Hi, I want some information about CTS. Apart from CTS being a brand name I have heard the following cons: 1.They haven’t revised their salary structure last year… 2.One of my senior satrted in CTS with 2.4 lac but is still stuck…
I want some information about CTS.
Apart from CTS being a brand name I have heard the following cons:
1.They haven't revised their salary structure last year...
2.One of my senior satrted in CTS with 2.4 lac but is still stuck at 2.6 lac after 2 years.
3.They don't give any choice of the area one would like to work
4.They have started mass recruitment which may affect the quality of work.
Are the above points true ?
Please give me an idea about the work environment and growth prospects as an individual
working for CTS.
hi nabrina....
i can try answering a few of those questions......
i work for cts in chennai....and i joined them a few months back...5 months back actually.....
1.They haven't revised their salary structure last year... ??
i think so....they havent revised it.
2.One of my senior satrted in CTS with 2.4 lac but is still stuck at 2.6 lac after 2 years.
yah .this is wat a lot of ppl have been complaining.the HR ppl have said they are going to revise it soon.
3.They don't give any choice of the area one would like to work
i dont think any company gives u a choice of where u want to work. they will use u the way they want to. all companies follow the hire and fire policy.
4.They have started mass recruitment which may affect the quality of work.
Mass recruitment is actually a sign of the growth of a company.the two parameters that any company is judged on is 1)The revenues and 2)the headcount.
cognizant is planning to get into a lot of countries and i think in this effort they have to recruit..(guess thats why i have my job..lol :D
So mass recruitment doesnt necessarily mean reduction in the quality of work.
Accenture has 1.3 lakh employees and Ibm has close to two lakhs.
hope that helps...and by the do u have an offer in cognizant or something???
Hey is it not that it holds good for many other top software companies ??
hi sunil..
i have got an offer frm CTS...
plz help me by answering this q's
what is the take home salary for a fresher?
do i have to sign a bond?
what r the amenities available there?
i have heard of hectic work schedule there?
info abt it too
is there any possible chance to prep for CAT et all working there.
thanx in advance
I want some information about CTS.
Apart from CTS being a brand name I have heard the following cons:
1.They haven't revised their salary structure last year...
2.One of my senior satrted in CTS with 2.4 lac but is still stuck at 2.6 lac after 2 years.
3.They don't give any choice of the area one would like to work
4.They have started mass recruitment which may affect the quality of work.
Are the above points true ?
Please give me an idea about the work environment and growth prospects as an individual
working for CTS.
1st 2 points hold good...
3rd point also holds good.if you are lucky u get into dev: work else testing/mainframes.
4th point i would beg to differ.quality remains the same.only point which may be taken into consideration is that your visibility within the organisation diminishes.therefore performance based appraisals may be affected.not too sure.
growth prospects ---- will take at least 4 years to cme to a respectable position.
onsite oppurtunities --- at present very bad
technical kinda job -----very very minimum
if ya wanna go abroad or wanna technical job like developing a product or something like that Dump CTS and goto some other company.
if ya wanna enjoy life.. want job security ... work in a relaxed manner ....not highly ambitious... then CTS is the place for you.
MY two pennies worth ----- do an MBA/MS .dont get into software at all.

Choice of area of work not offered in ALMOST ALL software companies. In some companies if u have become a "star" programmer after 1-2 years, u may have a minimal say.
Sad but thats the way S/w companies work (some are real "dementors")
1st 2 points hold good...
3rd point also holds good.if you are lucky u get into dev: work else testing/mainframes.
4th point i would beg to differ.quality remains the same.only point which may be taken into consideration is that your visibility within the organisation diminishes.therefore performance based appraisals may be affected.not too sure.
growth prospects ---- will take at least 4 years to cme to a respectable position.
onsite oppurtunities --- at present very bad
technical kinda job -----very very minimum
if ya wanna go abroad or wanna technical job like developing a product or something like that Dump CTS and goto some other company.
if ya wanna enjoy life.. want job security ... work in a relaxed manner ....not highly ambitious... then CTS is the place for you.
