The one year MBA in India has come out of the nascent stage… Now is the time to have a ranking for one year MBA programmes in India. My guess for the Top 5 Rankings is: No.1 IIMA(PGPX): No one can deny the ultimate brand eq…
The one year MBA in India has come out of the nascent stage...
Now is the time to have a ranking for one year MBA programmes in India.
My guess for the Top 5 Rankings is:
No one can deny the ultimate brand equity of IIMA. The focus of the institute on the programme is too good. Remember the Lalu interaction session was conducted in the PGPX class! This apart from other marketing efforts such as the social responsibility initiatives of PGPX prove the drive of the management. The course is the best designed among all one year MBA programmes. Students get the best of the famed IIMA education combined with good global exposure (International students and International projects). IIMA has actually beaten ISB in the "global exposure" game. Just one batch is out and IIMA is ahead of older one year programmes at XLRI and ISB.
Some of the publicity gimmicks put up by IIMA are not very dignified. However, visibility at all costs is a must for a programme in its first year of inception.
Two good programmes. But, there is scope for improvement.
The infrastructure and the International exposure at ISB is unmatched. But the effectiveness of the programme and the slim size of the batch at XLRI is a clear advantage. (55 students at XLRI as against 420 cattle-like mass at ISB). ISB is indecently expensive and it can hinder one's career growth. ISB grads are forced to take up high paying jobs rather than the jobs that they like. The global mantra of ISB (fly-by-night professors from US/UK etc.,) falls flat in the face of new reality where the world is looking towards India as the happening place. ( Today, US B-School students want gyan from Lalu!).
Absence of marketing for the GMP course indicates a lack of interest of XLRI management. (I was surprised to know that GMP is older than ISB's programme!) Further, too many contact hours for the GMP at XLRI is also a disadvantage. ISB scores better on this area with more balanced level of contact hours.
The brand name takes it to No.3 but the programme is relatively new. The plus point is that IIMC administration is valuing the one year programme more than the managements of XLRI or MDI. The student response to the first batch is not known to be as good as IIMA. We still need to wait for the performance of the first batch.
No.4 SP Jain
The thrust given to the course by SP Jain Administration at the Mumbai and the international locations is impressive. The placement record is decent. The huge location advantage of being at Mumbai is a plus point. The impact of this programme on the corporate world is fair. The SPJIMR management has a clear direction for the future development of the programme. A steady growth is expected for this course. All said and done the effectiveness is not as good as the top league (IIMA, ISB, XLRI)
The efforts put by GLIMS are excellent but again somehow the impact does not seem to be as much as IIMA/ISB/XLRI. The NMP programme of MDI is around for quite some time limited to sponsored PSU managers. The programme is well structured. MDI's brand equity and future potential of the course takes it to the spot.5, even though the focus of the MDI's management is not clear. Further, the number of self-sponsored students is still limited.
(I seem to have more criticism rather than appreciation for many of the B-Schools...)
Great work. U can find more info on the following thread:
PS: Ranking is fine but just keep in mind that comparisions of B schools is against the rules of the forum..
Great initiative!!! However this would have served better purpose to the prospective students if there was some analytical method for these ratings.
I shall come out with that soon.. watch out this forum for more!!!
The one year MBA in India has come out of the nascent stage...
Now is the time to have a ranking for one year MBA programmes in India.
My guess for the Top 5 Rankings is:
No one can deny the ultimate brand equity of IIMA. The focus of the institute on the programme is too good. Remember the Lalu interaction session was conducted in the PGPX class! This apart from other marketing efforts such as the social responsibility initiatives of PGPX prove the drive of the management. The course is the best designed among all one year MBA programmes. Students get the best of the famed IIMA education combined with good global exposure (International students and International projects). IIMA has actually beaten ISB in the global exposure game. Just one batch is out and IIMA is ahead of older one year programmes at XLRI and ISB.
Some of the publicity gimmicks put up by IIMA are not very dignified. However, visibility at all costs is a must for a programme in its first year of inception.
Two good programmes. But, there is scope for improvement.
The infrastructure and the International exposure at ISB is unmatched. But the effectiveness of the programme and the slim size of the batch at XLRI is a clear advantage. (55 students at XLRI as against 420 cattle-like mass at ISB). ISB is indecently expensive and it can hinder ones career growth. ISB grads are forced to take up high paying jobs rather than the jobs that they like. The global mantra of ISB (fly-by-night professors from US/UK etc.,) falls flat in the face of new reality where the world is looking towards India as the happening place. ( Today, US B-School students want gyan from Lalu!).
Absence of marketing for the GMP course indicates a lack of interest of XLRI management. (I was surprised to know that GMP is older than ISBs programme!) Further, too many contact hours for the GMP at XLRI is also a disadvantage. ISB scores better on this area with more balanced level of contact hours.
