Hi Folks! Welcome to our page.... here, you will get all information about Life @ Jaipuria Institute of Management- Lucknow, Noida, Jaipur and Indore!My friends from all four campuses would be putting up views here, so feel free to ask us any...
Welcome to our page.... here, you will get all information about Life @ Jaipuria Institute of Management- Lucknow, Noida, Jaipur and Indore!My friends from all four campuses would be putting up views here, so feel free to ask us any thing, or gaze around the page as per your desire!
This is my 2nd year at Jaipuria-Indore and I am enjoying EVERY MOMENT OF IT!!
The Scenery , Greenery ( both Natural / Unnatural!!) around is amazing. You feel like doing something innovative here! Our campus has a very resort waali feel to it. And we are 24/7 involved in some activity of the other.
looking forward to celebrating Lohri and flying kites tomorrow!
awesome kite flying contest at Jaipuria Indore!

Hi I am a 1st year student at Jaipuria , Jaipur can you tell me what is this IMP - CHISEL projects all about?
@pinkdoll- IMP Chisel is our industry mentorship programme. Students work with local companies on LIVE projects at the same time as studying for trimester 3 and 4.
& by @Jipson Joseph on "Competency based HRM". Keep up the spirit and good work! :)
RENDEZVOUS WITH Dr. JP Upadhyay- Director, Jaipuria-Indore.
When asked what challenges he faces as the Director of the Institute, Dr. Upadhyay said “To plan, develop and execute efficient system and processes is a challenge as well as attracting good students and having good faculty members to deliver the knowledge, to create professionals and thus create linkage to industry- I see that as the biggest challenge”. He further added that “Since the Jaipuria group has a presence for over a period of 45 years, we already have best practices to follow that contributes to the success so far”. He gave a background of the Jaipuria Group saying “the first Jaipuria college came up in the pre-Independence era in Calcutta and the foundation stone was laid by none other than Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru ji. Since, there are management institutes in Lucknow, Noida, Jaipur and Indore and schools in Lucknow. The group is also involved in textile and power business”.
Responding on how Jaipuria Indore differs from other Institutes, Dr. Upadhyay said, “It is the only fully residential campus in Indore after IIM and the USP of the Institute is the continual learning, grooming and personality development that takes place inside as well as outside the classroom”.
About the teaching methodology Dr. J.P. Upadhyay said that “we not only focus on academics but also on the overall development which also includes business etiquettes. We have regular Industry experts coming to the Institute as guest speakers. Our objective is to prepare students for the industry by means of practical learning through Programs like – IMP Chisel, Summer Internship Programs etc. We'll always focus on the process and quality of education and ensure that all our stakeholders get value-add through the Institute”.
When asked about the future plans he said, “I am looking forward to have more number of good students and faculty. The focus would be laid more on Research and Management Development Programmes to excel in teaching, research and consultancy”.
About the hobbies he said, “I loves to be associated with the nature and exploring new places in the vicinity. I go to the Yeshwant Club everyday for a morning walk. And since I am a foodie I often go to 56 Shops and Sayaji Hotel. Teaching students is also my hobby”.
He also gave a message to Indore that, “People here are really innocent and good- good at heart, soft and full of life! Good people reach new heights of success and so will Indoris! Indore being the power engine of Madhya Pradesh has a great potential and so do the people here, Our Institute will also contribute to the Indore's success story”.
Students of Jaipuria, Indore won big prizes at ACROPOLIS's ENIGMA! details coming soon!
Students of Jaipuria, Indore won big prizes at ACROPOLIS's ENIGMA! details coming soon!
JAI UTSAV coming up soon!

Guy's look at this ! & identify your favorite spot on your campus !!!!

This is a step to bring the real picture of corporate life into existence so that students can know how actually the companies/industries work. Besides it becomes a great platform of learning for them which would make base in their SIPs (Summer Internship Programs).

Jaipuria Indore students, Winner of Rangoli and Innovative writing in Abhudaya management fest by Jaipuria Jaipur.
@itsrahulforever said:Guy's look at this ! & identify yourfavorite spot on your campus !!!!
Guy's Jaipuria Indore is going to organize Fashion Show competition those who are willing to take part kindly nominate there name.