MY two pennies worth ----- do an MBA/MS .dont get into software at all.
and u can also replace CTS with Infosys/Wipro/TCS in the above post ..... i.e the same holds good for most Indian IT Services companies......
man!! had spent 2 years cribbing cribbing cribbing abt the same points with my colleagues but never seemed to tire out of it.... : 😐 : ..
i guess thats the past time of most techies anyway........... 😃 😃
Befire i begin i wud like to say people who hve just joined or are not working in CTS plzz dont place sh** stuff in here
See the situation has changed a lot over the last few years....after the Y2K boom....tht was the highest point IT cud hve reached..now it is more or less like the core indutries...stable but less rewarding for mediocre poeple...
I hve been working in CTS for the last 2 years.(though leaving for IIMK)
I will gve u an insider story...
Salaries hvnt been revised for the last 3 years???...after 9/11 everythng got disarrayed...people got sacked and all hell broke loose in IT industry...all the companies took time to regroup and had to improvise their strategies....
not only CTS but other biggies like Infy Wipro etc...
But last year there had been a hike...but depending on ur performance and depending on the vertical u r in....
but somehow it was nt very satisfyng coz IBM Infy even TCS gave much better hikes...so the grievance is there....but i repeat salaries had been revised...
I know people who hve become SA in 4 years , APM in 5-6 years ...all depends on the kind of project u r in and how proactive u are....u need to be better than the average guys..coz if u r average then nowhere shud u expect to rise fast...
even the COO of CTS is 36 years old...VP of Pune is 40.. so it all depends on ur abilities and ya the luck factor and timing has to be there...but even in CAT u hve to hve luck right??
Mass recruiutment - true coz IT is again going thru a boom....all biggies require huge number of resources....so quantity is wht is mattering now rather than quality...but hey even in IIMs u will find people who dont deserve to be there..why shud that matter to u as an individual..if u r good then u will do better thn that guy....
Onsite - again the luck factor comes in....depends on ur skillset and the project u r in...i hve frnds who went onsite and are still there just 6/8 months after joining...as a fresher....and 2 years into CTS....u hve a 60 % chance of going onsite..tht is bound to come if u hve the abilty...but ya if u are a lateral entry to any company..u can bargain with them tht u want an onsite opportunity to join....i hve frnds who bargained with IBM, left CTS and are at onsite now...
The work culture is wonderful here..u feel at home ....we truly celebrate work...
Technolgy - ya its true u dont hve any say on tht...all depends on wht company's requirement is at tht point of time...makes sense doesnt it??coz if company gets revenue from say mainframes or Pegasystems why on earth will they train u on J2EE (nobody's into social service i believe!!!) ..I was given mainframes and i till date hve made the most of it..i really enjoyed my stint with CTS...
Brand name - thts huuuuuuuuge.....even in IIMs CTS is a top draw...
u cant believe wht image CTS has in USA..its a brand there also...
Ultimately its u who is going to decide wht ur fate is gong to be in CTS and not others!!! work hard party harder...if u are quality stuff....believe me unless luck deserts u, u r going to get recognised......
Please let me know in case of further doubts..
I completely agree with sandy...
I have known many deserving people who have got the chance to go abroad as well as an increment in their salary within 1.5 yrs of experience. CTS revises the salary every year but the amount varies from veritcal to vertical.
As a fresher you will never have a choice of where you want to work... neither in CTS nor anywhere else. If you have considerable work ex and are at a position of demanding because u r too good at your work, then mebbe u can get what u want.
I completely agree with sandy...
I have known many deserving people who have got the chance to go abroad as well as an increment in their salary within 1.5 yrs of experience. CTS revises the salary every year but the amount varies from veritcal to vertical.
As a fresher you will never have a choice of where you want to work... neither in CTS nor anywhere else. If you have considerable work ex and are at a position of demanding because u r too good at your work, then mebbe u can get what u want.
yep true.. but the problem is once you are trained as a say mainframe analyst as a fresher, (with no choice), then you also grow up to be a mainframe analyste. even if you jump companies very diff to get into other areas...
Indian sofwtare industry does *not* choice to anyone, cuase they themselves have no choice! as rightly said by many here, its a service industry .