The brand name takes it to No.3 but the programme is relatively new. The plus point is that IIMC administration is valuing the one year programme more than the managements of XLRI or MDI. The student response to the first batch is not known to be as good as IIMA. We still need to wait for the performance of the first batch.
No.4 SP Jain
The thrust given to the course by SP Jain Administration at the Mumbai and the international locations is impressive. The placement record is decent. The huge location advantage of being at Mumbai is a plus point. The impact of this programme on the corporate world is fair. The SPJIMR management has a clear direction for the future development of the programme. A steady growth is expected for this course. All said and done the effectiveness is not as good as the top league (IIMA, ISB, XLRI)
The efforts put by GLIMS are excellent but again somehow the impact does not seem to be as much as IIMA/ISB/XLRI. The NMP programme of MDI is around for quite some time limited to sponsored PSU managers. The programme is well structured. MDI's brand equity and future potential of the course takes it to the spot.5, even though the focus of the MDIs management is not clear. Further, the number of self-sponsored students is still limited.
(I seem to have more criticism rather than appreciation for many of the B-Schools...)
Thank you for the information regarding the rules of the forum (which I was not aware).
But, anyway it would be easier to rank the institutes when you compare them on various factors.
I hope that the user late-to-start (or any one else) will come up with an score card based on several parameters. Such objective exercise would enable the ranking without direct comparision between the b-schools.
Great work. U can find more info on the following thread:
PS: Ranking is fine but just keep in mind that comparisions of B schools is against the rules of the forum..
Thank you for the information regarding the rules of the forum (which I was not aware).
But, anyway it would be easier to rank the institutes when you compare them on various factors.
I hope that the user late-to-start (or any one else) will come up with an score card based on several parameters. Such objective exercise would enable the ranking without direct comparision between the b-schools.
i think friend you are doing the right is necessary---Thank's for the wondeful post-- Hope to see many surprises in the future....but i did not knew that spjain comes at No-4
The one year MBA in India has come out of the nascent stage...
The efforts put by GLIMS are excellent but again somehow the impact does not seem to be as much as IIMA/ISB/XLRI. The NMP programme of MDI is around for quite some time limited to sponsored PSU managers. The programme is well structured. MDI's brand equity and future potential of the course takes it to the spot.5, even though the focus of the MDIs management is not clear. Further, the number of self-sponsored students is still limited.
(I seem to have more criticism rather than appreciation for many of the B-Schools...)
There have been some reasons behind Great Lakes(GLIM) not branding the program till now as we normally expect from a visinory of stature as big as Kellog's seniormost Indian faculty, who is behind this school and who infact spearheaded MDI's PGP and ISB's program in their initial stages. Watch out for Great Lakes in next couple of years.
The program offered by ISB is no doubt a good one but one needs to think of the retun on investment also. There are candidates even in ISB who land up with packages below 10L and who might find themselves in a not so different financial position after the course because of the high EMIs. If you already have some good exp of over 5-6 years then may be you are sure of getting a good package, and may be then u'll be able to manage your finances.
If we consider the SPjain, IIM, XLRI and MDI 1 yr programs, they require candidates with experience in the order of 5-6 and above.
So what do the 2, 3, 4 year experience guys do? For this segment I feel an institute like Great Lakes should be the best fit. Not as costly as ISB but same international faculty. Good placements.
all the best
Thanks for the valuable advice,I have one more question that,do these colleges provide distant learning for 1 yr MBA as i am working in gurgaon and cannot leave my job.
Can ne 1 tell me more abt SPjain Dubai and XLRI 1 year programmes...?
The program offered by ISB is no doubt a good one but one needs to think of the retun on investment also. There are candidates even in ISB who land up with packages below 10L and who might find themselves in a not so different financial position after the course because of the high EMIs. If you already have some good exp of over 5-6 years then may be you are sure of getting a good package, and may be then u'll be able to manage your finances.
If we consider the SPjain, IIM, XLRI and MDI 1 yr programs, they require candidates with experience in the order of 5-6 and above.
So what do the 2, 3, 4 year experience guys do? For this segment I feel an institute like Great Lakes should be the best fit. Not as costly as ISB but same international faculty. Good placements.
all the best
Hey puys,
Does the GLIMS consider people with work exp in the band of 2-4 yrs? Bcoz I see on the site they have mentioned min 5 years exp for Exec MBA.
What all colleges consider people with 3 yrs exp for Exec MBA full time for 1 year.
Now i see there are few queries with regard to Great Lakes (G.L) so i decided to chip in....
As rightly mentioned by somebody EMBA programe of GL requires min. of 5 years of work ex however if sumbody just have 3years of wrk ex than ideally one shld apply for the full time course.....which i am a part of.
The avg wrk exp in our batch is 3.3 years with people from 1 year to 12 years of wrk exp.....
In case of any doubts u may email us at [email protected]
or visit the admissions thread of G.L at P.G.
