All the best to everyone for their IIML interviews and please do post in your experiences. For the benefit of everyone concerned, please keep the format like this: PROFILE: Acads X %,Board, year XII%, Board, year Undergrad St…
All the best to everyone for their IIML interviews and please do post in your experiences.
For the benefit of everyone concerned, please keep the format like this:
X %,Board, year
XII%, Board, year
Undergrad Stream(BA, BE etc), Specialization(CS, mech etc), Percentage, Year, Institute.
Sectors, Company - Number of months
CAT 2011:
(category if applicable)
Extra acads :
Any other special thing abt u:
Interview & Essay
Date :
Essay :
Number of Ppl present
Brief Snapshot of the attempt:
Time given :
Rate your preparation(0-5):
Rate your performance(0-5):
Panel Members Intro:
Rate your preparation(0-5):
Rate your performance(0-5):
Any other relevant detail.
1. Kindly do not post anything other than your experiences of IIM L Essay-GD-PI.
2. For queries, you can visit this thread :
3. For appreciating an interview post use thank button, or if you want to show more, use PM.
All in all, keep this thread for what is meant!
IIM L ABM 2012
X: 88.80% 2006
XII: 86.17% 2008
CAT (2011):
Quant 98.48
Verbal 99.76
Aggregate 99.79
Extra acads : NONE
Any other special thing abt u:
1. Creative Head, Students' Council, KJSCE
2. Marketing Chief, Symphony 2011, KJSCE
3. Handball District Level Player (2 time winners of Mumbai District)
4. College Magazine Committee Member
Venue: IHM, Mumbai
Date : 09th Feb, 2012
Interview & Essay
WAT: Importance of Women in Mens' Life
GD: Same as above
Number of Ppl present 05/10 listed
Time: 02:00 PM
Brief Snapshot of the attempt: Bad
Time given : 15 mins
Rate your preparation(0-5): 3
Rate your performance(0-5): 3
Panel Members Intro:
P1: Serious, Academic
P2: Jocular, Academic
P1: How is ABM related to you?
P2: Why do you want to do agriculture? What about other fields?
P2: But why Agriculture?
P2: Tell me about why your marks are in standard decline
P2: What exactly is your understanding of agriculture?
P2: What is your favorite foodstuff?
P2: Where is it grown? What are the various processes involved? Diff kinds (qualities)? Current Price of it
P2: How are they different? Why it becomes different kind? How is it grown?
P1: You are correct
P2: No, you are wrong, it is related to *---* process. (explanation, because I asked for it)
P2: L ABM is really taxing course, are you sure you can cope up with it?
P2: 2G Scam. SC ruling. Opinion of what effect it will have on future.
Both are laughing later. I leave.
Rate your preparation(0-5): 1.5
Rate your performance(0-5): 3
did u attend for ABM alone or PGP also????/...
People please post your experiences
IIM L ABM 2012
X: 88.80% 2006
XII: 86.17% 2008
CAT (2011):
Quant 98.48
Verbal 99.76
Aggregate 99.79
Extra acads : NONE
Any other special thing abt u:
1. Creative Head, Students' Council, KJSCE
2. Marketing Chief, Symphony 2011, KJSCE
3. Handball District Level Player (2 time winners of Mumbai District)
4. College Magazine Committee Member
Venue: IHM, Mumbai
Date : 09th Feb, 2012
Interview & Essay
WAT: Importance of Women in Mens' Life
GD: Same as above
Number of Ppl present 05/10 listed
Time: 02:00 PM
Brief Snapshot of the attempt: Bad
Time given : 15 mins
Rate your preparation(0-5): 3
Rate your performance(0-5): 3
Panel Members Intro:
P1: Serious, Academic
P2: Jocular, Academic
P1: How is ABM related to you?
P2: Why do you want to do agriculture? What about other fields?
P2: But why Agriculture?
P2: Tell me about why your marks are in standard decline
P2: What exactly is your understanding of agriculture?
P2: What is your favorite foodstuff?
P2: Where is it grown? What are the various processes involved? Diff kinds (qualities)? Current Price of it
P2: How are they different? Why it becomes different kind? How is it grown?
P1: You are correct
P2: No, you are wrong, it is related to *---* process. (explanation, because I asked for it)
P2: L ABM is really taxing course, are you sure you can cope up with it?