Hi guys...
What abt freshers....
Wht is the take home salary for freshers...??
Hi guys...
What abt freshers....
Wht is the take home salary for freshers...??
Sal is 2.4L pa. atleast thats what it is in CTS ( if u r recruited in campus). Its much lower in Infy.
Hi guys...
What abt freshers....
Wht is the take home salary for freshers...??
Sal is 2.4L pa. atleast thats what it is in CTS ( if u r recruited in campus). Its much lower in Infy.
correction :2.11 if iam not wrong...anyways it is higher thanwhat they give in infy,wipro or TCS.at present wipro is the stingiest....

so long my knowledge goes take home for freshers shud be around 15.5K per month..
hope that helps..
Hi all,
I would really like to thank
starsunil,pswaroop,dracomalfoy,asok9994,the_GOOD_the_BAD for their prompt response.
Many of my seniors who are working for different organizations have the same opinion that
u have talked about.Thanks for helping out freshers like us.keep up the good work.
hey i got a lot of Pm's asking many questions abt cognizant.......i shall mail u guys within a couple of days......
by the way my salary is 2.31 Lpa....and take home works out to be 15.5k.....
the one thing i find with a lot of ppl is that they all complain abt software being boring and stuff like that(this has become a fashion almost)
,...one thing is that no one is forcing u guys to join a software company or anything..the reason we all take it up is because it pays u well ...and thats all it does....and we like dogs fight it out cos unfortunately in this image driven world ppl are only judged by how much they earn. Appreciating good personalities and honestly good ppl are a thing of the past.
..i dont love software myself (given a choice i would love to get into music)
but i dont crib....and talk silly things abt the company.....u should only have a little common sense to realise software industry in india is never going to be highly technical....it is mostly bussiness oriented...
there are only a handful of companies that actually are into products and real development.
Don't get into something that u dont like doing.If because of circumstances u have got into it ,then dont complain.
So guys make ur choice.and remember one thing in life.....never complain....
take time to live......
Hello Friendz,
I have a doubt which I want to clarify, although not exactly what the title suggests but more or less related -
Does the brand name really matter when one wants a career or a domain changeover in a software company, say after a 1.5 - 2 year stint ??
Of course Infy, CTS, TCS etc.., have good brand names in and outside India but if I want to move to another area, say from mainframes to core development or any other for that matter, whatever the reasons be, does this brand name have a say ??Or, does the 'relevant' xp in the area to which I want to move into (within the organisation or to another one may be) play a bigger game??
I too am a fresher and don't know on what area I will be put into...so
Hope somebody could enlighten me on this... I am sorry if its discussed earlier in other threads..
All the best
If you want my opinion brand name helps..
When someone tries to move on from CTS or Infy or Wipro to Kanbay and the likes..they are given royal treatment....even IBM and Accenture interviews go pretty smooth if u r from "branded" companies....IBM Accenture are actually trying to poach people from CTS like anythng.......believe me the interviews go real smooth and u even get to bargain a lot......i have a frnd who recently joined IBM from CTS and he actually bargained into his area of liking rather than wht his relevant work-ex was...
BUt then again u need to know ur stuff wherever u work and no matter what company u r from....even being from Microsoft wont help if u dont know wht u do....
but brands do give u a bit of advantage.......ur resume is bound to get noticed amidst a plethora of CVs coz the HR guys look for Tier-1 companies..
otherwise the road becomes difficult...we have people from lesser known organisations but they dont get tht big a deal to start with in spite of hving "relevant workex"...may be 2 years down the line they will leave CTS for another biggie and they will get a better bargain....
But then again if u are a real Guru in ur technical domain then u will be regarded high no matter whtever ABC company u r from...
Its like IIMs gve u an easier entry but then if u r good u will arrive no matter wht B-school u r from.....
I think,from the financial point of view,the big thing in s/w industry is onsite work.If u go abroad for one year,u can easily save 8-10 lacs.I hv heard TCS is the best bet on this count.And the figures from their draft prospectus seem to corroborate it-64% onsite revenue.for infy and wipro,it wld be around 50%,i guess.