Hey there fellow DMS junta… I know after our busy schedules of work n fun, we dont really get time to jot down our collective thoughts, but a thread like this can act as a good start to talk about life @ DMS and will also serve another purp…
Hey there fellow DMS junta...
I know after our busy schedules of work n fun, we dont really get time to jot down our collective thoughts, but a thread like this can act as a good start to talk about life @ DMS and will also serve another purpose of enlightening the JMET aspirants.
Well to start with, coming to DMS has led to a complete changeover in my personality. An evidence happens to be the reduced rate of PG'ing (and orkutting ), but thats the initial phase where everyone is too short on time. As we settle, we have learnt to manage everything. The faculty at DMS, IITD is beyond any acknowledgement, coz whatsoever words I use would fall short of the amazing credentials they attach to themselves. Well, i can go on and on on each faculty member, and it would cover up the whole thread 😃 The good thing about the faculty is that they encourage practical learning with a case based approach followed by a term paper at the end of the course which folks have to do in some industry. The assignments and problems open up the brain to innumerable vistas and avenues of learning, and being in a class of around 80% experienced junta has another advantage. Workex of people vary from manufacuring to finance, IT, operations, sales. It gives me immense delight to see that the current batch has people from very diverse backgrounds, and so the learning is wide.
At the end of the day, when classes end, for a moment we feel "ok, lets move on to another set of activities" and yeah they are abound, be it extra curricular, or learning based or organizing events/seminars/guest lectures, the mind can't sleep at all 😃 The seniors are very supportive and the committee action has started in full flow. The batch is full of enthu, be it about the recent teachers' day celebration or heading up for summers. Minors system of examination make sure that we read our books once a month And yeah, the list of activities is garagantuan (I would wait for my batchees to fill in the spaces i have left vacant)
Thats a miniscule snapshot of life @ DMS, I know my batch mates would soon fill up the thread with anything and everything that the life here is about 😃
Well said Rohit...its just like one of those phases where there is so much to learn you dont realise that a day is supposed to have 24 hrs. With everyone trying their hands at different set of activities be it music, games or eating..
Just met a few awesome guitarists around...and the hostel nowadays is becoming quite some place with broken strings and budding guitarists honing their skills. ;)
Lots of nice places to eat around..KLS with its ever economical paranthas and all and a trendy market with baristas for those who manage to manage their funds... (i wont mention hostel food here)..though the sweet dish manages to draw me to mess everyday.
Late night lectures that finish at 12 and still manage to keep everyone in spirit for an all night badminton sprint!!
Add to this the live projects that students are involved in.. giving us a taste of what future holds. The whole environment makes for one awesome experience.
There is so much happening and so many things left to write.
Will keep on adding!! 😃
Took me sooo long to reach here ... well adding to what Mahajan and Chauhan have to say ... we just completed with our second mid terms today ... a marathon 5 day non stop event and even though i got very little of what we conventionally used to call sleep ... i am not missing it !!
Exams ended at 7pm today and classes commence tomorrow at 8 am ... that is what i think is the part of DMS which prepares you for your work life as deadlines and milestones keep approaching and you have to be swift enough to meet them and make use of the opportunities too.
More specifically we have a string of final term project submissions and all are supposed to be live projects done with the industry ... we have big events coming up and the placecom keeps us busy all the time !!! ...
That is all from me for now
Check back this space soon for more ....
Its festival season now with diwali holidays coming up and time to take a breather. Time has just flied as if someone has bewitched the clocks to go faster. Seems as if yesterday i started my mba journey and now months have passed in a blur of studies and fun. In these months here, i have learned more about life and things it bring than i could ever have imagined. Wishing all of u a very happy and prosperous diwali!!
People interested may take a look at the type of events we do at DMS. These are the real stuff that prepare us for the corporate world, and we at DMS are always into conceptualising and realising such events. :)
Do have a look at BII-2006, a mega Seminar on Sustainable Development being organised by DMS on November 4th n 5th.
DMS @ IIT Delhi :: presents :: Building India Inc.'05 :: "SWOT @ 2005"
Registrations have opened! So, hurry up!
After the much needed 10 day vacation we are back in business !! ... I seriously think that this mid term break concept before the final terms really helps us to recharge our batteries and when we come back it is with increased energy and with new ideas to complete all our term work and make that final effort to clear the semester !!
The weather too in Delhi has cooled down and all this makes for a pleasant setting for BII 2006. Awesome event coming up ... with major dignitaries coming to campus, IITD DMS has taken the profitability discussion to a new level ... where everybody else is talking about making money we at DMS look beyond at avenues to create wealth and that is wat sustainablilty is all about.
Naresh has put a link above for you to register ... if you are unable to attend for any reason you can read up all about it in Business Standard.
See you There on the 4th & 5th ...