P2: 2G Scam. SC ruling. Opinion of what effect it will have on future.
Both are laughing later. I leave.
Rate your preparation(0-5): 1.5
Rate your performance(0-5): 3
Dude can you give me some more details... all in your group were for abm????????????
anything to be specialy taken care of, koi khas taiyari kare kya hum bhi?
Is there anybody who has got calls from both PGDM and ABM both and didn't fill the form for ABM.
Please tell if they asked any specific questions regarding this ????
why is that very less ppl turn up the interview ??? 5\10 in this case
any idea ???? 😐
I had not filled up ABM sheet and no questions were asked.
Don't worry.
I had not filled up ABM sheet and no questions were asked.
Don't worry.
Do we have to iim ranchi's form as well for gdpi of older iims??
Is there anybody who has got calls from both PGDM and ABM both and didn't fill the form for ABM.
Please tell if they asked any specific questions regarding this ????
No. They just asked me "Should I write here that you are not interested for ABM?" My answer was yes sir. Thats it. Dont worry about it.
@kjha , @Axon02
guys its a request; please post the complete experience,
answering individual questions won't help everyone..
Thanks in advance
@People who've already appeared for the GD/PI/WAT
How long was the whole process beginning to end? For ex. for a 9am slot, what time can I expect it to get over? (Travel arrangements)
X %,Board -- 84 , year-- 2003
XII%, Board-- 81 , year -- 2005
Undergrad Stream--- BE (mechanical ) CGPA -- 8.13, Year-- 2009,
Institute ---BITS Pilani
Work-Ex: 31 months total
Sectors -- Power , Company - BHEL -- 6 months and Crompton Greaves 2 yrs
CAT 2011:
Quant ---- 98.14
Verbal --- 98.56
Aggregate ---- 99.33
(category if applicable) --- General
Extra acads :
Any other special thing abt u: 4 Patents in Transformers
National Lawn tennis player in school days
Many org committes in college
Interview & Essay
Venue: Mumbai
Date : 9/2/12
Essay : Insanity is doing same thing over and over again and expecting different results
Number of Ppl present : 7/10
Time: 9 am
Brief Snapshot of the attempt: Essay was okaish , excellent first para and last para but not so good examples in between.
Started the GD with the quote than winners dont do different things but do things differently . Made an entry 5 times .... everyone was involved .... no fish market scene..... though we digressed from the topic a lot showed that no on one actually quoted good examples in essays with everone interpreting topic in their own way
Time given : 15 minutes for essay , 11 minutes for GD
Rate your preparation(0-5): 3
Rate your performance(0-5): 3.5
Panel Members Intro: 2 Young Proffs (1 suited proff whom we shall call SP from here on , another proff non suited and hence will be called NSP
Me : Good After noon sir ( it was exact 12 pm )
SP & NSP : have a seat
SP : Give me your file ( started looking in it )
NSP : So hows your day goiing ?
Me : Fine Sir , a dream come true for me
SP : Is this the dream or getting in is a dream
Me : Getting in is final destination ... coming this far is also a dream come true
NSP : Ok why do want an MBA ? Marketing ?
Me : No sir not only marketing but for learning other things as well.
( SP kept looking in the file)
SP : If i give you ABM call and only that is your last call of season would you take it ?
Me : Not sir I am more inclined towards Power sector so no ... I am sorry for filling it up.
Sp : Thats Ok no issues.
NSP : So you left CG and joined BHEL that too at a lower salary.. Why ?
Me : My main purpose is to learn , BHEL offered me marketing or Purchase role , I asked for the same in CG but was not given the opportunity as my boss was adamant on keeping me with him in design department only.
NSP : But you said you dont want to do marketing
Me : sir I said I dont want to do marketing ALONE but learn other things like financial number as well . In CG i learnt about technical aspects but had no exposure to business scenario so switched .
NSP : So where do you want to go after MBA ?
Me : Sir Strategic Management
NSP : ok so no insanity doing different things ( GD TOPIC)
Smiles all around
NSP : So you are from ....... Bhopal ? and BHEL also in Bhopal ?
