Hello Pagal Pals *This thread is meant only for those who are mad for IIFT like me. Let convert our dream into reality in 2012. Keep your eyes Open because we are going to meet our UNSEEN DREAM in 2012 * :cheers::cheers::cheers:…
Pagal Pals
This thread is meant only for those who are mad for IIFT like me. Let convert our dream into reality in 2012. Keep your eyes Open because we are going to meet our UNSEEN DREAM in 2012
Pagal Pals
This thread is meant only for those who are mad for IIFT like me. Let convert our dream into reality in 2012. Keep your eyes Open because we are going to meet our UNSEEN DREAM in 2012
In this thread we will discuss each and everything regarding IIFT.
Firstly we will brush up all the basic fundas and topics in Quants, Verbal, Reasoning, DI
And the most important is GK, we will post everyday news from every section.
I will post the time table by this monday, according to which we will work.
And please post your queries related to IIFT only and not related to other exams.
Hi. Can anyone tell me how to prepare for IIFT? I mean study material and all?
I have chalked out some Schedule according to which we will work.
We will start with VEDIC MATHEMATICS we will solve questions and one RC daily.
Like this we will move on to the next QA topic after completing the one, then we will solve the questions related to it.
Grammar Basic will be explained first and then we will do the exercise next day.
DI and Reasoning will be done on Saturday and Sunday.
GK will be done on Saturday and Sunday. All important news of the week will be posted on Sunday. On Saturday one set of questions will be done it will contain 10 - 15 questions
Before doing any exercise we will start with its basic first and then we will move to their exercises .
Try to speed up your calculation as soon as possible that is the only reason why i will start with VEDIC MATHEMATICS. Speed is the key player in IIFT.
If anything missed you can add it.

im waiting for results of gdpi
heart skipped a beat thought final results out
im waiting for results of gdpi
heart skipped a beat thought final results out
This is a prep thread for those who will appear for IIFT in 2012 .
im waiting for results of gdpi
heart skipped a beat thought final results out
Lol, yeah, me too. I've been refreshing Pagalguy for the last week or so hoping to find the IIFT call-getters' thread at the top.
Anyway, this sounds like a great initiative. Good luck to everyone!
Nice initiative 😃
I'd request and suggest IIFT aspirants to use and discuss GK (which is a very important and deciding section in IIFT entrance) in the following thread:
Good to see thread open early for IIFT-2012..
Count me in puys...
I will be available after 7pm. as i am working....
Good to see thread open early for IIFT-2012..
Count me in puys...
I will be available after 7pm. as i am working....
Whenever you are free just visit the thread.
I am also working and will be available after 6:30pm

Whenever you are free just visit the thread.
I am also working and will be available after 6:30pm
:cheers: :cheers:
okk...that's nice....
So, We will start from tomorrow with Vedic Mathematics?
I have few pdf file of vedic mathematics....i will share it if require.....:)
Starting with some easy one
Multiply 14 and 12
(Add the digit in unit place ie 2 here to 14 which is equal to 16)
= 16_
And now multiply unit digit nos ie 4 & 2 =8 and this 8 will come in digit place of the solution
So our answer is 168
In similar fashion one more
Multiply 15 and 13
(Add 3 to 15 which is equal to 18 )
And multiply 5&3 = 15 Now here it is different from above example it becomes a two digit number so what we will do is we will add the digit in tens place to 18 ie 1 here and our answer is 195.
1 2 3
4 5 6
1 4 / 1 5 + 2 4 / 1 6 + 3 4 + 2 5 / 2 6 + 3 5 / 3 6
= 4/13/ 28/ 27 / 18 = 56088
2 4 5
1 9 8
2 1/ 2 9 + 4 1 / 2 8 + 5 1 + 4 9 / 4 8 + 5 9 / 5 8
= 2/ 22/ 57 / 77/ 40 = 48510
Use the formula ALL FROM 9 AND THE LAST FROM 10 to perform instant subtractions.
l For example 1000 - 357 = 643
We simply take each figure in 357 from 9 and the last figure from 10.
So the answer is 1000 - 357 = 643
And thats all there is to it!
This always works for subtractions from numbers consisting of a 1 followed by noughts: 100; 1000; 10,000 etc.
9 8 6 7
3 2 1 9
3x9/8x3+9x2/9x1+8x2+6x3 /2x6+8x1+7x3+9x9 /1x6 +2x7+ 8x9 /9x6 + 7x1/9 x7
= 27/42/43/122/92/61/63
Ans= 31761873
Similarly try to find the solution in a same manner for a five digit number
286 78 = ?
2 8 6
0 7 8
0x2 /7x2/8x2 + 8x7 /8x8 + 7x6/6x8
= 00/14/72/106/48
= 22308
another example
998 98 = ?
9 9 8
0 9 8
00 /81 /153 /144 /64
= 97804
Acerbic------------> Harsh/ severe; bitter
Aggressive---------> Forceful; tending towards unprovoked offensiveness
Apathetic----------> Emotionless; not interested/ concerned; indifferent;
Apologetic---------> Expressing remorse, regret, sorrow for having failed,
injured, insulted orwronged another
Belligerent----------> Aggressively hostile; bellicose
Biased--------------> Favouring one thing/person/group over another for
personal reasons.
Caustic--------------> Biting; acerbic
Commiserating---------> Feeling/ expressing sorrow for; empathizing with;
Condescending----------> Patronizing; showing/implying patronising descent
from dignity/ superiority
Contemptuous------------>Expressing contempt/ disdain
Cynical--------------------> displaying a belief that people are always self-
seeking and never altruistic intheir actions.
