HEY ALL ASPIRING TISSIANS, The intention of this forum is to act as a ONE-STOP PLATFORM for all TISS aspirants, applying for the academic year 2006-08. It would be a value-add on for all pan-India TISS buddies to come together, discuss th…
The intention of this forum is to act as a ONE-STOP PLATFORM for all TISS aspirants, applying for the academic year 2006-08. It would be a value-add on for all pan-India TISS buddies to come together, discuss their concerns, share their knowledge, experiences and mesh well with one another. Am confident that this will get "rocking", if we all keep on posting useful stuff.
Browsed several forums and noticed that there were a few on "TISS/HR", but most of them, barring a few fizzled out after the initial enthusiasm. If we wanna make this going, plse...plse..get yourself moving.
As for me I am a Mech Engg from Mumbai University 2005 pass-out. Interested in HR. Took a calculated risk of not opting for a Campus job and started preparing for top b-schools from July itelf. Keen to crack XL & TISS & IIM`s.
As against a school of thought which says "HR SUCKS", the experience of my friends and my elder bro who is an IIM-B pass-out and now working for an MNC abroad suggests that "HR -THE CATALYST OF HUMAN CHANGE" is not just here to stay, but make a distinct difference. Anyway......enough of HR hard-sell.
So folks, get going and lets make this thread a vibrant one.

kindly expand on the selection procedure and other details pertaining to TISS.
The selection process for TISS is elaborated in the following threads:
*TISS (2005-07).
*HR anyone? (under CAT related discussion).
Also on the string:
Nevertheless in brief TISS standing for TATA INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, located at Deonar, Mumbai, is a premier institute for HR, offering a 2 year specialisation.
TISS is a deemed University and holds great credibility for it`s HR programme, recognised by Corporates as a breeding ground for hard-core successful HR professionals.
It takes about 30 students on an ALLINDIA basis subsequent to the selection process.
The selection process consists of :
Short-listing is done on the basis of the above 2 which happens on one day. The s-list is anounced that very evening.
S-Listed students are then interviewed the next working day.
Out of a total of about 4000 students who appeared last year, about 200 were interviewed and finally 30 selected.
The selection process is completed within 10 days, starting from the first week of June and RESULTS are announced withih 2 weeks of the process commencing.
Am sure you will find more info posted on the above threads/posts.
Would be happy to provide more info.
Hi all,
This is Ramnathan from TISS pursuing PMIR (2005-200. Basically Chennaite - E&C; Engg (2004 Passout), worked for a year in S/W company in Chennai. And here I am in TISS......
As Basic Instinct says, we had a gud thread in PG 2005-2007 ...U cud go thru that and u wud get a fair idea of how its being done. In fact i had posted by GD-PI xpereince in detail there that i had had.
Also dear aspirants..let me tell u some inside info.....Most likely :
* The no. of seats wud likely be increased (donno how much)
* There cud also be an objective test along with Essay and GD. We dint have one.....
But dont worry, u will get the official information once the prospects are out...
Please do go thru the PG LINK OF TISS (2005-2007).
But any more help i can do as a TISSian, wud be more than happy....
Cheers and all the best
A week since the thread went live, but a luke-warm response, besides some TISSIANS who are ready to help us.
Cant believe that the JUNTA is not intending to appear for TISS in 2006. Maybe most are tied up with CAT prep and hence busssyyyyy or else dont know much abt HR & TISS, so not sure.
I hope have not initiated this thread earlier than it`s time, since TISS exams are in June`06 and CAT and other imp. B-school exams are round the corner.
Any ways, plse, plse. do chip in if u are interested in HR & TISS so that we can learn from one another .
Have just just joined PG and must say man wat a grrrreaaat thing than to sight that there is something on TISS.
More abt. me. Am a Psycho Grad from Mum. Univ, passed-out in 2005 and working for the last 3 months with a BPO in HR dep as a Trainee.
Had appeared for TISS last year and had confidence on my skills and abilities, but but TISS didnt find me so......Not s/l post Gd`s.
But damn it. have not given up and there I am again this year.
Am also prep. for CAT/XAT et all...
Have to go out now, hence bye. more later.
Have fun.
Interesting to know that u had appeared last year.
Could u plse let us know ur experiences.

Hello Buddies,
My freinds on PG informed me of this TISS thread for 2006-08.
I have joined PG today and wish to be on this thread for gaining as much as I can, cos I am very keen to crack TISS this year.
Passsed out from the BMS course of Mum. Univ. last year and had taken a shot at TISS and XL. But was not at all prepared and hence just got thrown off.
Any views on how shld one prepare for cracking TISS.
I had prepared on my own last year for TISS for abt. 2 months. Did some bit of reading of magazines, articles as well as wrote essays on my own. I thought it was a serious effort on my part.
Out of the 3 given essays, I rememeber writing on "Corporates shld. be more disable friendly". The other 2 topics I think were : "Wildlife conservation" & " Knowledge Eco".
My GD group was quite good, atleast 7 out of the 12 spoke well. Topic chosen was " Globalisation- Does it strengthen or weaken a nation?"
I too spoke well, many points were discussed. What I felt was lacking in me was co-ordination of my thoughts and group skills. I discovered this later, post my GD, when some of the group members openly said that they had been groomed in GD`s. They also had reason to celebrate as they had discussed on a related topic during their coaching.
my dream ended that evening when i did not see my name in the s/l for interviews.
i have just started to get serious as i find very little time after i come home from work. nevertheless, by nov/dec, i will have to go full steam. even contemplating of quitting my job in feb and fully focussing on TISS.
will do some scanning of the coaching available in mum for gd/pi, as have heard abt. private coaching done by professionals.
anyway, could you all keep this thread active, as i would like to know from others what are they doing.