Me : Yes Sir
NSP draws a circle on paper and names it MP
NSP : Draw the states around MP
Me : Sir 5 states UP, Rajasthan, Guajarat , Chattisgarh and Maharashtra (drew all )
NSP : No Jharkhand newhere??
Me : no sir
NSP : Ok so tell which state resemble MP the most
Me : On what basis sir ??
NSP : That you have to decide
Me : Sir UP .... before partition MP largest and UP second largest state .... UP has 1 lakh villages MP has 52 thousand ( second highest ) , SC ST in UP around 30 % in MP 32 % ... growth rate.... power deficits ... infrastructure almost the same.
NSP : Not Rajasthan ???
Me : No sir difference in climatic conditions also demographics wise more OBC there than SC/ST so more like UP.
SP enters
SP : So you are in Purchase in BHEL ?? What if a vendor offers you gift ? will you accept
Me : No sir because his self interest ... might be trying to influence me
SP : ok NSP proff is my boss ... he gives me a gift ... shall i accept
Me : Yes sir ... in that case it shows a good will gesture ... we give gifts to parents , siblings without self interest but to look at their happy faces.
NSP : So you have lot of grey areas in this matter .... when will you change your mind about the vendor .... after how many years?
Me : Sir this is a topic of subjectivity and hence cant frame specific rules.
May be if i know that vendor intentions are nice .... does not indulge in illegal practice and will not try to influence me and is giving a gift for brand building excercise and advertisement then i can take but if he doesnt know me and still gives then some other motives must be there and hence wont accept.
SP: So you mean to say WHO gives the gift is important for you.
Me : Yes sir it is important.
NSP : Are you nervous now ? Something else going in your mind ?
Me : ( Dont know where this came from ... I was speaking fluently with no shaking legs or other antics ) Not all sir .. not nervous
NSP : Ok tell me in CG you design a product or an idea.
Me : Both sir , if old porducts on known parametes we follow the steps and no ideas involved while in other cases you have use your brains a lot .
NSP : ok what was your favorite topic in college
Me : Sir Thermodynamics
SP : There are certain laws in thermo .. tell them
Me : sir 3 laws and a zeroth law started reciting zeroth law
NSP cuts me in between : You know the law because of conversation outside ?
Me : No sir have got a patent in cooling apparatus hence well versed with laws
SP : Yes i read that
NSP : Do u know one set theory, cartesian set , diagonal matrix
Me : Thinking .... hmm sir dont remember exactly ... its been 3 years since i left college
NSP: So you forget old people:
Me ( smiling ) : No sir just that not in day-today use ... once i revise i will be back on track.
SP : Okay anything you want to ask
Me : sir Lateral placement in strategic consultancy
SP : For that you have to get in here
Me : If suppose i come in ... are there chances to go in power field again
SP : Everthing is possible depends if you make it inside . So you want to go into consulting ?
Me : Sir want to learn everything so that it will help when I reach the top management.
SP : After how many years you see yourself as CEO
ME : Sir 20 years
NSP : why not 15
Me : Sir more the experience in power sector better you know things .. current CEO of CG is a Wharton passout and is also 50 years old .... I will be 45 in 20 years
SP & NSP : ok you can go now
Me : Ok thanks a lot sir .
Rate your preparation(0-5): 3.5
Rate your performance(0-5): ( Cant make out , No Extra currics q , no asking abt work role , about current affairs , thought they decided something on vendor thing only )
Any other relevant detail: Its difficult to make out anything from this interview as mostly answers were my opinions and not objective.
Tell me if you ppl think it was good , ok or bad
VERDICT : Awaited
X %,Board -- 84 , year-- 2003
XII%, Board-- 81 , year -- 2005
Undergrad Stream--- BE (mechanical ) CGPA -- 8.13, Year-- 2009,
Institute ---BITS Pilani
Work-Ex: 31 months total
Sectors -- Power , Company - BHEL -- 6 months and Crompton Greaves 2 yrs
CAT 2011:
Quant ---- 98.14
Verbal --- 98.56
Aggregate ---- 99.33
(category if applicable) --- General
Extra acads :
Any other special thing abt u: 4 Patents in Transformers
National Lawn tennis player in school days
Many org committes in college
Interview & Essay
Venue: Mumbai
Date : 9/2/12
Essay : Insanity is doing same thing over and over again and expecting different results
Number of Ppl present : 7/10
Time: 9 am
Brief Snapshot of the attempt: Essay was okaish , excellent first para and last para but not so good examples in between.
