couldn’t really think of a more apt way to start this thread… the following words are the creation of Kartikeya Mishra,2004-06 batch… XST: XIM Standard Time _Normal daily routine of a guy at XIMB 8:45 XST: Wake up time…the ala…
couldn't really think of a more apt way to start this thread... the following words are the creation of Kartikeya Mishra,2004-06 batch...
XST: XIM Standard Time
Normal daily routine of a guy at XIMB
8:45 XST: Wake up time...the alarm goes off....
8:48 XST: The alarm which you conveniently ignored earlier ...goes off
8:50 XST: You finally wake up
8:51 XST: A quick trip to the loo
8:55 XST: You wake up ppl...who'r still in a slumber
8:58 XST: You dash to the class.
9:00 XST: If you are lucky you make it to class, JIT (just in time)
9:02 XST: The ones who are not so lucky, make an entry into class, some
would be asked to leave, if you are lucky, you get to attend the
class, but no attendance for u, if you are really really lucky...the
is late!!!
9:05 XST: Attendance done...time to doze off in class
9:10 XST: Man when does this class end
10:25 XST: Yawn....of the class is coming to an end is it???
10:30 XST: Damn cmon gotta let us go now
10:31 XST: Hey prof CMON
10:32 XST:'re out
10:35 XST: Breakfast time
10:59 XST: What time for the next class already...DAMN
11:00 XST: Class 2...more or less the same as class 1
12:30 XST: Time for lunch..or is it time for another nap...
12:45 XST: Lunch!!!
13:15 XST: Do i have to bathe today???
13:20 XST: Do i really need to bathe...
13:30 XST: ok guess its been days since i last bathed...
13:50 XST: Damn another class....what about my nap...
14:00 XST: Class 3..... read what happens in class1
15:30 XST: Class ends....time for a coffee...
15:35 XST: You sip coffee peacefully.....
15:45 XST: Class 4, what a quiz...a surprise come the other
section gets to give it in the next come no
for them....
15:46 XST: Damn was this ever discussed in class...i can't seem to recall
15:59 XST: Thank god its over...lets hope..everybody got it wrong..that really doesn't matter..
16:00 XST: Time to sleep again
17:15 XST: Yawwnnnn...oh the class got over is it..
17:16 XST: Snacks time.....
17:30 XST: Time for football...time for tennis...time for badminton....
18:15 XST: Can't i bunk the next about a proxy...
18:36 XST: You make it class...a whole 6 mins late...
19:15 XST: You need to be take a loo walk out..
19:16 XST: You change your mind don't wanna go ...its
time you've been to sandy square...this is the time..when all the
pretty faces turn up head to CCD..
19:20 XST: You get an SMS from a frnd in class "Dude ...why aren't you
yet, prof just announced a surprise quiz.....he's bolted the door" just lost 15% of your weightage....damn
20:14 XST: You just realise ...thats its a 6 class day....and todays the
20:15 XST: What another class....when does all this end..
20:30 XST: You turn up 15 mins late...
21:00 XST: Sir, can we end ...the class now...its been a long day...
21:01 XST: Just a few more mins..son...i promise to end the class 5 mins
earlier...(thats still 40 mins away)
21:30 XST: Sir can we end now puhlllllllease....sure sure....just a few
21:45 XST: You start getting up to leave...its times the class ended...
21:46 XST: Just a min son, i know i promised ...we'd end early...but i
explain this....cmon..we'd can start next class
21:50 XST: Finally it ends..
21:51 XST: Thank god the day is over....well is it...
21:52 XST: There's a commotion in the porch area...
21:53 XST: What the hell's happening......WHAT .... assignment......MC
assignment and it NEEDS TO BE SUBMITTED BY 11:59 tonite.....when was
announced.....there was nuthing on the notice board...when you chkd at just got announced.........
21:55 XST: You rush to the mess...and finish off dinner.......
22:00 XST: What did i have for dinner anyway......well does it really
22:10 XST: You try and understand what the assignment is all about..
22:15 XST: You ping your grp mates....(thank god...they invented instant
