HI puys REesult is up on http://www.sibm.edu/sibmasp/exam_new.asp
I got the call..........
Best of luck 2 all of u
[plz Help!!!!!!!!11....i Got 81.75 N Its Sayin Call....whereas D Cutoff Written Is 85
phew....da wait was worth it....
atb to fellow puys hu got selected....
but i cudn find the GD/PI details....any1 got the details????
Even me got in....I Guess.
I can't see any dates for the call. Is this only for Bangalore campus or Pune also??? I am very confused. Just 'Congratulations' is all I get to see.:shocked:
I have this strange intuitive feeling that it is SIBM Bangalore campus call. My friend has got 89 and he's got his Interview details listed on the same page.
My total is 84.25 which is below the cutoff they have put up.
dunno f nebody noticed or not....da cut-off for OPEN category is 64.5...whereas its showing it as 85....
hope the total is wrong instead of the sectionals.....cos m in wid 82.25
Even me got in....I Guess.
I can't see any dates for the call. Is this only for Bangalore campus or Pune also??? I am very confused. Just 'Congratulations' is all I get to see.:shocked:
me too having d same confusion mate.....hope it gets rested in a n hour or two....
racer7 Says[plz Help!!!!!!!!11....i Got 81.75 N Its Sayin Call....whereas D Cutoff Written Is 85
Same for me, i have 82.75 and it states shorlisted for gdpi.....
is that a genric page put for all or is that the actual result??
could anybody from SIBM throw some light.......
Me too shortlisted.....Lets hope for the best.......All the best to others
got 94/180
got call for gdpi on feb1 friday 8am
opted only for the pune campus
Luk Guys Any1 Below 85 Has No Call....try Tat Link Again. It Wnt Show Anythin
Dear Candidate,

MBAName :PRASAD GANGANSNAP Number :781458Category :OPENGroup No :1NEDate :2008-01-31Day :ThursdayReporting Time :13:00 P.M.Dress Code :Girls Sari / Western Formals
Boys - Full Sleeved Shirt, Formal Trousers, Tie and Shoes Name of the Centre :SIBM,Pune
Symbiosis Institute of Business Management
Senapati Bapat Road , Pune 411004.
Looking forward...
** are you guys joining any classes for GD PI ?
** Does anyone know how to reach SIBM @ senapati bapat road from Mumbai ?
** Anyone in the same batch 1NE ??
All the best for the preparation....
seniors can u mention how many were given calls?
Boys - Full Sleeved Shirt, Formal Trousers, Tie and Shoes Name of the Centre : SIBM,Pune
I hope this is the thing which certifies that you've been selected...

Lets not jump the gun. the confirmation note does not have the SNAP ID, name, even the contact mail ids and website names. So the entry names form the database are not being fetched properly. So, its the same generic message being displayed for anyone and everyone.
Me got the call total 86.75
I got the slot on 31st 1 pm... the earliest one :whatthat:
Any seniors pls guide on the documents needed though it is mentioned on the site. thanx
@ all,
People there has been some confusion due to a server problem. Please check back again after abt 10 minutes.
Sorry for the confusion.
Ankush Singla
Website Being Updated..........shit!!!!!
My score is 76,
First I got the msg that I am selected....
Then it said that I am not selected......
I think I am not shortlisted,but anyway the situation may get clearer after 2-3 hrs...
ATB to all puys...and better to chek result after 2-3 hrs...wht say?