hi guys… i dont know that this information which i m sahring with u is right or wrong…bt just came to know that student of mba from ICFAI are not getting their degrees…(even there is no value of their degree)) means they cant pursue…
hi guys.....
i dont know that this information which i m sahring with u is right or wrong.....bt just came to know that student of mba from ICFAI are not getting their degrees......(even there is no value of their degree)) means they cant pursue their further studies....
jst came to knw that batch of 2005 (passout this year only is still waiting for their degree))
wht abt the current batch and junior batch i dont know.......
is this thing is right that they hv no permission to issue their degree to their students as they filled more student as they hv seats....
pls throw some light on it
Isnt this true about only certain ICFAI colleges and not the main ones??
I dont think things will get that serious for ICFAI... And I havent read this anywhere in the national news...
well friends...i am doing my mba 4rm icfai...2007 batch....well its not true that we r not getting our degree....icfai is registered under various other state also...so wat happens in one state does not have any effect on us...
even i m from ibs 2007 batch from gurgaon and we havent heard anything from the management and yeah icfai is registered not only in chattisgarh univ but also other state univ so whatever happns in one state does not have any effect on the recognition
hi guys.....
i dont know that this information which i m sahring with u is right or wrong.....bt just came to know that student of mba from ICFAI are not getting their degrees......(even there is no value of their degree)) means they cant pursue their further studies....
jst came to knw that batch of 2005 (passout this year only is still waiting for their degree))
wht abt the current batch and junior batch i dont know.......
is this thing is right that they hv no permission to issue their degree to their students as they filled more student as they hv seats....
pls throw some light on it
LOL......Danke for the info

ICFAI National College students in UP are not getting their degree as the univ is affiliated from Chattisgarh . There is huge unrest in the students of various institutes here in UP .
catanalyst SaysICFAI National College students in UP are not getting their degree as the univ is affiliated from Chattisgarh . There is huge unrest in the students of various institutes here in UP .
I thought we were discussing IBS here....My info that I've noted above pertains strictly to the b-school....I got zilch info on the other institutes that they operate !!
Maybe i didn't noticed that IBS was discussed over here . I am sorry for that . But these National colleges also give MBA classes .
LOL......Danke for the infoTo the best of my knowledge, and that means the mails I get from my, like someone said elsewhere, alu muttar ;), the convo is as per schedule in december, like it happens every year....It was in dec the previous year too.....If you consider that as "not having recd degrees", so be it..Its your pick....As for value, I'd rather not get into that debate...The jury is still out on that..In case you've been reading my posts on ibs, I guess you'd pretty much know how i rate the valuation part of a piece of paper
well boss..........dont confident too much abt this......bt i also get this information from my mails....
as far as concern abt degree thing jury is there to solve the matter......bt today itself i got sme info abt all these pvt univ.
1. they cant run out side campus programme other then their mother state...this is wht all these people are doing
2. any pvt univ. if want to admit more then 500 studnets in a particular case then they have to take special permission for that......icfai hyd is having.....750 odd students without any permission.......
3. according to recent ruling of supreme court any university or institute running mba or eng. programme have to take AICTE approval which is not present for the icfai. and even if they will go for that ......AICTE is not going t allow more then 120 students in starting at every centre they have.........so this going to become a trouble for these guys.....
4. AICTE provides approval on certain measure like infra.....library.......lab........faculty on which i will not comment.........
all this which i know ....and the same thing is also apply for AMITY, RAI, NIILM, and other univesities
i like to know more on this issue.........as it is serious concern for the students ....
I am not sure if you've bothered to go thro' the respective web-sites..Nowhere does IBS say that they have anything to do with AICTE...I am not here to sit on judgement on if that is a right choice...Its their call on it....And as long as they are not affiliated with AICTE, I don't really see how any of their stipulations apply in this case....The pvt univ thing is as much mired in politics as it is in legislation....And yes, I'd very much agree with you to the extent that there's loadsa confusion regarding that.. eod, talk to passouts, current students, other b-schoolers who might have had interactions with students of a particular b-school and most importantly the value-add you might have from a course before taking a call on it... :)
Plz Someone From U P Clarify Whether Icfai Colleges In U P Are Getting Their Degree Are Not As I Am One Of Icfai Aspirant.
hi friendz i'm studyg in ibs(2007) n i'm also listening to such a horrible story for d 1st time
infact i talked 2 my seniors de told me its nt d case
SO...STILL 300 STUDENTS 2 BE PLACED IN 109 COMPANIES (total 149 companies confirmed 2 cm dis yr)
65 in icici.....5.5l
25 in hdfc....5.5l ............so on until now avg sal is 5.5
its expected 2 get down in decemeber to 5l
well dear icfai is registered in 3 states only....so the students doing their studies from these 3 states will be eligible for their regular degree.........other will be eligible for distance education degree (((( bt recent decision of supreme court says " no pvt uni can provide off campus studies,here all the centres which are not estb. in the same state where uni is registerd are off campus....................recently in Denik Bhaskar there was a news that student studied in ICFAI , AMITY , RAI in Rajasthan state are liable for their admission on their risk, as govt. already issued this thing that these are not univ. in respective states bt they are only tution centres , which can not run in the states......
