Hi All, There have been a lot of queries and discussions going on in the “XAT notification” thread. so here i am starting this thread to take up your queries regarding XAT & XLRI. Do let us know if there is anything you would like to kn…
Hi All,
There have been a lot of queries and discussions going on in the "XAT notification" thread.
so here i am starting this thread to take up your queries regarding XAT & XLRI. Do let us know if there is anything you would like to know about things like application process, written exam, our interview experiences etc.
I alongwith many of my batchmates will make it a point to answer your questions on a regular basis
i was interested in knowing where one can prepare for the GK section of the XAT test. Also i was told XLRI is known only for its HRM programme and one should not apply if intersted in FIN or Mktg.
do help me out here . thank you:)
pls tell me whether there will b any general awareness section in XAT 2005 or not? it has not been mentioned in XAT bulletin. it says only of 3 sections like CAT. NO GK?
hi cubsat,
Its already been replied that there will be no GK section this time. Check out the following link
Hey saurabh,
Can you tell me what were the cutoffs for PMIR and BM last time and was there any sectional cutoff. Also can u tell me how many ppl were called for interview??
Please tell us a book in which we can get the kind of function problems asked in the XAT exam.
As per my understanding if we crack just one function question and one set of another question then we can clear the ,maths cutoff.
So please tell us the source to practice SET theory and function problems which are exactly the same as asked in XAt
hey iima,
I think u r not aware of the last 2 years quant format. The XAT has done away with the set of question format in quant. The quant section resembles CAT quant section in the last 2 years. Also this year paper is going to be exactly like CAT without a GK section as they have mentioned in the borchure.
Hence chillax
Oh Is it?
Well I gave XAT when I was in college 3 years back .So what would be the strategy.How much can be the cutoff in each section and any particular area of stess.
Thanks for the help
It is, Even i m trying to make some strategies for XAT this year.
I think Saurabh can answer the cut off querries very well, so we have to wait for his reply. But i think the same strategy one may formulate for CAT should work for XAT also, becos the format is going to be same for both the tests.
The only diff will be the essay. But that is never a criteria for interview calls though.
Hi All,
Here r my responses for the queries till now....
1. There is NO GK section in this years XAT. as clearly mentioned in the brochure, there will be only three sections - Quant, Verbal and DI & LR
2. Aarti, its a well know fact that the HRM course of XL (PM&IR;) is supposed to be the best in Asia. But it would be wrong to say that our other program - BM is not worth applying. Its comparable to the best MBA courses in the country. I wont go into ranking it vis-a-vis IIMs and other top B-schools because that is always debatable but yes if u take a look at placements BM and PM&IR; both have equally good placements. So u can judge from that.
3. Yes, there has been a shift in the pattern of Quant since last two years wherein it has become more CAT like. The usual set theory and function based questions have not been appearing.
4. Now coming to the cutoffs.....which are always contentious but let me see how much justice i can do....well for last year the Quant cutoff was surely pegged at somewhere around 95%...i dont think there is anyone in our batch having less than that....i dont have any concrete evidence to comment on the Verbal cutoff..as far as i know there were people with 88-90 percentile who got calls....as for overall cutoffs....i thinks it was somewhere around 93-94 for BM and 90-91 for PM&IR....these; figures are just based on my observations and the current batch profile.....and in any case percentiles are always subjective...for example last year we had people with overall percentile as 89-90 who got a call whereas ppl with 99 did not.....all this does indicate that percentiles is not the sole criterion for securing a call (a well known fact afterall !!)
5. As for the strategy....frankly speaking there cannot be a fixed strategy to crack these entrance exams...best u can aim at is putting up a decent show in all three sections and rest will take care of itself...i know i am sounding cliched !!...but thats how it is.....the selection criterion keeps changing from year to year...so to formulate a winning strategy is nearly impossible....
PS...hey batchmates....do add on if i have missed out on something...:)
The candidate with least cutoff here as a student of XLRI in PMIR had somewhere arnd 90 percentile. BM was arnd 92. But this is only our conjecture and the cutoffs are never ofiicially released so the data put here comes along with disclaimer frm my side. The cutoffs given by me are based on the empirical data taken frm my batch profile
There was a huge perception last year that cutoff for maths was 95 percentile. On the basis of scores of my batch, it seems to be true because we have only 2-4 students who had less than 95 percentile in maths last year. English was somewhere arnd 85 and Ppl meeting the above two criterias and above 90 percentile overall had a call despite getting 55-60 percentile in GK.
Actually calls depend on a lot of other factors like ur academics, work ex, the profile they want to have in the batch etc etc.