messengers )....Guys get your ass down to my room ASAP..
22:40 XST: Your first grp mate arrives..."Man i buzzed you 20 mins
Sorry man..i just got your ms"..."What about others"...."Well who
elses there in our grp"
22:41 XST: Oh yeah good question...let me chk...
22:45 XST: Hey class rep....who all did you put in my grp...
22:46 XST: Class reps no where to be found....
23:00 XST: Class reps finally found...hey who all in my grp......the reply
"Chk grp listing on the intranet - The grps were made by prof"
23:05 XST: Damn why didn't i think of that...
23:15 XST: Distress send a msg on the LAN mssnger "My grp
mates...whoever you are....please come to my Room ASAP...with regards
the MC assign...please please please come..."
23:20 XST: Whats the point...the msngr seems to be flooder with similar
23:25 XST: You decide to deal with the assignment ...with just the 3 of
grp mates..who decided to turn up...hell with the rest...
23:30 XST: you copy paste...the question as mentioned in
the do manage to get some some
relevant stuff
23:40 XST: You start copy pasting.....your doc seems to building up... hey
not bad...i think we can finish it off...Hey Hey add the
the names of the grp member..ok done..
23:55 XST: You are pleased with your work..... man time to
gotta hurry....deadline 11:59 sharp...else the intranet won't accept
23:58 XST: You login to the ..intranet//
23:58 XST: Where do i upload...wheres the damn link.....oh yeah found..
USER U104082 at time 23:58:52..
0000 XST: Notice on some screens
"DEADLINE HAS EXPIRED" You cannot upload .... please contact the
course instructor...
0001 XST: What the f......... i did upload ...i upload well before the finally come to realise that your system clock is not
synchronized with the server lock.....DAAAAAAMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNN...thats
another 15% lost...
0200 XST: You while away time..... happy at completing the assignment (or
cribbing over failing to upload some cases) get a
0201 XST: You read the msg "Hey....we got a presentation 9 in the
morning....i forgot all about it......didn't realise it was our grps what say ...we do that now???? "
0202 XST: what are too dumbstruck to even
reply...."ok sure....i'd be in your room in a few mins......inform the
girls as well...make sure everybody's there"
0215 XST: You walk into your frnds room...everybodys there... except for
girl...where the hell is ...she...
0220 XST: After some frantic calls to girl2, girl1 says..shes taking the
ximb walk...with.. know who....
You scream....."She better be here...or else...shes thrown out of
the grp"
0230 XST: Girl 2 finally shows up "Sorry yaar...was just discussing
...todays quiz with......" yeah whatever...
0345 XST: Presentation..doesn't seem to be making sense....2 of your grp
members have dozed off....
0400 XST: Two members leave.....
0415 XST: the three of you who are left.....finish off....the
presentation....pleased with ur least thats what you think
0430 XTS: Its been a horrid day...time to crash..
0845 XTS: Man ..i gotta dress up for the presentation... man i need to
0905 XTS: You arrive in class..clean shaven, your clothes are unironed
though....never mind...
0910 XTS: The class is waiting for u to start..with your presentation..oh
you've forgotten the pen drive...well never mind...take it off.. your comp
on the network...damn i forgot to share the folder.....ok ok ...never can map your drive....don't worry...oh yeah...i can ......but
wouldn't access.....DAMN i had turned my comp off..............
and so the saga continues.......
the routine continues....every single day........
hey byzantine, nice post, keep on writing :D
How about pinching Mr. MavericK to post something here?
Must really its cool........wa maja seems pretty tough...and exciting...
How about pinching Mr. MavericK to post something here? :wow:
done, so watch this space for His post 😃
hey byzantine, nice post, keep on writing :D
How about pinching Mr. MavericK to post something here? :wow:
I know what you want to read..