Started the GD with the quote than winners dont do different things but do things differently . Made an entry 5 times .... everyone was involved .... no fish market scene..... though we digressed from the topic a lot showed that no on one actually quoted good examples in essays with everone interpreting topic in their own way
Time given : 15 minutes for essay , 11 minutes for GD
Rate your preparation(0-5): 3
Rate your performance(0-5): 3.5
Panel Members Intro: 2 Young Proffs (1 suited proff whom we shall call SP from here on , another proff non suited and hence will be called NSP
Me : Good After noon sir ( it was exact 12 pm )
SP & NSP : have a seat
SP : Give me your file ( started looking in it )
NSP : So hows your day goiing ?
Me : Fine Sir , a dream come true for me
SP : Is this the dream or getting in is a dream
Me : Getting in is final destination ... coming this far is also a dream come true
NSP : Ok why do want an MBA ? Marketing ?
Me : No sir not only marketing but for learning other things as well.
( SP kept looking in the file)
SP : If i give you ABM call and only that is your last call of season would you take it ?
Me : Not sir I am more inclined towards Power sector so no ... I am sorry for filling it up.
Sp : Thats Ok no issues.
NSP : So you left CG and joined BHEL that too at a lower salary.. Why ?
Me : My main purpose is to learn , BHEL offered me marketing or Purchase role , I asked for the same in CG but was not given the opportunity as my boss was adamant on keeping me with him in design department only.
NSP : But you said you dont want to do marketing
Me : sir I said I dont want to do marketing ALONE but learn other things like financial number as well . In CG i learnt about technical aspects but had no exposure to business scenario so switched .
NSP : So where do you want to go after MBA ?
Me : Sir Strategic Management
NSP : ok so no insanity doing different things ( GD TOPIC)
Smiles all around
NSP : So you are from ....... Bhopal ? and BHEL also in Bhopal ?
Me : Yes Sir
NSP draws a circle on paper and names it MP
NSP : Draw the states around MP
Me : Sir 5 states UP, Rajasthan, Guajarat , Chattisgarh and Maharashtra (drew all )
NSP : No Jharkhand newhere??
Me : no sir
NSP : Ok so tell which state resemble MP the most
Me : On what basis sir ??
NSP : That you have to decide
Me : Sir UP .... before partition MP largest and UP second largest state .... UP has 1 lakh villages MP has 52 thousand ( second highest ) , SC ST in UP around 30 % in MP 32 % ... growth rate.... power deficits ... infrastructure almost the same.
NSP : Not Rajasthan ???
Me : No sir difference in climatic conditions also demographics wise more OBC there than SC/ST so more like UP.
SP enters
SP : So you are in Purchase in BHEL ?? What if a vendor offers you gift ? will you accept
Me : No sir because his self interest ... might be trying to influence me
SP : ok NSP proff is my boss ... he gives me a gift ... shall i accept
Me : Yes sir ... in that case it shows a good will gesture ... we give gifts to parents , siblings without self interest but to look at their happy faces.
NSP : So you have lot of grey areas in this matter .... when will you change your mind about the vendor .... after how many years?
Me : Sir this is a topic of subjectivity and hence cant frame specific rules.
May be if i know that vendor intentions are nice .... does not indulge in illegal practice and will not try to influence me and is giving a gift for brand building excercise and advertisement then i can take but if he doesnt know me and still gives then some other motives must be there and hence wont accept.
SP: So you mean to say WHO gives the gift is important for you.
Me : Yes sir it is important.
NSP : Are you nervous now ? Something else going in your mind ?
Me : ( Dont know where this came from ... I was speaking fluently with no shaking legs or other antics) Not all sir .. not nervous
NSP : Ok tell me in CG you design a product or an idea.
Me : Both sir , if old porducts on known parametes we follow the steps and no ideas involved while in other cases you have use your brains a lot .
NSP : ok what was your favorite topic in college
Me : Sir Thermodynamics
SP : There are certain laws in thermo .. tell them
Me : sir 3 laws and a zeroth law started reciting zeroth law
NSP cuts me in between : You know the law because of conversation outside ?
