For JUNIOR EXE. Commercial exam... are they going to ask technical question or not.. (for 60 marks) ...
Ny1 having centre at BRAINWARE GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS, BARASAT, KOLKATA, 24 PARGANA.. for JE Technical, on 16th morning..
My center is Dronacharya College Of Engineering Khentawas , Farukh Nagar , Gurgaon,Haryana on 16/1/2016 in morning shift.
it is so far from main highway so if anyone have same center then we can go together for convenience.......
I have a exam on 16 the,when will they upload hall tickets?
How many candidates appeared for JE commercial? What was the difficulty level of exam? What cutoff is expected?
When i je technical result coming out?? Any1?
When is aai je atc exam goon to take place??
Does anyone know which exam in AAI gives you the post of Immigration officer in FRRO? And what is the eligibility for that? Do they recruit every year for it?
Anybdy knw whn will be the result of je cargo gong declare??
anyone with detailed advertisement of 02/2015 whose exam was on 26th dec,,9 jan,,16jan
,,kindly provide the link ?
Any newz abt result of 02/2015???
**** AAI,,result to de nh rhe 02/2015 ka,, aur ek form ....BC doubt hi h ki isko fill krke 1000 dub na jaye
ab lag rha IBPS ki trah ,AAI ko b call kr krke tang krna pdega for 02/2015 results,,had hoti h online exam liya aur ye halat,, starts with him ,,,,meanwhile will provide chairman,DG every employee phone number..
Employee Name-Mr. Anuj Aggarwal,
Designation MEMBER (HR) Board Member
Office Phone No 01124632946
Office Board No 01124632950-
Fax No 01124610840
E-Mail [email protected]
Address-- 1A, Airport Lane, Opposite Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi-110003
Employee Name Mr. J. K. Goel
Designation GM Department HR Region NORTHERN REGION Location CHQ
Office Phone No 01124616810
Office Board No - Fax No 01124616810
E-Mail [email protected]
lagta h,ab yaha dharne par baithna pdega
Airports Authority of India, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi - 110003
all HR contact details
**** AAI,,02/15 ka result nh diya abtk,,uske baad fir ek form for JE(different posts),,,ab manager ke forms b nikal diye h inhone
Je ATC better than CGL posts?
How was your paper on 24/04/2016? Attempted only 70 correct qn what are chances?
Puys, please help, this is the first time i am going for aai exam. So, kindly tell me the pattern and syllabus (if any idea) for AAI JE (Airport operations). For physics and maths, would 11th and 12th class portion be sufficient? And also what about B.Tech syllabus? Please help.