Selected candidates of aai je civil advertisement no. 02/2012 & 02/2016 received any mail or message ????
general cat. gate AIR 1572 je electronics
any chance
EEE with gate (EE) eligible for post 2 ...or can I apply for post3 je ELECTRONIC with electrical gate score card plz suggest me ..
When can I check payment status..I paid successfully but I can't find payment status option ...
Rank 497..ece..obc...chances??
Only ece guys...comment ur rank and category..comment also ur friends and known fellas who applied for aai...mine 497..obc
marks 53.10 ....rank 763 score 710...ece...obc....any chances???
what is the inhand salary and gross salary?
is there any chance of any waiting list coming out of the recent recruitment in aai? in civil the general cut off was 123 and after rti i came to know i got 122. so asking if there is any chance.
Any ST guys applying for JE (Electronics)? What is your GATE 2016 Score?
marks 53.10 ....rank 763 score 710...ece...obc....any chances?? ....please comment
Sc category ..gate 2016 marks 49 civil ...any chance?? Sc candidate of civil who has applied for AAi ...plz post their marks.
Anyone here Under 200 Rank
CIVIL applied for AAI Through Gate 2016?
Electrical branch belonging ST category who have applied. Comment ur gate 2016 score??
My Gate 2016 Rank-576 and Score:734 marks:54.93 in OBC from ECE .... Can any1 tell what are the number of chances of getting select ???
AAI JUNIOR EXECUTIVE .........Kisi ka call letter aaya????
Kb tk aane ki sambhavna h???
kab aana h result?
I would like to apply for a exam “Jr. Assistant (Fire Service) for which the forms are already availble, their is a option of uploading Domicile Certificate, however it doesnt have asterisk on it, so would like to know if that is mandatory to upload ? If anybody has filled that form, please guide me, it will be great help, because i dont have one currently. 9898743083
who have got < 1700 AIR in gen in ece have chance for aai je. Please wait n watch good chance here.
AAI JE, Civil Through GATE 2016
Any Information regarding result or cutoff?