AAI ATC JE( ATC) Advt 07/2015

what topics do they ask in atc interview 

can anyone share exp of his previous interview

Koi basic batao be iski

Is there any revised no. of vacancies for atc 07/2015.

Check this http://www.gate2016.info/psus-cut-off-marks/aai-cut-off-marks/

confused now

28 feb ko interview h ab tak call letter na mila kisi ka aaya kya ?

does anybody know how to calculate score for 7/2015

how to calculate score for aai je atc 7/2015

anyone got the call letter for interview ?

i have lost my admit card ..In call letter they are asking for admit card ..is there any way to download it ..or any other way around

hello guys,

i am going to delhi first time,, so anybody please help me to find the cheaper place to stay for a night and the way to find out the interview place.

Guys i dont have application num /roll number , but i received SMS regarding interview , only i know my registered mail but there is no mail about the interview... anyone can help me please...

I don't have my admit card. What should I do??

i got selected for interview, but at the time of applying i didnt observed the eligibility qualification. Am from MECHANICAL.. In the 7/2015 notification it shows electronic,communcation,IT but some are saying any engineering discipline. am i eligible?

Can anyone send me the advertisement of ATC 7/2015

I haven't Seen my normalised Score .... Please provide the link

Anybody here from Mumbai/pune?

Got the mail!

I belong to

  • others
  • mech
  • ece
  • civil
  • it
  • Bsc

0 voters

I lost my bank challan of AAI ATC.

Though Bank challan is not  asked In interview call letter .. but in notification advt of 07/2015 ...its written that we have to bring challan during verification.  Those who are going early in Feb n March  for interview...please inquire n  clerify about the importance of challan . 

Normalised mark is available?

Does anyone have the notification details of ATC JE(ATC) Advt 07/2015?