IIM Mumbai vs IIT Bombay

Hi… can anyone pls help me in a decision…:pray: I’m GEF with 9/8/8 profile and with 2.5+ yr workex in IT sector, scored 98.63 this year, I am waitlisted in IITB and IIM-M both and have fair chance of converting both, but I haven’t got admission offer from any old IIM(B,L,A,C,K,I) , so shall I repeat this year or shall I join a clg this year only and whom shall I prefer IIM-M or IIT-B.

I have convert from IIM Shillong & in CAP the best converts are IIM Raipur, Udaipur, Ranchi.

What shall I do?? pls help…

If you are ok with it ops / strategy sjmsom.
If you want exposure with FMCG then nitie.

Overall if you want to stay in tech management and sunrise sector then sjomsom

If tech management but core sectors then nitie.