stands i.e. whether call for interview can be expected or not.

Response link open ho gayi

As results were out, please share your marks for Manager (Finance)-General Cateogary

  • 80-85
  • 85-90
  • 90-95
  • 95-100
  • 100

  • <75
  • 75-80

0 voters

For join a series discussion kindly send yr name on 9473585035

Only for Manager Electronic

Requesting all serious candidates of manager ( Electronic )send their name on my mobile. No 9473585035 what's app group.

Join AAI-Manager Finance Group.. copy below link n remove X... with w https://chat.Xhatsapp.com/E4KeDJ2B3vR5nJ1MhLCWRw

expected cut off for manager electronics??please comment..

Is 11 lac ctc must

Expected cut off for manager electronics My score is 76

Electrical manager cut off Kya rahega

is NOC mandatory, are they allow with out NOC??

For Manager HR what will be the cutoff for all catergories

Will this marks be considered for interview . is the interview marks caluclated together wit this scores ?

anybody raised any objection? one error is appearing when I submitted my objection. anyone facing same issue?

When will the results of written test declared 

Let's put your scores here for manager electronics. Would be helpful for everyone. Any Guess on number of candidates took the exam?

Manager Electrical candidates plz update ur marks on this link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GNRfSjLbObTvAcqVcAp_lRhmNurBEf-uy7S5wqeGWU0/edit?usp=sharing