Got a blog? Share it here

Hi guys, Share your blog URL here and your experiences blogging. Mine is - it’s been a great idea to me. I used to maintain a website earlier, blog has just simplified publishing content. :smiley: By …

Hi guys,

Share your blog URL here and your experiences blogging.

Mine is - it's been a great idea to me. I used to maintain a website earlier, blog has just simplified publishing content. πŸ˜ƒ

By the way for the handful newbie's who don't have a blog yet - this should help you get started:

Shalin Jain

hey mine is-

oops rather you need to enter the user name : lyric_age on the livejournal site

oops rather you need to enter the user name : lyric_age on the livejournal site

This should be your url:

EDIT : Prolly the only fullhyd blogger around here... for all the payneful memories, rants, story-like-thingies and the rest of the crap...

I think there is a thread on B-School bloggers somewhere, but no thread for B-School aspirants' blogs. So thankooo for starting this thread πŸ˜›

I have been blogging for 3 months now, and I can say that so far it has helped me immensely. I have made many friends from all over india and can u believe it, blogging has helped me know what to achieve in my life.

To cut the crap short, visit 😁


My Fave blogs on my blogroll, and also a link to most of PGites (Oldies) blogs too. 😁

Nice blog Anil, "Blog on the wall" is a known phrase to me. Wrote a flash script that would make it possible for you to read a blog on your desktop (as wallpaper). see this link:

Shalin jain

Nice blog Anil, "Blog on the wall" is a known phrase to me. Wrote a flash script that would make it possible for you to read a blog on your desktop (as wallpaper). see this link:

Thanks Shalin, Though the title was inspired from "Another Brick in the Wall" :D. Err softwares and all nakko! I dont even have a comp :(

A new year , a new blog :
Coz one of my NY Resolution was not to swear on the pg blog.

A new year , a new blog :
Coz one of my NY Resolution was not to swear on the pg blog.

23 shades of Black - that's an interesting one. I guess this is inspired from a mystery novel (I did a quick google search and found this )

By the way, think of Big B advertising for undergarments too!! πŸ˜‰ I wonder what the next-door fella would say! πŸ˜ƒ
shalin Says
23 shades of Black - that's an interesting one. I guess this is inspired from a mystery novel (I did a quick google search and found this

Nahi bhai!!! Staind had an album called 14 Shades of Grey!! Not that I am a Staind freak or something. I jus changed bits and pieces for the title. :D
And I swear I never ever heard of that novel before!!
MavericK Says
And I swear I never ever heard of that novel before!!

Well then you are as creative as those lots. good one - I like the title. Will visit often.. are you planning to put a bloglet for the blog - for email updates?

Shalin Jain

Titled 'Inebriato sans Alcoholo'

very googlable

Somebody tell me abt site syndication and XML.

the pictures of my life....titled "crazy pics"

meet you there...

my blog


all the ppl who'll visit my blog will be given one all xpenses paid trip to banana republic :wink:


EDIT : Prolly the only fullhyd blogger around here... for all the payneful memories, rants, story-like-thingies and the rest of the crap...

Correction dude! you are the OTHER fullhyd blogger around here. uhmm... on second thoughts, it's only a small correction. :oops:

Succesfully un-updated since 4 months!!!!

Please tell me how do u add various links in ur blog and also how to liven my blog...I dont know HTML:(
please help me all gr88 ppl there..

Here is my blog.

Not a lot of sense in tehre though.. :-)


Mine is very unimaginatively named

but its not really a blog persay. its more of a mixture between a narcissistic blowing ur own trumpet thingy coupled with attempts at infrequent blogging coupled with a central repository for some useful links

Me & My Solitude.....

Just arbit thoughts & about life @ MDI....