I too had less than 5years of wrk exp from service indutsry and was looking forward to a 1 year program which can give good ROI. I think what u pay for a programme is only one part of the cost......the other component is the oppertunity cost which u incur on quitting your job . That is the strength behind the growing popularity of 1 year programmes in India as it factors in Time Value of Money and not jst Money value of time !
The choice should be made after factoring in all these aspects.
ROI from college > Fees of college + Salary of one year
A lot of colleges who are big brands fail to live upto this simple equation and thats why Great Lakes have a bright future ahead.
I am just trying 2 share my view point as i was at the other side of fence one year back and i used these parameters before making a desicion. I dont intend to persuade u puys to apply to GL but i jst wanted 2 voice my opinion. No offense meant 2 ny1!
Cheers n All the Best...
where will the spjain singapore/dubai will find its place..?
I mean, if u look at the curriculum and the course and everything, i guess its pretty impressive.....The selction criteria is also good.
I guess, that institution has a lot potential in the days to come...
Guys , I think u need to now consider IMT's PGDM(Executive) 15 months residential course too in the list ......positioning itself quite well among corporates...last batch's highest pay pkg crossed 20 lacs!!! Current batch has got excellent profile too...most impt thing is that it is recognized by AICTE
Can any one pls help me with the application dead lines for XLRI, IIMs and other 1 yr MBA programs. What is the ideal GMAT score that I need to look into?
How do you compare this programs with a US MBA in terms of job assurance and return on investment?
Hi tarun!
Do all listed Institutes accept GMAT Scores or they have their own Entrance test.
Wats d min. work exp. reuired for B-schools in India.
I feel ISB and SP JAIN Dubai/Singapore have excellent Industry interface and brand name, while GLIM and XL still have a long way to go when it comes to a top One Year MBA program.
I feel XLRI (one year program) has been over-rated here.
The one year MBA in India has come out of the nascent stage...
Now is the time to have a ranking for one year MBA programmes in India.
My guess for the Top 5 Rankings is:
No one can deny the ultimate brand equity of IIMA. The focus of the institute on the programme is too good. Remember the Lalu interaction session was conducted in the PGPX class! This apart from other marketing efforts such as the social responsibility initiatives of PGPX prove the drive of the management. The course is the best designed among all one year MBA programmes. Students get the best of the famed IIMA education combined with good global exposure (International students and International projects). IIMA has actually beaten ISB in the global exposure game. Just one batch is out and IIMA is ahead of older one year programmes at XLRI and ISB.
Some of the publicity gimmicks put up by IIMA are not very dignified. However, visibility at all costs is a must for a programme in its first year of inception.
Two good programmes. But, there is scope for improvement.
The infrastructure and the International exposure at ISB is unmatched. But the effectiveness of the programme and the slim size of the batch at XLRI is a clear advantage. (55 students at XLRI as against 420 cattle-like mass at ISB). ISB is indecently expensive and it can hinder ones career growth. ISB grads are forced to take up high paying jobs rather than the jobs that they like. The global mantra of ISB (fly-by-night professors from US/UK etc.,) falls flat in the face of new reality where the world is looking towards India as the happening place. ( Today, US B-School students want gyan from Lalu!).
Absence of marketing for the GMP course indicates a lack of interest of XLRI management. (I was surprised to know that GMP is older than ISBs programme!) Further, too many contact hours for the GMP at XLRI is also a disadvantage. ISB scores better on this area with more balanced level of contact hours.
The brand name takes it to No.3 but the programme is relatively new. The plus point is that IIMC administration is valuing the one year programme more than the managements of XLRI or MDI. The student response to the first batch is not known to be as good as IIMA. We still need to wait for the performance of the first batch.
No.4 SP Jain
The thrust given to the course by SP Jain Administration at the Mumbai and the international locations is impressive. The placement record is decent. The huge location advantage of being at Mumbai is a plus point. The impact of this programme on the corporate world is fair. The SPJIMR management has a clear direction for the future development of the programme. A steady growth is expected for this course. All said and done the effectiveness is not as good as the top league (IIMA, ISB, XLRI)
The efforts put by GLIMS are excellent but again somehow the impact does not seem to be as much as IIMA/ISB/XLRI. The NMP programme of MDI is around for quite some time limited to sponsored PSU managers. The programme is well structured. MDI's brand equity and future potential of the course takes it to the spot.5, even though the focus of the MDIs management is not clear. Further, the number of self-sponsored students is still limited.
(I seem to have more criticism rather than appreciation for many of the B-Schools...)

Thanks for that one But
Only 5 seems to be a ver narrow list i suppose, If we have some more , even international programs for guys with 3 yrs exp would help
Pls let me know
Rankings are entrenched in popular culture and classifying the products of the free market keeps the wheels for capitalism turning. But you need to take rankings with a big grain of salt
word of mouth