Dear MBA aspirants :: , As you are here that means you are already looking forward to join DMS, Pondicherry and have mountains of questions and doubts.Don’t worry, we are here to help you. *Department of Management Studies *came into e…
Dear MBA aspirants,
As you are here that means you are already looking forward to join DMS, Pondicherry and have mountains of questions and doubts.Don't worry, we are here to help you.
Department of Management Studies came into existence in 1986 and is one of the oldest b-schools in India. 27 years of experience in management education is unparalleled. Alumni strength+ including 200+ CEOs and other top level mangers become the icing on the cake.
Books written by our faculties are followed in most of the MBA colleges including IIMs.
For further details please visit
Facilities Modern A/c Class rooms and Seminar Hall
State of the Art Computer Center
Campus with WiFi enabled
Central library with full access to e-journals and e-resources
Comfortable hostels rent free for women
High-tech classes for the MBA Programme
Free transport facilities for students from Puducherry town to University
Unmatched facility of having sea beach at 150 meters from the University gate
Course Highlights Two year full time MBA program with contemporary course ware.
Low fees ( Rs. 68,000 for 2 yrs approx)
Internationally renowned full time doctorate faculties.
All functional and inter-disciplinary specialization opportunities
100% campus placement for all eligible and willing candidates in reputed organizations like TCS, HCL, Satyam, ICICI, Polaris, Oracle, IDBI etc
Annual Industry Institute Interface event (Synapse) conducted by the students
Guest/Adjunct Faculty from Industry, other reputed Indian and Foreign Universities and IIMs
Graduate of any discipline under 10+2+3/4/5 System of any recognized university with a minimum of 50% marks (in part III in the case of Arts and Science degree/in applicable years of study of Engineering or other professional UG degrees).
For SC/ST candidates, a pass is enough. Candidates appearing for final examinations of Bachelors/Post Graduate Degree Examinations may also apply Irrespective of percentage of marks obtained so far (Subject to final results fulfilling the eligibility criteria). Test score of CAT 2012 is mandatory.
For Foreign students, presently studying in Indian Universities and for all other foreign students, submission of GMAT score is mandatory.
Selection Procedure Short-listing based on CAT 2012 score
Group Discussion & Personal Interview, for short-listed candidates
What are you waiting for..start shooting your questions
For all queries we are availaible here 24*7!
What was the cutoff last year?


i want to apply there for my MBA full-time program for the year 2013-2015.. when do you think is the next application form available??????????


sounds good!
@ptapurva2008 @VijayRawat
The placement is 100% every year. Being a central university's department we have different types of reservation here so the average placement package,which is around 4.5l, is not the true reflector of our placement package with 8.5l being the highest for our super senior. The placement for our seniors have started last month so plz wait for few more weeks before we give you the clear picture.
The total intake for your batch will be 120+.
When will the application process start?
hi Puys,

tell me about the fee structure ..and as per my knowledge psu has stopped taking placement.

wt will b expected cut off for obc. just a rough figrue?