Read the BII Pre Event Release at the link below:
A great session today!! Interaction with industry people is one of the quickest way to learn things that matter. And it was great to see people at top of their respective professions interacting here. Enthusiasm and response of students was equally overwhelming. Got another great day line up tommorow.
Am sure Gaurav will give the link to complete event afterwards.. 😃
Well said, mate! It was indeed very enriching to be a part of BII today. The lectures by people in the highest posts of their companies do leave you with some rapid value add. The Marketing and Finance Sessions had very insightful presentations, and in the HR session the Operations VP of Coke and the VP, HR of Ernst and Young made it very interactive and involved the audience well. Am sure tomorrow's sessions will be as good as today's 😃
BII 2006... What an amazing experience. It surely portrayed to all of us what a huge learning experience an extracurricular event can be. I call this as learning Management the hard way and am sooo happy and satisfied we all did a good job. All the committees came together to put up a great show. Three Cheers to BII and three more to DMS
Now, the tone in campus has shifted towards Operations, Marketing with the impending term papers, presentations and Majors :new-alie:
All the Best guys... Rock on...
Slog well, this is the other way to learn Management the hard way
u guys posted the pics anywhere?:)
Hey Eddy.. not sure if pics are here with us yet.. courtesy, a professional photographer we had this time!! 😃 will send the link to yahoo album as soon as they are uploaded..
eddy Saysu guys posted the pics anywhere?:)
Hey Eddy, v still dint but i guess they ll b uploaded soon. I ll sure keep u posted!
Hey Eddy.. not sure if pics are here with us yet.. courtesy, a professional photographer we had this time!! 😃 will send the link to yahoo album as soon as they are uploaded..
Hmm, but I am sure that some of you guys must have been carrying digicams...
Why dont you put together some pics and show it as a slide show suring the Alumni Talk function later.... Could also include some scanned pics of previous yrs just to give something new to the exstudents, provided you can find some pics

Hmm, but I am sure that some of you guys must have been carrying digicams...
Why dont you put together some pics and show it as a slide show suring the Alumni Talk function later.... Could also include some scanned pics of previous yrs just to give something new to the exstudents, provided you can find some pics
Hey, sure.. tht will be a great idea.. bringing back some good memories.I will get on with it right now. Unfortunately, none of us had digicams this time.
Pics are here now though, i guess.. Looking forward to meet you at alumni function.
Exams over..finally!!
It was scary to think of our 1st ever mba exams.. but since marks are divided evenly over the entire semester, it was not too tough.
However, giving 2 exams in a day( tht too without any thing called PL tht we r so used to in engineering) was an experience in itself.
And its a month now before next semester resumes..
Most of the people have left for their places for vacation or some short training in industry.. Some resourceful ones are still in IIT doing various projects and other things.
life will resume in full flow in a month...
Exams over..finally!!
It was scary to think of our 1st ever mba exams.. but since marks are divided evenly over the entire semester, it was not too tough.
However, giving 2 exams in a day( tht too without any thing called PL tht we r so used to in engineering) was an experience in itself.
And its a month now before next semester resumes..
Most of the people have left for their places for vacation or some short training in industry.. Some resourceful ones are still in IIT doing various projects and other things.
life will resume in full flow in a month...
Phew! Thats right. Exams over, that reminds me, Swapan dude, when's the party? u know for what?

Rock on,
Phew! Thats right. Exams over, that reminds me, Swapan dude, when's the party? u know for what?As rightly said by Swapan, the whole exam thingie was too much for us, and we badly needed a break, and as i rightfully announce, we earned one
And the results are out, yeh pappu pass ho gaya
But, as it always is, breaks are not meant to last long. Folks are already back in campus coordinating for the placements, and the next big thing at DMS, yeah the fest. Details are available here Parivartan 2007: Ignite.Innovate.Transcend I am sure this time around, we gonna have a rocking fest. Watch this space for more details.
Rock on,
a full month long vacation............its a luxury made possible by DMS !!!!!
Right said Varun.. thts one of the luxuries offered here!!
This is one of the best aspects of DMS..keeping things humane.
We take no pride in sleepless nights or never ending torture..
An MBA is supposed to help in all round development, and this, like every good thing in life comes with a balance..
A balance of academics and extracurriculars, classroom teaching and self exploration, busy semesters and holidays time!!
Rohit buddy.. whole month is a treat!! 😉
And this reminds me of Parivartan!!
check it out here: www.parivartan07.blogspot.com
Within years of conception, Parivartan today is one of the
best B-fests of the country and we are constantly trying to make it
bigger and better. Parivartan has always been embraced by all the
B-Schools across the country with it witnessing participation from all
the major B-Schools. This time around, Parivartan is aimed at providing
the young management prodigies of the country a platform to know,
discuss and debate on contemporary corporate and social issues, and
ignite in them the fire to think and deliver.
Details will keep on coming!!! 😃