Me : No sir have got a patent in cooling apparatus hence well versed with laws
SP : Yes i read that
NSP : Do u know one set theory, cartesian set , diagonal matrix
Me : Thinking .... hmm sir dont remember exactly ... its been 3 years since i left college
NSP: So you forget old people:
Me ( smiling ) : No sir just that not in day-today use ... once i revise i will be back on track.
SP : Okay anything you want to ask
Me : sir Lateral placement in strategic consultancy
SP : For that you have to get in here
Me : If suppose i come in ... are there chances to go in power field again
SP : Everthing is possible depends if you make it inside . So you want to go into consulting ?
Me : Sir want to learn everything so that it will help when I reach the top management.
SP : After how many years you see yourself as CEO
ME : Sir 20 years
NSP : why not 15
Me : Sir more the experience in power sector better you know things .. current CEO of CG is a Wharton passout and is also 50 years old .... I will be 45 in 20 years
SP & NSP : ok you can go now
Me : Ok thanks a lot sir .
Rate your preparation(0-5): 3.5
Rate your performance(0-5): ( Cant make out , No Extra currics q , no asking abt work role , about current affairs , thought they decided something on vendor thing only )
Any other relevant detail: Its difficult to make out anything from this interview as mostly answers were my opinions and not objective.
Tell me if you ppl think it was good , ok or bad
VERDICT : Awaited
good, really good:)
Please don't quote the whole experience for commenting....its a pure spam........ Sorry :)
sid1989 Saysgood, really good:)
X %,Board -- 84 , year-- 2003
XII%, Board-- 81 , year -- 2005
Undergrad Stream--- BE (mechanical ) CGPA -- 8.13, Year-- 2009,
Institute ---BITS Pilani
Work-Ex: 31 months total
Sectors -- Power , Company - BHEL -- 6 months and Crompton Greaves 2 yrs
CAT 2011:
Quant ---- 98.14
Verbal --- 98.56
Aggregate ---- 99.33
(category if applicable) --- General
Extra acads :
Any other special thing abt u: 4 Patents in Transformers
National Lawn tennis player in school days
Many org committes in college
Interview & Essay
Venue: Mumbai
Date : 9/2/12
Essay : Insanity is doing same thing over and over again and expecting different results
Number of Ppl present : 7/10
Time: 9 am
Brief Snapshot of the attempt: Essay was okaish , excellent first para and last para but not so good examples in between.
Started the GD with the quote than winners dont do different things but do things differently . Made an entry 5 times .... everyone was involved .... no fish market scene..... though we digressed from the topic a lot showed that no on one actually quoted good examples in essays with everone interpreting topic in their own way
Time given : 15 minutes for essay , 11 minutes for GD
Rate your preparation(0-5): 3
Rate your performance(0-5): 3.5
Panel Members Intro: 2 Young Proffs (1 suited proff whom we shall call SP from here on , another proff non suited and hence will be called NSP
Me : Good After noon sir ( it was exact 12 pm )
SP & NSP : have a seat
SP : Give me your file ( started looking in it )
NSP : So hows your day goiing ?
Me : Fine Sir , a dream come true for me
SP : Is this the dream or getting in is a dream
Me : Getting in is final destination ... coming this far is also a dream come true
NSP : Ok why do want an MBA ? Marketing ?
Me : No sir not only marketing but for learning other things as well.
( SP kept looking in the file)
SP : If i give you ABM call and only that is your last call of season would you take it ?
Me : Not sir I am more inclined towards Power sector so no ... I am sorry for filling it up.
Sp : Thats Ok no issues.
NSP : So you left CG and joined BHEL that too at a lower salary.. Why ?
Me : My main purpose is to learn , BHEL offered me marketing or Purchase role , I asked for the same in CG but was not given the opportunity as my boss was adamant on keeping me with him in design department only.
NSP : But you said you dont want to do marketing
Me : sir I said I dont want to do marketing ALONE but learn other things like financial number as well . In CG i learnt about technical aspects but had no exposure to business scenario so switched .
NSP : So where do you want to go after MBA ?
Me : Sir Strategic Management
NSP : ok so no insanity doing different things ( GD TOPIC)
Smiles all around
NSP : So you are from ....... Bhopal ? and BHEL also in Bhopal ?