Will do it pretty soon 😃
just to add my few cents...
striving with the assignments till 2:30 am, hardly able to keep your eyes open and you get pinged on YM by ur batchmate -"Tennis?".... damn cannot resist the fun of going to the lawn tennis court and playing in the flood lights...against all odds & without hesitation, you reply - "Wearing my shoes and reaching the court in 2 mins!" You plan to play just a single set but your batchmates start coming to the court and you keep playing till 4...aaaahh...missed my sleep again...
and then in the morning class u curse urself - "Why did I play so long??"
i'll keep pouring in more of my experiences as and when i get time...
but for the time being i need to work on my HRM presentation...yucks!! 😞
currently in 1st year of XIM,
to describe the life @ XIM i simply have one word "ROCKS".....
i completely agree with all my fellow batchmates who posted their experiences earlier.....
yes the hectic class schedules, the ever tempting lawn tennis court, the basket ball court, long night walk with friends (and you know who....), idlying around with frenz sharing life b4 XIM and in XIM,laughing, fighting,cracking jokes, staying up late even though you know that tomo's another hard day at work but thats the whole concept of life in a b-school life which goes 24*7....
yes everything is here "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME".......
samir_shah Says.....long night walk with friends (and you know who....),
we know who....

vits Sayswe know who....and we know the reason too....
the "reason" is static, but isn't the "who" dynamic??

byzantine Saysthe "reason" is static, but isn't the "who" dynamic??
i hope ur query has been answered thru the current edition of 'SPICE'!!
btw, for others - SPICE is a special e-mag revealing all the untold secrets..
the following verse (extracted from the current issue of SPICE) would give a fair idea of what it really is:
Spice has been part of XIMB's tradition
It needs no change. It needs no revision.
In order to do justice, we put in strife
Yet, you come to us, bearing a knife.
When we create Spice
We mean to be good. We mean to be nice.
We make neither material nor monetary gain
Yet, you give us, this utmost pain.
Without your name, when Spice doth arrive
You giggle, you laugh, and pleasure you derive.
But if you feature, your spirit goes damp
And you end up viewing us as a treacherous vamp.
Spice is for YOUR entertainment and for fun
With careful thought process, the stories are spun.
We only include what we see
Your dare to do. But not to agree?
Take it all in, with a pinch of salt
For some others, with a glassful of malt.
After all its done, in the best of spirits
And we as your batchmates, are very fair critics!
Warning for non XIMBians: The Jhabier Effect is addictive!!!!
Grr8 post byzantine!!!!
"Spice" added some details you missed mentioning i.e. all the fun part of life(Popup,Lan,Xcafe,JLTs,Full night "Khattee")....More would surely flow in the next posts ...
--Jhabier Rocks!!
I love this friend 4 Life....!!!!
Will i ever be able 2 adjust?????? Wid dis question i entered the campus one fine day and now after 71 days.......i feel i always wanted 2 b here......!!! Dats the magic XIMB can spell on one. The lush green campus will attract u @ d 1st sight and then d spirit of XIMB (the "elements" as we say here) will glue u 2 it for the rest of ur lifetime....... No doubt the work schedule is hectic......pretty hectic!! U'll crave for sleeeeeeeep like nothin else in d world.....and then all the extra curriculars would take away the least of the time u may get here..... But then dats wat is exciting enuf to kip u goin.......2 kip ur spirits high.......2 make u feel dat u r really in some special kinda place......d bittersweet one....... XIM is d place where u can xpct a sea-change in urself........der r lots in me tooooooo.....
I love this friend 4 Life....!!!!
nice post...
and aaah...welcome to PG, finally!!!

juggling five quizzes lined up back to back in the same week and the AOE battles fought over the LAN can be tough. but they ( our revered seniors) say its just a sneak peek of what awaits us in early september (end terms ). its at times like these when even that little dim light at the end of the tunnel turns out to be the headlamp of an onrushing train.
but who's complaining?? the combined study sessions that stretch deep in to the night, the trudge to the canteen for that inevitable cup of coffee (or a glass of lime water for the health conscious ones), the practical jokes and pranks played on the unsuspecting mortals... one never really misses goin out of the campus... just wish there wud be a respite from these rains, so that i could restart my duels with vits on the tennis court, and the ximb walk i promised to a certain someone 😃
oops, there's sam on winpop, challenging me to a game of counter strike...gotta go guys, time to kick some a** and rescue a few hostages
Part I- Musings of a Sleepy mind.:

The one thing they dont teach you in a B school is sleep management and I oh so wish they did!!.
(For the benefit of my fellow zongies heres the Zongy guide to sleepville

You know you are a true blue B schooler when:-
1) The EA effect- You wake up all zongy eyed and begin Forecasting and Estimating the amount of precious winks youll be able to catch during class.
2) The MM effect- You begin Segmentation of class benches, Targeting the corner seats and Positioning yourself as inconspicuously as possible.
3) The Comm Effect- You start hating all group activities (they are noisy and totally anti sleep phenomena) and your profs voice start developing an irresistible hypnotic quality all of a sudden.
4) The FA effect- You begin doing the Cost Benefit Analysis of each class you fail to catch up on beauty sleep J
5) The MC effect Sleep modeling acquires prime importance.
6) The OB effect- The perception of sleep attains deeper meaning.
7) The HRM effect- You feel sleep is a prime Employee Motivator and sleep compensation packages should be declared as a best practice.