Essay is usually not a criteria for giving interview calls. this time it was not even touched during interview also. But do write down the topic somewhere atleast because they may ask qs abt what u had written in essay in interview.
For removing confusion once again I repeat NO GK this yr as confirmed by admissions office.
whats wrong with the xlri site? Have they moved? All i get is a sify site..
Hi Saurabh and Divyakumar,
Thanks for taking the initiative.
What kind of percentiles r required for a fresher ? For BM and also PMIR
as far as my profile is concerned...
Class 10 ICSE -95%
Class 12- 83.75%
B.Tech- 78.96%
Gave XAT last year got a 93 percentile. Did not apply to XLRI.
Can u give me an idea?
Thanks in advance.
Take care.
santiago Sayswhats wrong with the xlri site? Have they moved? All i get is a sify site..
They must be doing some maintenance to the site. It should be back in a while.
Hi Saurabh and Divyakumar,
Thanks for taking the initiative.
What kind of percentiles r required for a fresher ? For BM and also PMIR
as far as my profile is concerned...
Class 10 ICSE -95%
Class 12- 83.75%
B.Tech- 78.96%
Gave XAT last year got a 93 percentile. Did not apply to XLRI.
Can u give me an idea?
Thanks in advance.
Take care.
Though there is no written rule for giving a call on a particular percentile but 96 + overall percentile should be the target. This is to be on the safer side that the chances of getting a call are increased provided u haven't screwed up any particular section.
Again guys, it is only my viewpoint based on my observations and please don't take it as a rule.
That was a nice n systematic reply frm u Sir...
A specific queston frm me now...
U'v stated that the BM course is rite up there, comparable with that of the best inst. But lets talk in terms of pure numbers (IFF I'm allowed to)...For some1 like me, who wants to get into Investment Banking, r the relevant Co's visiting the campus?...Whats the avrg paypacket?...Yes, I knw that u r frm the PMIR batch n it wld b very diff, if not imposs 4 u to gimme the accurate picture...But then, even an approximate idea frm u wld b appreciable...
U said u wouldnt wana get into the comparison thing, esp vis-a-vis the IIM's...But even then, is the BM course comparable with atlst IIML or the other 2 lower IIM's?...Since a lot of us out here wld b interested in only the BM course, your reply wld possibly b helpful in guiding us all...N though comparisons r somethn that v all dislike (if not hate) deep down, it does help in the final decision makin process...
Rite then...
Hi All,
Here r my responses for the queries till now....
1. There is NO GK section in this years XAT. as clearly mentioned in the brochure, there will be only three sections - Quant, Verbal and DI & LR
2. Aarti, its a well know fact that the HRM course of XL (PM&IR;) is supposed to be the best in Asia. But it would be wrong to say that our other program - BM is not worth applying. Its comparable to the best MBA courses in the country. I wont go into ranking it vis-a-vis IIMs and other top B-schools because that is always debatable but yes if u take a look at placements BM and PM&IR; both have equally good placements. So u can judge from that.
3. Yes, there has been a shift in the pattern of Quant since last two years wherein it has become more CAT like. The usual set theory and function based questions have not been appearing.
4. Now coming to the cutoffs.....which are always contentious but let me see how much justice i can do....well for last year the Quant cutoff was surely pegged at somewhere around 95%...i dont think there is anyone in our batch having less than that....i dont have any concrete evidence to comment on the Verbal cutoff..as far as i know there were people with 88-90 percentile who got calls....as for overall cutoffs....i thinks it was somewhere around 93-94 for BM and 90-91 for PM&IR....these; figures are just based on my observations and the current batch profile.....and in any case percentiles are always subjective...for example last year we had people with overall percentile as 89-90 who got a call whereas ppl with 99 did not.....all this does indicate that percentiles is not the sole criterion for securing a call (a well known fact afterall !!)
5. As for the strategy....frankly speaking there cannot be a fixed strategy to crack these entrance exams...best u can aim at is putting up a decent show in all three sections and rest will take care of itself...i know i am sounding cliched !!...but thats how it is.....the selection criterion keeps changing from year to year...so to formulate a winning strategy is nearly impossible....
PS...hey batchmates....do add on if i have missed out on something...:)
That was a nice n systematic reply frm u Sir...
A specific queston frm me now...
U'v stated that the BM course is rite up there, comparable with that of the best inst. But lets talk in terms of pure numbers (IFF I'm allowed to)...For some1 like me, who wants to get into Investment Banking, r the relevant Co's visiting the campus?...Whats the avrg paypacket?...Yes, I knw that u r frm the PMIR batch n it wld b very diff, if not imposs 4 u to gimme the accurate picture...But then, even an approximate idea frm u wld b appreciable...