Me : Yes Sir
NSP draws a circle on paper and names it MP
NSP : Draw the states around MP
Me : Sir 5 states UP, Rajasthan, Guajarat , Chattisgarh and Maharashtra (drew all )
NSP : No Jharkhand newhere??
Me : no sir
NSP : Ok so tell which state resemble MP the most
Me : On what basis sir ??
NSP : That you have to decide
Me : Sir UP .... before partition MP largest and UP second largest state .... UP has 1 lakh villages MP has 52 thousand ( second highest ) , SC ST in UP around 30 % in MP 32 % ... growth rate.... power deficits ... infrastructure almost the same.
NSP : Not Rajasthan ???
Me : No sir difference in climatic conditions also demographics wise more OBC there than SC/ST so more like UP.
SP enters
SP : So you are in Purchase in BHEL ?? What if a vendor offers you gift ? will you accept
Me : No sir because his self interest ... might be trying to influence me
SP : ok NSP proff is my boss ... he gives me a gift ... shall i accept
Me : Yes sir ... in that case it shows a good will gesture ... we give gifts to parents , siblings without self interest but to look at their happy faces.
NSP : So you have lot of grey areas in this matter .... when will you change your mind about the vendor .... after how many years?
Me : Sir this is a topic of subjectivity and hence cant frame specific rules.
May be if i know that vendor intentions are nice .... does not indulge in illegal practice and will not try to influence me and is giving a gift for brand building excercise and advertisement then i can take but if he doesnt know me and still gives then some other motives must be there and hence wont accept.
SP: So you mean to say WHO gives the gift is important for you.
Me : Yes sir it is important.
NSP : Are you nervous now ? Something else going in your mind ?
Me : ( Dont know where this came from ... I was speaking fluently with no shaking legs or other antics) Not all sir .. not nervous
NSP : Ok tell me in CG you design a product or an idea.
Me : Both sir , if old porducts on known parametes we follow the steps and no ideas involved while in other cases you have use your brains a lot .
NSP : ok what was your favorite topic in college
Me : Sir Thermodynamics
SP : There are certain laws in thermo .. tell them
Me : sir 3 laws and a zeroth law started reciting zeroth law
NSP cuts me in between : You know the law because of conversation outside ?
Me : No sir have got a patent in cooling apparatus hence well versed with laws
SP : Yes i read that
NSP : Do u know one set theory, cartesian set , diagonal matrix
Me : Thinking .... hmm sir dont remember exactly ... its been 3 years since i left college
NSP: So you forget old people:
Me ( smiling ) : No sir just that not in day-today use ... once i revise i will be back on track.
SP : Okay anything you want to ask
Me : sir Lateral placement in strategic consultancy
SP : For that you have to get in here
Me : If suppose i come in ... are there chances to go in power field again
SP : Everthing is possible depends if you make it inside . So you want to go into consulting ?
Me : Sir want to learn everything so that it will help when I reach the top management.
SP : After how many years you see yourself as CEO
ME : Sir 20 years
NSP : why not 15
Me : Sir more the experience in power sector better you know things .. current CEO of CG is a Wharton passout and is also 50 years old .... I will be 45 in 20 years
SP & NSP : ok you can go now
Me : Ok thanks a lot sir .
Rate your preparation(0-5): 3.5
Rate your performance(0-5): ( Cant make out , No Extra currics q , no asking abt work role , about current affairs , thought they decided something on vendor thing only )
Any other relevant detail: Its difficult to make out anything from this interview as mostly answers were my opinions and not objective.
Tell me if you ppl think it was good , ok or bad
VERDICT : Awaited
Excellent Interview dude!!
I believe You nailed it!!
NSP : ok what was your favorite topic in college
Me : Sir Thermodynamics
SP : There are certain laws in thermo .. tell them
Me : sir 3 laws and a zeroth law started reciting zeroth law
NSP cuts me in between : You know the law because of conversation outside ?
Me : No sir have got a patent in cooling apparatus hence well versed with laws
SP : Yes i read that
Wow, you absolutely killed that part of the interview :P
Good luck! Though I don't think you'll need it 😃
waiting for more experiences.... puys pls take some time to post your experiences....