Derisive--------------------> Unkind and displaying contempt
Disparaging-----------------> Speak slightingly; depreciating; belittling
Dogmatic---------------------> Asserting opinions in an arrogant manner;
imperious; dictatorial
Emotional----------------- ---> Easily affected by feelings actuated by
experiencing love, hate, fear and the like
Ethical-----------------------> Dealing with principles of morality; honest;
Euphemistic------------------> Substitution of mild, indirect or vague
expression for one thought to beoffensive,
harsh or blunt
Grandiose---------------------> More complicated/ elaborated than
necessary; pompous
Humanistic---------------------> Evincing keen interest in human affairs,
nature, welfare, values
Humourous---------------------> Funny and amusing
Introspective--------------------> Consider one's own internal state of
Incendiary-----------------------> Causing strong feelings
Laudatory------------------------> Praising; extolling; applauding
Motivating-------------------------> Impelling; inciting
Obsequious-------------------------> Fawning; showing servile
complaisance; flattering; deferent
Pedestrian------------------------> Lacking vitality, imagination, distinction
Populist----------------------------> Egalitarian; pertaining to the
characteristics of common people/
working class
Provocative-------------------------> Inciting; stimulating; irritating; vexing
Romantic----------------------------> Fanciful; impractical; unrealistic;
extravagant; exaggerated
Sarcastic---------------------------> Harsh, bitter derision; taunting;
sneering; cutting remarks
Satirical------------------------------> Ironical; taunting; human folly held
up to scorn/ derision/ ridicule
Speculative---------------------------> Theoretical rather than practical;
thoughtful; reflective; hypothetical
Technical--------------------------- > Using terminology or treating
subject matter in a manner
peculiar to aparticular field, as a
writer or a book
Vitriolic------------------------------> Full of anger and hatred
Vituperative--------------------------> Cruel and angry criticism
As promised that we will do one passage everyday,but before starting up with the passage make yourself aware of the Tones used in the passage .
Acerbic------------> Harsh/ severe; bitter
Aggressive---------> Forceful; tending towards unprovoked offensiveness
Apathetic----------> Emotionless; not interested/ concerned; indifferent;
Apologetic---------> Expressing remorse, regret, sorrow for having failed,
injured, insulted orwronged another
Belligerent----------> Aggressively hostile; bellicose
Biased--------------> Favouring one thing/person/group over another for
personal reasons.
Caustic--------------> Biting; acerbic
Commiserating---------> Feeling/ expressing sorrow for; empathizing with;
Condescending----------> Patronizing; showing/implying patronising descent
from dignity/ superiority
Contemptuous------------>Expressing contempt/ disdain
Cynical--------------------> displaying a belief that people are always self-
seeking and never altruistic intheir actions.
Derisive--------------------> Unkind and displaying contempt
Disparaging-----------------> Speak slightingly; depreciating; belittling
Dogmatic---------------------> Asserting opinions in an arrogant manner;
imperious; dictatorial
Emotional----------------- ---> Easily affected by feelings actuated by
experiencing love, hate, fear and the like
Ethical-----------------------> Dealing with principles of morality; honest;
Euphemistic------------------> Substitution of mild, indirect or vague
expression for one thought to beoffensive,
harsh or blunt
Grandiose---------------------> More complicated/ elaborated than
necessary; pompous
Humanistic---------------------> Evincing keen interest in human affairs,
nature, welfare, values
Humourous---------------------> Funny and amusing
Introspective--------------------> Consider one's own internal state of
Incendiary-----------------------> Causing strong feelings
Laudatory------------------------> Praising; extolling; applauding
Motivating-------------------------> Impelling; inciting
Obsequious-------------------------> Fawning; showing servile
complaisance; flattering; deferent
Pedestrian------------------------> Lacking vitality, imagination, distinction
Populist----------------------------> Egalitarian; pertaining to the
characteristics of common people/
working class
Provocative-------------------------> Inciting; stimulating; irritating; vexing
Romantic----------------------------> Fanciful; impractical; unrealistic;
extravagant; exaggerated
Sarcastic---------------------------> Harsh, bitter derision; taunting;
sneering; cutting remarks
Satirical------------------------------> Ironical; taunting; human folly held
up to scorn/ derision/ ridicule
Speculative---------------------------> Theoretical rather than practical;
thoughtful; reflective; hypothetical
Technical--------------------------- > Using terminology or treating
subject matter in a manner
peculiar to aparticular field, as a
writer or a book
Vitriolic------------------------------> Full of anger and hatred
Vituperative--------------------------> Cruel and angry criticism
After reading this try to identify the tone of the respective passages
Delivering mail to small villages in India was once a difficult, perilous, and exciting job. The postman travelled on foot, often wading through swamps or crawling through jungles in order to reach the many villages on his route.
The Indian mailman might sometimes encounter a fierce tiger or panther along the way, yet the only weapon he carried was a sharp spear. He never went to work without his bells, which he would shake in order (so he said) to ward off evil spirits. Wild animals or evil spirits, nothing ever interrupted his work.
The Indian letter carrier was an honoured and respected person; he was treated with great courtesy. So wise was he thought to be that he was frequently called upon to settle village disputes. It is certainly evident that only a very brave man would take a job that compelled him to fight off wild animals in order to get his work done. You can understand why everyone in India looked upon the man who delivered mail as a true national hero