SO KOOOL......can u also tell ur exp. thks.
Im tina from hyderabad. I am working as a copywriter and aspire to grace TISS with my talent and enterprise. M here to join the club!!
PS: This thread was LONG overdue!!!
Hi all,
As xpected not much enthu at this time on TISS.....well this is how it was last year as well...After CAT and XAT will the momentum gather...And i feel thats right as well......There is nothing gr8 and xclusive preparation needed.....rather...readed all happenenings around./....not rubbsih sleazy stuff of Mid day or TOI but rather quality social, economic , political issues....EPW, ET, FRONT LINE, HINDU, INDIA TODAY, Business Today would do.....................
TISS PMIR (2005-2007)
me's verry keen on an MSW from TISS.. i wud like to know what wud be considered a good(interview guarantee) essay. becoz, as much as i prepare, i have this naggin doubt abt the size, the content, the presentation, wether im using a level of writing which is too low, if the words are too glossy... etc... cud u ples tell me what u've written in ur essay..
pratsha aka dmitri
Hi ...
Am from PMIR..so dont wanna comment on the MSW essays...But a general advice..
Keep ur language simple and be natural..
Dont worte too lenghtly..Its not Univ xams....so to the content..thats important
structure ur thoughts before writing....
Practice once or twice before u take the final...That wud help.....But not more than that bcos its not worth the effort...
Do have gud awareness of all issues...social, poltical, economical issues....
Actually we at PMIR r busy with MANTHAN, the annual business seminar...wud get back after a while with inputs for ur queries...
Browsed through some of the new posts on this thread.
While Ramanathan feels that there is nothing great regards TISS selection and there is no need to put in exclusive preparation, I personally feel that this is fine after one has made it. It then looks simple. The very fact that there are about 4000 aspirants and only 30 make it, is good enough to indicate the level of competitiveness, pointing the need to be one amongst the best.
Ramanathan: Sorry if I have sounded rude, but the fact is one has to be well prepared and for that one needs to put in serious efforts, not just for TISS but for any B-school. that`s my speak. It may be different for others, that I can agree.
As regards my case, I was partially prepared but not fully......And tha`s where I lost. I spoke to a number of my friends who were preparing for several B-schools and who made it. They all despite being articulate, well informed, put in serious amount of work, including getting coached in WRITTENS as well as GD/PI`s.
Ramanathan: your tips and guidance is appreciated and will definitely help all of us as you are now " ON THE VERGE OF BECOMING BIG, MAN.....
Am back. At home today on account of the "bhid -bhad" due to Ganesh immersions in Mumbai.
Have followed the contents on the last few posts and boy they are really enriching to me atleast.
Have got into serious preparations for TISS....better late than never.
Started to read all masala (eco, socio. et all.....).
And you know what......Read an Advert in today`s " West Side Plus", suburban supplement with the Times Of India (17/09), Mumbai edition regards "KAMAT`S ACADEMY" which imparts coaching in GD/PI and has a successful track record. And there is a special TISS batch commencing in Nov`05. Will be contacting them today and get more details from them. request others who know abt. him or the academy to tell us something.
In fact, on one of the old TISS threads in PG, the same name has been featured.
Have started reading "India Today, CSR, et all.........And having tons of coffee to keep me awake after a gruelling grind in the office.
This is use ful information that is available here. I truly appreciate all the contributors for their inputs.
As regards Prof kamat, I am in touch with him and am going to meet him tommorow to know more details about what the coaching that he provides. He charges some Rs. 16,000/-. I believe if his experience and guidance can give me a better chance of getting into TISS then it would be worth it.
Regarding the essays, I think we should all write essays and post them here as that would give all of us the advantage of assessing others work while getting our own stuff assessed.
Will post tommorow after the meeting with Prof Kamat.
Hey All,
Great going folks.........
This thread is now rocking..........
Writing Essays is definitely the first step. And let me confess I did try on my own, but didnt know where to turn to for guidance and what areas need to be improvised. Besides being an Engineer made it all the more difficult. Nevertheless "this too shall pass......successfully".
On BabuBhaskarans (trust i got it right, buddy?????) post, regards Prof. Kamat, I too did enquire with my elder bro who passed out from IIM-B (4 yrs back). He mentioned that all his friends who made it to IIM`s that year were groomed by Prof. Kamat. In fact my bro came to know of him quite late in the day, hence he could not join. As normally happens his friends were tight-lipped regards their being groomed.
I was not aware that he grooms students for TISS separately. Thanks Babu (guess ur first name) for letting us know. Look forward to ur inputs post ur mtg.
And moving forward can the TISSIANS (ramanathan et all...) confirm that the seats are being increased and also nail down the Written part.
Is there any one on PG currently, whose bro/sis/cousins/relatives/acquaintances/pals have appeared for TISS when the writtens were conducted? This would help all of us.
wow, selecting just 30 people from 4000, thats just 0.75 % selection.:shock:
how in the world did ya guys make it, would like to know ! was there anything special that they were expecting from all of you in common ? you tissians should have found out by now about what you have in common, qualities i mean ( apart from smart work and hard work ). maybe we can also try to develope those qualities
IN my last post I had mentioned regards "WRITTENS". What I meant was the "OBJECTIVE WRITTEN TEST" that Ramananthan felt could be introduced again from this year. I understand from my senior friends that TISS had this Test earlier.
More abt. it : 40 OBJECTIVE QTS to be answered in 20 MTS. Questions were on Verbal, Quants, Logical Reasoning. More importantly 1 negative mark for each WRONG ATTEMPT. The score was added to the cumulative total of Essay/GD/PI plus acad. perfo. weightage.
Hence I had asked whether anyone knows abt. the same. plse, plse do share such info.
Good to find new posts in this thread.