Hi PGs… The process of PGDBA admission has started, kindly visit simsr.somaiya.edu for info. http://simsr.somaiya.edu/simsr/Adm/PGDBA07/Pgamenu.htm well, i m in 2nd yr marketing so de lemme know any of youir queries?? th…
Hi PGs.......
The process of PGDBA admission has started, kindly visit simsr.somaiya.edu for info.
well, i m in 2nd yr marketing so de lemme know any of youir queries??
Here r the deadlines...
IMPORTANT DATES Last Date for Issue and Submission of Somaiya Application Form31st December 2006Tentative dates of announcement of shortlist for GD / PI by Somaiya15th February 2007Tentative dates for conducting GD / PI by Somaiya22nd Feb. 15th March 2007Tentative date of announcement of List of Selected Candidates by Somaiya17th April 2007Compulsory Pre-Term Induction Programme starts18th June 2007Regular classes commence2nd July 2007
Being an non residential program does KJ offers hostel for ppl in Mumbai........
Anurag83 SaysBeing an non residential program does KJ offers hostel for ppl in Mumbai........
hey buddy.....
simsr has hostel where we have abt 40 seats so some ppl do get hostel......... well the best part is tht a new hostel is under construction and from your session entire course will be residential!!..........
hi all!
check out the NOSTALGIA 06's website...its simsr's annual alumni event!
NOSTALGIA 2006 :: Its incomplete without you
hi mukesh
pls inform us ab t the CAT percentile required , profile of the faculty , industry networking and salary packages to be expected et al
moi very eager to join SIMSR
Thanks Ricky
hi mukesh
pls inform us ab t the CAT percentile required , profile of the faculty , industry networking and salary packages to be expected et al
moi very eager to join SIMSR
Thanks Ricky
hi all
Cutoff for CAT shld be around 90 %tile for freshers where as abt 88 %tile for work exp ppl...........though it can vary as per duration and profile of work exp...
as far as faculty is concerned we have good in house faculties and many guest faculties also come in... we have MG parmeshwaran of FCB ulka coming for brand mgmt, Prof. Ramki for quanti models in fin.......u can refer to website for complete details....
being in mumbai we have good amt of industry interaction in terms of weekly guest lectures and concurrent projects too...
and most imp thing...placements...........we had avg salary of abt 5.7 lakh last yr and this time we have a separate lateral placements week, summer placememt week and executive placement week .............
u can search for 2005 simsr blog for some more info...
Best thing in somaiya i like is sife........... Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE), u can visit SIFE.org | Students In Free Enterprise...........
or http://sifesimsr.blogspot.com/
u can mail us at [email protected] for more ino.......
calling all somaiyans for being nostalgic........... guys its part time!!........
lets rock the nostalgia 2006 tommorow!
read my punchline!!
what is the male: female ratio and fresher:workex ratio in KJ ??
are there any good profiles offered to people with 2 years exp in IT??
Which IT companies visit the campus for placement??
hi all
and most imp thing...placements...........we had avg salary of abt 5.7 lakh last yr and this time we have a separate lateral placements week, summer placememt week and executive placement week .............
For ppl like me who has 4 yrs exp, do u suggest KJ SOM. how r the lateral placements...and whst is the average salary...what is the ratio of fresher to exp ppl..hows finance and marketing
please reply
what is the male: female ratio and fresher:workex ratio in KJ ??
are there any good profiles offered to people with 2 years exp in IT??
Which IT companies visit the campus for placement??
hey buddy.....
it seems u have some interesting queries at ur end...
well male : female ratio = 7:3
fresher : workex ratio = 7:3
well there are many good IT cos. coming like Accenture, HP etc others like infy, TCS etc do come as from this yr onward we will be having a separate lateral placements week so dont worry abt the profile.... i would suggest visit the website it has details abt the placements...
hi buddy......
check my previous post.............well do have ppl with more thn 5 yrs of exp in IT, i know a couple of them too........... as far as profile is concerned u can check the collge website........ well somaiya is known for marketing....... for finance too we are good as our Director general is former chief, IFCI and being in mumbai we do have many guest faculties coming in........
take care
hi all
hi mukesh, u sayin cut off likly to b.........90%tile for freshers........n 88 %tile for wrk ex.......but i hd a look at kj homepage.........whr thr r aicte disclosures........the cut off bth for freshers n wrk ex is written 84.33............plls cn u explain
website may hv quoted incorrectly bcz even my personal experience says the cut-off ws as mentioned by mukesh!
I have a few doubts.....
Does one has to give IIFT entrance test for getting addmissions in International bussiness...
How much importance is given to work ex while admissions...
What was the cut off last yr...
Is the GD pI tough...based on academics or work ex...
What is the fee structure..?
Do they have hostel facility.....?
I have a few doubts.....
Does one has to give IIFT entrance test for getting addmissions in International bussiness...
How much importance is given to work ex while admissions...
What was the cut off last yr...
Is the GD pI tough...based on academics or work ex...
What is the fee structure..?
Do they have hostel facility.....?
SIMSR does not any more offer PGPIB course now we have only PGDBA, MMS and PGPRM. PGDBA is through CAT and there is a option of going for international business specialisation in tht.
work ex is having some weightage exact details are available on the brochure on the website.
for cutoff check previous mails
gdpi depends on the faculty buddy
fee is around 1 lac per annum, one of the cheapest in b schools
new hostel is being constructed so the course will be fully resedential from ur session...
hope i answered ur all doubts..
zephyr.. Sayswebsite may hv quoted incorrectly bcz even my personal experience says the cut-off ws as mentioned by mukesh!
Thts right............ thnx