now u can ur self judge wht is the status of these univ..
guys just heard that student at ICFAI Universities delhi branch which is situated in qutab area or chhatrpurarea are not getting their mba degree.......as it was affilated to ICFAI dehradoon and uttranchal govt recently passed this order that ICFAI dehradoon cant run their off campus programme........nad stident of this mba course are withdrwing from the course.......pls confirm exactly what is going on ............
and also other icfai centers situated in other states are also affilated to ICFAI dehradun so going to be major pain for the ICFAI students........
guys just heard that student at ICFAI Universities delhi branch which is situated in qutab area or chhatrpurarea are not getting their mba degree.......as it was affilated to ICFAI dehradoon and uttranchal govt recently passed this order that ICFAI dehradoon cant run their off campus programme........nad stident of this mba course are withdrwing from the course.......pls confirm exactly what is going on ............
and also other icfai centers situated in other states are also affilated to ICFAI dehradun so going to be major pain for the ICFAI students........
Hmmm, that's pretty interesting, I haven't slept all night, this post has awakened me. Dear, please specify, is this the ICFAI national college you are referring to or is it the IBS branch. I've heard that ICFAI National colleges in UP are facing such problems. No idea about IBS. Anyway, the IBS branch is currently located at Gurgaon, Haryana, not in Delhi. I was there for the first sem, though dropped out, I haven't heard of any such problems being faced by my ex-classmates.
hi friendz i'm studyg in ibs(2007) n i'm also listening to such a horrible story for d 1st time
infact i talked 2 my seniors de told me its nt d case
SO...STILL 300 STUDENTS 2 BE PLACED IN 109 COMPANIES (total 149 companies confirmed 2 cm dis yr)
65 in icici.....5.5l
25 in hdfc....5.5l ............so on until now avg sal is 5.5
its expected 2 get down in decemeber to 5l
why u urself telling that ur institute is the biggest blunder for teh management edcation in INdia u r saying 300 placed in 40 companies means on an avg 7-8 student per company buddy this implies wht kind of job student of ICFAi are geeting ......coz when mass recu. come companies never come for good profile and good salary and even salary offered by them often variable not the fixed one..........................
and as far as concern abt icici and hdfc...........y peolpe and mba students are happy with getting job of sales executive and by selling credit card and other thing in open market..............
and tell me one more thing is there out really 400 companies who can recr.....mba in INdia
Scorpio_19 SaysHmmm, that's pretty interesting, I haven't slept all night, this post has awakened me. Dear, please specify, is this the ICFAI national college you are referring to or is it the IBS branch. I've heard that ICFAI National colleges in UP are facing such problems. No idea about IBS. Anyway, the IBS branch is currently located at Gurgaon, Haryana, not in Delhi. I was there for the first sem, though dropped out, I haven't heard of any such problems being faced by my ex-classmates.
well any one can clear this thing that IBS affilae dwith which university as it is offering MBA degree throughout the nation with deiffernt studey centers...........claming all the degrees are equal valid....and equal status....
why u urself telling that ur institute is the biggest blunder for teh management edcation in INdia u r saying 300 placed in 40 companies means on an avg 7-8 student per company buddy this implies wht kind of job student of ICFAi are geeting ......coz when mass recu. come companies never come for good profile and good salary and even salary offered by them often variable not the fixed one..........................
and as far as concern abt icici and hdfc...........y peolpe and mba students are happy with getting job of sales executive and by selling credit card and other thing in open market..............
and tell me one more thing is there out really 400 companies who can recr.....mba in INdia
Hi there,
I agree fully with you. As I have quoted unempteen times on this forum, IBS enrolls students by the thousands, when I was at IBS-Gurgaon, the dean at his opening address stated that it was the policy of ICFAI to provide MBA education to as many aspirants as possible on the lines of Harvard and Stanford (These institutes have very large batches). That's where the similarity ends. ICFAI is nowhere close to SYMBI and NMIMS, what to talk of Stanford and Harvard. As I have stated earlier too, it is well nigh impossible to place such large batches, also recruiters at IBS will take students as executives, not management trainees, unlike reputed ins. like XL, and IIMs', which will not let recruiters enter their campuses if jobs are not offered in the form of management trainees (For freshers). ICFAI should stick to providing CFA education which it began in 1987. It cannot provide quality MBA education in its current form, if it persists in enrolling such large batches. Guys, once you are finally selected and join your respective IBS campuses, you will finally realise that what I have been saying all along is true, I'll close this discussion and leave it to you folks to consider this issue with a "pinch of salt".