U said u wouldnt wana get into the comparison thing, esp vis-a-vis the IIM's...But even then, is the BM course comparable with atlst IIML or the other 2 lower IIM's?...Since a lot of us out here wld b interested in only the BM course, your reply wld possibly b helpful in guiding us all...N though comparisons r somethn that v all dislike (if not hate) deep down, it does help in the final decision makin process...
Rite then...
Hi Brij
The BM course of XLRI is arguably among the best 5 courses in India. If u have a call from IIML, XLRI or FMS it is a tough decision to make. every institute has its iwn advantages and disadvantages due to which the choices of people differ.
In XLRI, I know atleast 5 people who had converted IIML but jloined XLRI. There will also be some people who joined IIML or even I and K despite converting XLRI. Its ur personal call. As far as the reputation goes, ask anyone who has had substantial experience in industry. A 3rd party opinion will be more reliable for you. We don't need to say it again and again.
And please try not to convert this thread into institute comparison thread as it may digress the discussion into unwanted directions and that would waste our time as well as defeat the purpose of this thread.
As far as particular companies go, the names of the recruiters are already there on the website and the companies visiting campus are not fixed but change from one year to another. And these should be your concerns after u need to choose between 2-3 or more institutes. Write now, I would advise you to focus on creating more options for urself. Believe me, after u get ur Interview calls and final results, there will be ample time for such discussions.
Hi Divya,
Thank u...That (Your reply) was prompt...N took care of my 'doubts'...
Hi Brij
The BM course of XLRI is arguably among the best 5 courses in India. If u have a call from IIML, XLRI or FMS it is a tough decision to make. every institute has its iwn advantages and disadvantages due to which the choices of people differ.
In XLRI, I know atleast 5 people who had converted IIML but jloined XLRI. There will also be some people who joined IIML or even I and K despite converting XLRI. Its ur personal call. As far as the reputation goes, ask anyone who has had substantial experience in industry. A 3rd party opinion will be more reliable for you. We don't need to say it again and again.
And please try not to convert this thread into institute comparison thread as it may digress the discussion into unwanted directions and that would waste our time as well as defeat the purpose of this thread.
As far as particular companies go, the names of the recruiters are already there on the website and the companies visiting campus are not fixed but change from one year to another. And these should be your concerns after u need to choose between 2-3 or more institutes. Write now, I would advise you to focus on creating more options for urself. Believe me, after u get ur Interview calls and final results, there will be ample time for such discussions.
A specific queston frm me now...
U'v stated that the BM course is rite up there, comparable with that of the best inst. But lets talk in terms of pure numbers (IFF I'm allowed to)...For some1 like me, who wants to get into Investment Banking, r the relevant Co's visiting the campus?...Whats the avrg paypacket?...Yes, I knw that u r frm the PMIR batch n it wld b very diff, if not imposs 4 u to gimme the accurate picture...But then, even an approximate idea frm u wld b appreciable...
U said u wouldnt wana get into the comparison thing, esp vis-a-vis the IIM's...But even then, is the BM course comparable with atlst IIML or the other 2 lower IIM's?...Since a lot of us out here wld b interested in only the BM course, your reply wld possibly b helpful in guiding us all...N though comparisons r somethn that v all dislike (if not hate) deep down, it does help in the final decision makin process...
Rite then...
don't worry so much.....

u can check the companies urself on XLRI website itself on the link below: http://xlri.ac.in/xl_recruiters/list_of_recruiters.htm
the list is quite long and top notch. so dont worry. and i also won't go into comparison with C,L...........etc. but it is as good as any of them.
hey folks ,
Its been quite longs since i posted in PG .... For those who have confusions between PMIR and BM ..... PMIR is basically for guys who wanna proceed in the career path of HR ...... For the rest of you (fin, marketing and systems), it is BM ..... BM (not to be compared) will easily find a place in the top 5 Post grad courses in management in the country .... BM is again dual specialisation where in ur second yr u get to choose 6 papers to make a specialisation .... This can be chosen between systems, fin , marketing , strategy and the rest... The only specialisation that is not offered is the HR as there is a specialised course(PMIR) for it ....
Again u may also find a course called GMP in ur app ... Its the gen. Management course and it is for people with atleast 3+ yrs of xperiance .... U can also opt for that if u meet the requirements... Its a new one year course that is in line with the ISB, IIM A one year programmes....
feeel freee to inundate us with ur queries ...... Looking forward for having some of u here ...