books fr AAI JE IT or any MOCK papers website? not able to find something rigid! anybody!
(AAI JE HR) what kind of topics could be asked in descriptive ppr ?
0 voters
Anyone having last year ATC paper with solutions ? Please share with us
In junior executive(IT) syllabus there is given Agile frame work,Dev Ops, Data Architecturs,Data analytics.... Are these included in syllabus or this is extra information regarding post..
How to prepare Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorized Occupants) Act, 1971 for JE Commercial? If anyone has pdfs or mcqs for this act please share.
What kind of job profile is for junior executive Air traffic control , Airport operations and commercial ??
What is the job profile of junior executive technical mechanical
ELECTRICAL and civil
anybody here who has MCQs for AAI Commercial...MCQs based on the acts and marketing syllabus.
JE post requires no essential experience. But if someone has relevant experience in the field, will it help in anyways? Thanks in advance
Bhai junior executive mechanical ka paper kisi ke pass hoga kya
Junior Exceutive(Information Technology) ka syllabus kya hai.. plz share ..
any idea about...essay topic...last time????
Is there any interview for JE TECHNICAL ?
Is there any negative marking?
It is very unfair that SC/ST/female/pwd can fill form free of cost and general men and obc men has to pay 1000 ruppeee. what type of unfairness to the people of general and obc men. How can govt exempt the fee for a particular caste and gender instead it should be based on financial terms .My frnd is from general category, he is from poor family and he just borrowed 1000 rupee from me to fill this form of AAI junior executive.What type of unfairness is this .This is just a discrimination to us ..I am not against reservation but form fee exemption should be based on financial terms not on caste or gender term.I have seen many rich SC/ST/female/pwd who are filling this form free of cost in front of me when i seee this unfairness ,it boils our blood
How to prepare for aai junior executive atc posts for btech?
What cutoff can be expected for AAI JE through GATE 2018 ? Is there any chance for 2nd round?
EXAM DATE EXTENTED !! by month may be more
Hey Guys, My BE CS degree says that I passed with FIRST CLASS(since I got 63%) in Final year. But my aggregate %age is 58%. Am I eligible for JE(IT)?