Tips for the uninitiated: - ( Zong- the sleep guru plans to release a book on effective sleep positions- Sleep-o-Sutra How to sleep and not get caught!!! ) A teaser.
- The Tragic-Trix pose- ( inspired by The great Al-Midha 😁 ) : Put your hand infront of your face and pretend to be in deep thought. This philosophical pose would make Dillip Kumar turn in his grave (when he dies..i.e).
- Freestyle ( Championed by the Zong I love this one ) : Put your head down and doze off.. Warning: Maximum risk of being rudely woken up by an alert prof. and made to write algorithms that you never thought you would after 4 grueling years of enggL
- The in-your-face pose Sit in the first bench, look straight at the blackboard and black out! (pioneered by PD the Mod)
- The Noddy-Nod pose Position yourself strategically and effect a rhythmic to-and fro motion that would feign enthusiastic nods of agreement with the professor. (Byzantines forte)

Coming Soon . PartII Mid Night Sojourns
good work, Zong!
u had entered XIMB as a PGP student and see u've turned into a research scholar...
yet another phenomenon @ XIMB!!
The Zongy Diaries..
Part I- Musings of a Sleepy mind.:![]()
The one thing they dont teach you in a B school is sleep management and I oh so wish they did!!.
(For the benefit of my fellow zongies heres the Zongy guide to sleepville)
You know you are a true blue B schooler when:-
1) The EA effect- You wake up all zongy eyed and begin Forecasting and Estimating the amount of precious winks youll be able to catch during class.
2) The MM effect- You begin Segmentation of class benches, Targeting the corner seats and Positioning yourself as inconspicuously as possible.
3) The Comm Effect- You start hating all group activities (they are noisy and totally anti sleep phenomena) and your profs voice start developing an irresistible hypnotic quality all of a sudden.
4) The FA effect- You begin doing the Cost Benefit Analysis of each class you fail to catch up on beauty sleep J
5) The MC effect Sleep modeling acquires prime importance.
6) The OB effect- The perception of sleep attains deeper meaning.
7) The HRM effect- You feel sleep is a prime Employee Motivator and sleep compensation packages should be declared as a best practice.The QM effect- You start plotting the distribution curve of your sleep hours.
Tips for the uninitiated: - ( Zong- the sleep guru plans to release a book on effective sleep positions- Sleep-o-Sutra How to sleep and not get caught!!! ) A teaser.
- The Tragic-Trix pose- ( inspired by The great Al-Midha 😁 ) : Put your hand infront of your face and pretend to be in deep thought. This philosophical pose would make Dillip Kumar turn in his grave (when he dies..i.e).
- Freestyle ( Championed by the Zong I love this one ) : Put your head down and doze off.. Warning: Maximum risk of being rudely woken up by an alert prof. and made to write algorithms that you never thought you would after 4 grueling years of enggL
- The in-your-face pose Sit in the first bench, look straight at the blackboard and black out! (pioneered by PD the Mod)
- The Noddy-Nod pose Position yourself strategically and effect a rhythmic to-and fro motion that would feign enthusiastic nods of agreement with the professor. (Byzantines forte)
- ZONG![]()
Coming Soon . PartII Mid Night Sojourns
aaah! hey ur sleep dairy's wurkin! i'm already feeling sleepy readin it

The Zongy Diaries..
Coming Soon . PartII Mid Night Sojourns
that should be interesting, if zong decides to talk about "Her" midnight sojourns and is truthful about them

the killing end-terms would finally be over 2morrow...2night's gonna be my last night-out this week...
Term2 starts on profs, new courses and new groups also...
lets c whats in store...